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What ijs mean Videos

IJS Meaning

Video shows what IJS means. Abbreviation of "I'm Just Sayin'...". It indicates that the statement which precedes is merely a helpful comment of some kind, and ...

What does Europe mean for you? (under the project United Europe starts in me)

What does Europe mean for you? (under the project United Europe starts in me) Wroclaw, Poland 15-24 of November 2010.

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Sexual Assault & Consent: My Story Involving Tinder

No means no. If you know anyone or yourself has been in a similar situation, please do NOT be afraid to talk about it, either to someone you trust or publicly if ...

User Comments

You have 10 years to press charges. DO IT! Don't let him get away with this shit.
Somewhere in Ur video I agree with u l
+Tom Hambling What retard? 
+Vegan What Now go for it lol
Tera, you are strong for just coming forward and making this video for other people who have been in a similar situation to know they aren't alone. The statute of limitations on rape is 7 years, at least it is in ca, it may be different where you live, but you can still file charges and prevent this guy from ever doing this again to someone else. Regardless of the events that led up to the situation, you did nothing wrong. You clearly said STOP and NO and he heard you and responded in a way that showed he heard your no and had no intentions of stopping. The feelings you had the next day as if you had done something wrong and you didn't want to upset him or lose his friendship or whatever relationship you thought you had is common because he took your virginity. Being raped does NOT make you weak. Police officers, firefighters and people in the military, even men in prison have been raped. It can and does happen to anyone. It's what you chose to do after that defines you.
If you don't want to press charges, that is your right, I would be a hypocrite if I told you that you have to, but since he has a history of doing this to other women, I would strongly recommend it. I also think it would be in your best interest to seek counseling, whether it be private therapy or some type of rape crisis group therapy where you can meet others who've had similar experiences and make friends that you can talk to on a regular basis outside of your paid 1 hour 1 on 1 private counseling. I was raped the first time 14 years ago and the second time 5 years ago and although it gets easier, the pain and fear never fully goes away. But there is hope and you will learn to cope and get your old self back again. Best of luck to you and thank you for being courageous enough to share you story. I'm positive that you have helped many young girls who have had a similar situation happen to them learn to realize exactly what it was that they experienced so they know what to do next.
I had been friends with a guy for several years. I am a lesbian. He had blatantly hit on me several times, in a joking manner, and I always shot him down, again it was always in good fun. He had been to my house several times. I had 4 male roommates and we had a typical party house. One night we were all home and I was getting over a breakup. I was drinking shots and chasing them with strong drinks. I pretty much blacked out. He came over after he got off work at a bar. I don't remember him even coming over. At one point in the night he got me to go to my room with him and the first thing I remember after I blacked out was waking up with him on top of me at 7am. I freaked out and told him to get off me and leave. At first I blamed myself for getting so drunk that I allowed it to happen but then I texted him and he said I was the one that initiated it. I told him a million sober nos doesn't equal a drunk yes. So he finally took accountability and admitted he did in fact rape me.
own mind and body. At that exact point, I could have said yes, and according to my roommates and other people at the party that night, I was not resisting his advances at all and I did in fact lead him into my room. Yes he should have known I was drunk and yes the law does state that when a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol they can't legally consent and yes it's disgusting when men or women take advantage of a drunk person, but I also chose to drink that much. I think I had something like 13 shots of whiskey and 5 very strong cocktails within 4 hours. It was also not my first time being raped and I did report the first one and saw no justice and I felt like the way I handled it on my own, I received more justice for myself than putting it out there publicly and ruining the lives of 3 innocent children.
I was so embarrassed and didn't want anyone to know, especially because we had a very large group of mutual friends, including my ex, that I made a deal with him. As long as he never said anything to anyone about it, I wouldn't press charges. That was 5 years ago and he has still never said a word. The statute of limitations is 7 years and I have lost touch with all but maybe 3 of our mutual friends, but he still has 2 years to keep his mouth shut and it would be in his best interest to do so because he has 3 beautiful babies and his baby mama is a dead beat. He is in a healthy relationship and he has never done this to another girl before or since me. I think it was more about him bagging a lesbian. I know people will think I'm stupid for not reporting it but I don't think his children should be punished for our actions and I do say our because I feel I should take accountability for the fact that I allowed myself to drink that much and get to a point where I wasn't in control of my
Girls 101 .. When a girl says no it can also mean yes & maybe you have to listen to the body language and i think you sended out the wrong signals, or he maybe wasen't verry good at reading them. next time try to push him away if that doesent help scream
+JJonathan Whenever I say no, I MEAN no.
TICKLE SPOT, LOL/HAHAHA I whould do it too
+Zoe MooreDid you actually finish listening to her story? If so, you're basically saying you're a rapist too. Gross.

ruairii vs. cibi

User Comments

I no Ive commented, but I actually love this video.. Sucha good dancer man.. Actually soo proud to be in the same crew as you.. Street Inspiration - Hardstyle Republic UK - Locky
Polish league? HR? LOL XD So nice shufflin Ruairii, keep goin! Guy in black hood - can't RM XD NPTE/HF/Kuciu
fucking Amazing
Ruairi wins that was class but yahs were both really good :P
Ruairi Wins By far looked like a good meetup :3
This is Good Lads:) Fair play:) IJS - Rookie
Cibi sine when r u in HR ?? HR/IJS/KI ciaran
RUAIRI!!!!!!!! you sexy mofo.. well done
that boy cibi is shit, Rurai
thanks alot bro!


Evil Elsa is plotting to get rid of Elsa by using Anna. What will happen next? Like this video if you want to see more! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM!

User Comments

I like. your. vídeos
what muisc in the intro ???
I love it can you make a new one
Immortals by Fall Out Boy
elsa sounds werid. that's is not her vocic
Clawdeena tried their best.
A little boy playing with girl dolls. Dats gayyy
Fuck. You. People have their own opinions. Now go fuck yourself.
+icollectdollsaj *high fives*
+Rakari Brown Maybe because you're old fashioned, sexist, close-minded and you have a fragile masculinity. 
+Heaven Hamilton nah, I'm a man, I don't play with dolls made for little girls.
+Rakari Brown *That'sIt's only gay if he wants to suck dicks.
+Rakari Brown your gayyy for saying ha gayyyyyy

IJS update and dedication.

User Comments

May i ask which adam is this dedicated to?:) Also a great video Ruairi, Keep up the good work, also nice edit:D See you on the 28th
song name please Gettin better BTW P.I.H // N.I - Ethann
go on save,Conor here btw :P

Live Forever (DJ James Yammouni FT. Faydee) IrishJanoSquad Version

so I made a little flipagram a long while ago full of some of our memories in IJS to appreciate them 12 girls, I can never thank the janoskians enough for bringing ...

J programming language - browsing locales with cobrowse.ijs

The addon named gui/util/cobrowse.ijs is very easy to use to see the definition of nouns, verbs, adverbs, and conjunctions, and the filenames of locales.
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