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What does gz mean in geocaching Videos

Great Geocaching GZ

FTF "A Revenge Mission" Geocache

User Comments

Ahh FTFs, I love them! I remember i had just started work once, when the caches started getting punlished, there was one maybe 3 KMs away from me, and i had back to back clients for 3 hours straight with no chance of finishing early. i almost cried. I still needed my daily cache to fill in the calander, and went for it later, and saw a giant footprint in the mud in front of the cache, i was saddened to see it, but figured its almost 4 hours later, however the log was empty! Must have been the CO
Haha, it gets our adrenaline going like crazy. One time we had been waiting 45 mins at a restaurant to eat, we had just got our food and took maybe one bite when our phone went off that there was an FTF to be had. So we called the waitress over got/paid our bill in one motion and ate our food as fast as we could to get out in less than 5 mins. Getting the food to go would have taken to long lol....so we made it to the cache and the FTF for our 2nd FTF of the day :D
I'll be looking out for you guys on Jerry Springer next week, lol! :) Loved the action, it really felt like you were part of the hunt. Ironically, I just came home after a FTF find. Me and my caching buddy was just about to start rehearsing with our band when a new cache came out, so we thought there's no way this will stay unlogged for three hours. Well, sometimes the stars aligne and this was that kind of a night :)
Hey in regards to hating the player. I tried once for a FTF for the main hound hadn't found it yet, but darn if the other hound got it 2nd plus the FTF family beat me to it but neither party bothered to log it yet as they had found it 3 days earlier, So that day I hated the players. No FTF's for me yet either, and I don't even try anymore.
Haha we love this video! The adrenal rush you get headed out for a FTF is amazing. It really feels like were there with you guys on the revenge mission. We cant stop laughing about you reading the comments for the cache where they put you on blast. Think a FTF war has been started and the line is clearly drawn in the sand.
I laugh out loud every time I hear your Wah Lah :) As for the revenge post & FTF Mission that's too funny. I feel your pain, there is this one guy in my county that grabs every FTF before I can even get out of the house, I think he has a rocket car or something, plus he has 200+ FTF's all I want is ONE.
I know what you mean, it's a battlefield here for those FTF's. We live in the middle of town so we are always pretty close to most FTF's and that helps more than anything. It was so hard to get our first FTF, we finally got it at a 2.5/2.5 underground cache.
Haha boom baby take that!! No one beats Team Warfare on ftf lol great job guys and love the trash talk..ftf's are highly competive in our area if you're not there within ten mins your too late. We always go for it we have gotten a few so far.
hey, i thought it was found... many hours, middle of the day, and a giant foorprint in the mud, i thought the CO would have been more careful about giving away the correct GZ, but apparently not...
Ha! Don't hate the player! Never had a FTF, then again I don't really try for them with all of the FTF-Hounds in our caching community. Would love to get my hands on one of your pathtags.
We're definitely the Top hound in our town. A few try to compete with us but they usually fail lol.
THANKS! I'm going to have to order some more of mine..they've been going like hot cakes! :D
Haha, great story...you had me all wondering if it was already found lol
Those are definitely the harder one's...congrats on that one! :D

Fun Geocache Hide

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great video


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