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What helps Videos

What helps when you have bipolar disorder?

Staying well with bipolar is a guide based on the research conducted by Rethink Mental Illness. It is based on the personal experiences and learning of 32 ...

User Comments

check out the book surviving college with bipolar disorder on amazon. it has a lot of advice for things that help you when you have bipolar disorder
Good video very interesting thank you x

Naturally Boost Testosterone? What Helps and What Hurts

//www.jeffdentonfit.com | Can you boost your testosterone levels naturally? In this video I talk about what testosterone does in the body, touch on ...

User Comments

yep I need this video did a steroid cycle last year and my natural t is definetly lower than what it was but fuck it it was worth it
+hasan atik thank you 
+Mr S 1986 Im a doctor and I cant believe that this information slipped my mind. Thanks a lot! Did you ever tried Vunatia testosterone handbook? The results are unbelievable! Find it on google.

Lifestyle Changes, What Helps PMS And PMDD?

Dr. Dunnewold explains the lifestyle changes that can help with severe PMS or PMDD. For more information on PMDD visit ...

"Getting it all done" - What helps my family

Jeni (candidmommy) did a Q&A video about getting it all done so i wanted to share some of my tips on how we get things dong around my house. This is our ...

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I just watched a video on one of these and it was way over the top, it had EVERYTHING in it... this one seems doable and makes sense :) I'm not that into files, so I was thinking of putting two lists on the inside of the food cabinet door. one would say what we have, when did we get it and where it is, the other would be a shopping list (which I actually already have).
@silkyhairtips I am pretty sure that the calendar printable were just ones that were on microsoft office word that they had as templates. And the menu planner I made by cutting vinyl backwards and putting it on the inside of a picture frame so we can write on the glass and erase it :)
Thank you for some great ideas! Your little girl is gorgeous, I love the way she pops up at the end, bless her :) You are so right about getting the "scripture study" done first thing, sets the whole tone of the day. In the UK, we call it Quiet Time or QT.
Very helpful! Btw, I don't get how in the U.S people have dinner at 5 or 6pm. In my country that is sooo early, we have a different kind of meal at that time (like a second breakfast), and dinner is usually at 10pm. It's really confusing. hehe
i love how organized you are. your daughter is absolutely beautiful!! im making a binder now and its just my husband and i. its gonna be a small one but i guess itll be good to already know how to do everything once the kids come along lol
hey i loved how people have them set up i was watching and i thought ur food inventory slot in the binder was awesome . is there was you could post how u came up with that and where u found the length of time stuff should be in there.
@randv213 lol If you only knew!! This is like the only part of my life that stays organized :) But it does help my life stay a little more organized!! But in NO WAY does my whole life or house look as organized as my binder does :)
You Betcha!!! I have to make sure I take care of myself spiritually first thing in the morning or else I wont be able to find the time once the kids gets up. Its such an important time of my day! Cant function without it :)
@Kellyalwayscares I didnt do it all at once so it is hard to tell. I just started adding them as i found the need for them! I am TOTALLY not organized usually... so this is my way to help keep myself organized!
I actually dont have the templates. I got them all off of different websites. I am sorry :( And I have heard of flylady! My mother in law is always talking about her. I havent really checked her out yet though!
This is so helpful to me in so many areas! THANK YOU for taking the time to share this with us!! How old is your little Maeli? My daughter, Lillian Skye, is 18m right now. Mommyhood is such a gift :)
You are welcome! Im so glad that it could be helpful!! Maeli is gonna be 3 in a few days. They grow too fast! Mommyhood IS a gift! You are soooo right.
Where did you get your pages of of food storage that list what and how long it lasts?!? I totally went and got myself a binder after watching this :)
Love the tabs! Definitely inspiration for organized living. Love your idea for food inventory - very often canned/frozen food is forgotten. Great job!
I would also like to know where you got the "pantry freshness lists" that tell how long you should keep different items? Thank you, nice video. :-)
@onceuponthemoon19 Ya know... I am not 100% sure But i think it might have been from deals to meals dot com under the downloads sections
Cold u send me any pages out of your binder you would be willing to share and any cleaning schedules. Thanks [email protected]
I hope you dont mind, Im gunna share this video on my Facebook page so some of my friends can see it, cuz I think its so amazing!
look online for free print outs like money saving mom.com or mead.com google it and you will find what layout best works for you
Do you have a link or a website that I can find the calendar you used in the first section?
Thank you!!! I have scrap-booked in the past but haven't found time to do it in a long time!
@footballgirl84 Thank YOU :) And you are welcome! lol! It sure helps to get things done :)
@randv213 Thanks!! You are welcome to share! I hope it helps you and your friend out!!

Aphasia - What Helps? (3mins) film by www.florentia.co.uk for Dyscover

A group of post-stroke folks supported by the The Dyscover charity, discuss what they find helpful when interacting with others, because of their aphasia ...

User Comments

Excellent video! For those with arrhythmia problems please visit: www.surreyasg.co.uk

What helps you #riseabove?

Shaun turned to music as his positive outlet. What helps you #riseabove? Tickets for Rise Above Fest featuring Avenged Sevenfold, Seether, Motorhead and ...

You know what helps?... SOME DICK | HuniePop #2

Tiffany, baby, stop playing hard to get. Get 3% off by using my discount code "G2AMae" -- //bitly.com/G2AMAE Subscribe for more awesome videos!

User Comments

you said you need d, i go some for your pretty ass
lol your stupid
You said you have some d for her pretty ass. D meaning Dick and ass meaning ass. Altogether this means that you want to basically have sex with her. Molester much
I dont see where in the comments, you find that i molest people you stupid twat!
Oh oops, I guess I wasn't to clear earlier... YOUR A FUCKING MOLESTER!!!
OH shit, my bad dude i meant, "i GOT some.."
Ok dude, WTF?
Mae: I only have $38 *go out to eat* Waiter: what will you be having this fine evening? Aiko: I'll take the steak Mae: I'll just have a water
+MissesMae (rich snobby voice) obviously bugs bunny
Expensive ass food! Who pays $400 for carrots??
i wanna fuck missesmae so bad
+LOL WUT thanks for sharing
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