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Which knuckles do you punch with Videos

What Knuckles Should You Punch With?

GET MORE FIGHT TIPS▻//full.sc/1bsPRTI You asked "What knuckles should I punch with in a fight?" and here's my answer. My opinion on what knuckles to ...

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I lost my temper and through a wild right hook at a wall, fracturing my pinky knuckle. Then, whilst I was still under the influence of adrenaline and anger I put the same hand through a TV, breaking the knuckle further. Hurt pretty bad once the adrenaline had worn off; I had to take ages off the gym; and I couldn't use my hand for around a month. So yeah, you either learn and make no mistakes, or you learn from your mistakes!
+Ka Ko I did a deadlift about 6 months ago and with a deadlift if I do it with half-assed motivation my back starts to hurt (apparently due to strain on joints). So this time I was in this relaxed state of mind and took about half of my usual 20 reps weight. My back started to ache but instead of listening to the body I got angry and was all like 'fuck this stupid back I'm gonna continue despite the pain after all it's only half my usual weight'. I ended up damaging my back - for a month I wasn't even able to bend down to tie my shoes or do any training and I still can feel some pain 6 months later.
how can you punch evenly with all four knuckles when your middle knuckle is bigger and sticks out farther, you either have to hit with 1st and second knuckle like in karate or hit with middle, ring and pinky like jack dempsey says to do and also bruce lee. Dempsey said aim for third finger hit, he was referring to it your ring finger.
+Tommy H He was VERY specific in saying WITH BOXING GLOVES.  The boxing gloves even out the force across all of your knuckles making it unlikely that you will injure any specific knuckle.  He went on further to explain that without gloves he "recommends" palm strikes.  The primary reason he recommends punching in this way is because it focuses on the strongest wrist position since the individual knuckles are no longer as important as they would be in bare handed fighting.IF you are a boxer and find yourself in a street fight it is very important that you use palm strikes, elbows, and knees.The reason you DON'T want to throw a punch if your a boxer (besides being less likely to cause injury to yourself) is because you are NOT going to be able to switch off your training.  Palm strikes will keep your brain focused on the fact that this is not a box match.  Plus its more likely to cause damage to mouth nose area which can cause enough pain to make the attacker unable to focus on attacking.Anyways if you don't ever box with gloves then you don't have to worry about what he was saying and even if you do box with gloves for the same reason that what he is saying is true it really doesn't matter a whole lot if you stick to your existing training since again the glove distributes the force quite well.If you stick to something other than what he said and ever injure your wrist well...I wouldn't use his technique if you think you would ever be caught in a situation where your life depended on your hands and you refuse to do palm and elbow strikes.
at school i threw a punch at this guy, right? and my pinky like moved out of place and it is still like that? did i break it?
I hope not well did u win the fight?
Shane, im coming up with my own fight style and i want to have it well known. Do you have any tips?? Please reply
Fuck all theses negative people believe in yourself and accomplish your dream! I believe you will make it just work hard and dedicate yourself to it... Maybe one day if your new martial art is good enough everyone would want to learn it including me
+Griffith It's cute how you insult someone with a different thought process as yours but you don't want others doing it....
+Viktir666It was not meant to insult you but rather to make you reflect on the stupidity of your comment.
+Griffith Did you really think that you had a great insult to the point of where you actually typed that after thinking it up? Are you good at art? You're definitely not a left brain thinker.
+Christian Burch LOL don't get so mad on the internet. Learn to laugh a bit.
+Viktir666 dude, do you have a problem. We can easily fix it
+Viktir666 Stupidity's mother called, she wants you back.
Some people from 1980 called, they want their haircut back.
+Christian Burch Hey kid, For the most part people have their own opinions. People are gonna say you cant, but if you prove to be a fighting genius, you can prove wrong. I assume you're talking about having a distinctive style with the arts you know. Creating a new martial art can be quite difficult and if you practice jeet kune do, then it would kindof defeat the purpose. Its safe to say, after bruce lee, there will be no more and it would just come down to how you practice. Be formless, shapeless. Perfect practice makes perfect.
+quietstorm1977 thanks man, i really appreciate it
+Christian Burch Do what you want kid dont let other people impose their limitations on you if someone tells you,you can't then you definately can.
+GA Miki97 says who?
I'm not doubting your abilities since I don't even know you but I don't believe anybody could come up with anything anymore that is truly unique. You could take all of the practical moves and methods from any martial art and somebody would be doing it already. Instead focus on your own progression and teach method, not style.
+fightTIPS thanks man, love your videos
+Christian Burch Just be open minded, and learn as much as possible from other established styles first. It is a life-long journey.
+Christian Burch You need to prove yourself in fights if you want to get it known.
+Christian Burch I'm sorry, but its the right thing to do for other people on the internet to be as harshly critical on this like GA Miki is doing. Just "coming up" or developing a new style is like making a new genre of music. Just cause you're a music fanatic, composer, artist, etc for many many years, you cant just come up with a new genre because you want to.Same with martial arts. If you feel like there is something beneficial, and something innovative with what you learned that you can put together, sure go for it and see how it comes out. But you can't just combine knowledge to make wisdom.Also, don't phrase it as a fight style. Martial Arts and sport fighting is for health, fun, and self defense.
+Christian Burch Boy I wont care any of your shit any more you make me angry with youre naivity. Do whatever you want but please shut the fuck up
+GA Miki97 dude, how are you going to try and tell me what to do and first of all, bruce was happy with what took so long and the amount of dedication to make his dreams come true.
+Christian Burch He did. (being famous doesent mean you have your wanted life, its very hard to be famous, you are a naive lil kid you should go back and play with lego cuz Im getting angry, please stop being stupid , kid
+GA Miki97 actually, he didnt because he became famous,wrote books,acted in movies,and also teached people self defense.
+hieu401 You are totally right!!!!
+Christian Burch You have to give up your life! Bruce DID!!!
+hieu401 well, i also do jui jitsu, wrestling, boxing, and i am starting ninjutsu in the summer. I have never lost a fight and i really want to teach people respect and self defense.
+Christian BurchHow much experience? Which dan? Other sports besides those two? Why do you want to create your own style?And most important of all, before you want to teach others, you should look at yourself first. You should develop your own style first before teaching others. A style you feel comfortable with, something that goes with you.To do so, the best you can do is to have a wide range of martial arts knowledge, study some other sports. Maybe there are other things that might suite you.Don't be too close minded, only knowing 2 styles doesn't mean you know everything, there are many more techniques with their own principles and point of view.Judging purely from your foto (lol), you are still young, you still have a lot more to discover, don't rush things, just try to work on yourself, get your own style and the rest will come later.These are only my thoughts, there probably will be people who'll disagree completely, but yeah...
+GA Miki97 actually, you dont have to give up your life, look at bruce lee
It'll take many years of hard work(very Very VERY hard work!!!) You have to give up your life and live for this and the succsess is not garenteed I think its not worth it
+GA Miki97 thanks man, but i think im just going to keep coming up with it as i grow up, maybe it will get famous sometime
+Christian Burch Youre a kid, deal with kid stuff not coming up with your own fight style. You wont succeed so young
+GA Miki97 who you talkin to? And it us cut, thats just an old pic of me
+Griffith i have mastered martial arts, in Jeet Kune Do and Karate, i have been training since i was 6 years old
+Christian Burch What are you, 15 years old? Have you mastered any martial arts? Those kinds of things are not done randomly.
+Griffith actually, no im not kidding
Are you kidding? You must be kidding...

