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What html stands for Videos

2 HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language

The HyperText part refers to the fact that HTML allows you to create links that allow visitors to move from one page to another quickly and easily.

FREE HTML Tutorial - Beginner Level - lesson #1 Introduction to HTML - ttutorial

Hi, dears, in this video,"ttutorial", gives you an idea on what is HTML?, HTML stands for, Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML The language for building web ...

How to Build a Website #1 - Introduction to HTML [Basics/Tutorial]

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and it is basically made up of 'tags'. HTML is essential to know how to use and work with in order to create any ...

HTML Lesson 1 - How HTML works on the Internet

HTML is a Language to Structure a Web Page. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. See where HTML fits into the big picture in the Client Server Model ...

Hypertext Markup Language [HTML]

Links: //www.youtube.com/hotnoob //www.w3schools.com What HTML Stands for: Hypertext Markup Language Disclaimer: I do not like people "Hating" ...

User Comments

Ah, reminds me of when I first started with HTML back in the Angelfire & Geocities days =). Keep on learning HTML and CSS, start getting to know your way around Javascript (jQuery specifically) and PHP and you'll be a startup webdev in no time. Good luck!

HTML Virgin - Intro to HTML

//codebabes.com/courses/html-virgin Welcome to the CodeBabes HTML virgin course. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and is the underlying ...

User Comments

Whatever you're trying to do here, it is disgusting. Maybe have these girls wear real clothes that won't scare girls away from the video and advocate higher amount of women coders. That's what we need now, girls who code.
+CodeBabes washing powder ads also objectify women as domesticated. nobody makes a fuss about that. what about those images showing models in business suits and glasses. that is playing to a male fantasy.
+CodeBabes I wasn't aware that 10 year olds could pay adult models to teach people how to code. This is the weirdest arrangement I've ever come across.
+Daniel Grooms who cares? Since when is it our job to do any of that? Go ahead and start your own channel. Pretty sure most normal girls don't give a shit about this and find it mildly amusing. I.E. not SJW fucktards.
Jesus christ this is awful. Just pick up a damn manual and figure this out for yourselves.
+Jonathan Favorite manuals are no fun :(
Asked myself why all the dislikes then I remembered only nerds could dislike boobs...sigh, so depressing. If the video has 0% quality or was completely wrong I'd agree with the hate but seriously? It teaches some basics, it works.
+CodeBabes True, I mean if one was interested in modeling, photographying hot babes and stuff he'd probably avoid sitting behind a monitor the whole day writing text on the screen.That being said, and considering I'm a web designer/photographer myself, I love coding AND hot girls so seeing people finds the combination of the two weird...well, it feels wrong. I mean, I'm pretty sure even the nerdiest dude on the world doesn't dislike girls ;) keep up the great work and congrats with the girls, they're all stunning!
Hey Andre!  We love the discussion and you make some amazing points :). The juxtaposition of very attractive girls teaching technical info does create a lot of inner conflict for people.  CodeBabes is hot, charismatic babes teaching stuff, better than just parading around in something like the Victoria's secret show.To expand on your last statement, yes, the majority of people shouting and disliking were male, probably of the more nerdy type.  We guess they want to make their beliefs on social issues known because there is a lot of pressure in the tech community to do so.It's unfortunate that the loudest people get to set the talking points in the tech industry,  because overall it's a very accepting and tolerant place.  Although a little sexually repressed ;) obviously!
Oh and sorry for the wall of text, I realized it was this long too late eheh :)
+CodeBabes Thanks for replying and yes, I agree with you :) I mean, I'm not saying boobs > nerds but one thing I can relate to is that most of my "normal" friends(because you're either tech-savvy or "normal", which most of the time means tech-dumb) dislikes the image of the nerd, computers, coding and stuff because whenever they see this world they have this image(which is mostly true) of long haired, over weight old guys sitting in front of their computers talking a weird language when they're in the "real" world(which actually works with all this technology behind but it doesn't mean they shouldn't communicate).In this channel a thing I clearly saw so far is basic code, which is something good for starters to decide if they enjoy it or not, and boobs which is 100% more appealing than your average nerd(sorry Wozniak!).Not only that, but some of my female friends thought "Wait a minute, a girl can be THAT hot AND intelligent/tech-savvy?". That's something new, as I said it's different and imho it works.I'd rather bash the fashion industry for making girls look like dolls promoting a sick image for the sake of nothing(well, beauty, but that's not something you can drive the world with) instead of one of the very few different channels when it comes to teaching coding(along with Treehouse teaching in a kids-friendly way).Last but not least, girls finding this offensive(if there's any behind all the nerds shouting this is bad) shouldn't even be taken into account: the fact they think you shouldn't show boobs so much to explain concepts further prooves we're still living in a males driven society: if a girl wants to be intelligent AND sexy she can do wathever she wants, period.
+AndreCorner amen, couldn't have said it better :) Thanks for the support! P.S. I think nerds like boobs A LOT, they just don't want anyone to know because then they'd be labeled something like 'douche' or 'misogynist'.
My penis and academics don't mix. This is a really bad combo. I'm going back to learning HTML from old women with sagging titties so I'm only focused on coding lol.
+CodeBabes Oh, no. There has been a misunderstanding lol.
If anybody knows any GILFs we'll line up a shoot.

What is HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

Learn free html tutorials in urdu and hidni by it-hungama Part 2

HTML is stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language used for making web pages using CSS and PHP. HTML is initial and basic course for {{web designing}}.
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