How to Punch Harder | Bare Knuckles vs Gloves | Wing Chun vs Boxing

Wing Chun vs Boxing. Bare Knuckles vs Gloves? How do you punch harder with bare knuckles. We discuss the idea of the short distance power, how it is ...

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Sifu to develope more power should one work on the long bags as well as the wall bag as u demonstrated thxs
I agree with Onder I like using a heavy bag for practicing moving and hitting with power and the wallbag to delevop the weight in the hands so basically hit from a stationary position (wall bag) and hitting more dynamically using footwork ,ranges (heavy bag)
I generally find the bag to be great for developing power while moving. The wallbag doesnt promote it as much but the 2 methods compliment eachother well.
Good question. As a general rule the Wing Chun wallbag is better for short distance power because you can really focus on closure of the fist and contraction. Having said that you can use contraction power on a heavy bag. ain fact it is more 3 dimensional allowing you the ability to penetrate deeper into the heavy bag with your Wing Chun strikes. Overall, use both, but for different aspects of developing the power of your Wing Chun short distance punches. Thanks for watching.
Do you teach fighting on ground? In my class on upper levels people learns to fight on the ground as well
+TheAgentKit We don't teach ground fighting as part of the Wing Chun system, but we do have a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu team that train diligently in ground fighting and grappling. It does compliment Wing Chun.
Sifu I have a question: I have a wall bag which use for conditioning and practising punching every week, but I can't seem to generate enough power. You mentioned sinking as you punch and contraction and the movement of hip. Are all these factors combined required to generate power?
That's great Sifu. You mentioned turning training - please elaborate. Is there a video that covers this, or will there be one in the near future?
+Kashif Amin Essentially yes. If you can combine these differing elements with speed you should be able to generate sufficient power in your wing chun technique. Our basic video on wall bag training should help you (see https://youtu.be/iDnY8zdnb6g) to focus on the differing factors such as quick closure of the fist, dead weight in the hands, and speed/contraction in the Wing Chun chain punch. We discuss this in the video. Have you considered turning training?
Do you have a branch in Manchester?
+Lord Funface The Atomic Toaster Unfortunately not we're based in London, but our parent organisation the UK Wing Chun Association has branches throughout the country including the Midlands.

Five Finger Death Punch - White Knuckles with Kids On Stage @ Freeman Coliseum, San Antonio, TX

Five Finger Death Punch @ Freeman Coliseum - San Antonio TX on the Trespass America Festival 7-27-12.

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These kids shouldn't have been there in the first place. Ivan's not gonna censor himself at his concerts because kids are present. Those kids have questionable parents if they allow them to attend a heavy metal concert with 6 screaming, cursing bands onstage performing in front of a drunk, stoned, moshing and crowd surfing audience. Don't blame the band, blame the parents, because this kind of shit WILL HAPPEN at heavy metal concerts.
you fucking dumb fuck and I don't even drink so shut your fucking pie hole if you don't know shit you dumb fucking bastard and just because he hears the cussing and I cuss like crazy does not mean he does it I know I have raised my boy right and he has respect for others so you can kiss my white ass and get a fucking life and butt out of how others live theirs you useless son of a bitch
Considering that many if not all of these kids have heard worse in their households, listening to this is probably the greatest feeling they'll ever have at a concert. Wish my parents would've taken me to an Ozzy, Metallica or Megadeth concert when I was growing up. . .would've made my childhood a lot less boring!
Fuck you You senseless fuck, for one I am a parent who has my son at every 5fdp concert because he loves the band and every time I take him there are nothing but respectful people around us who help him and make sure he don't get hurt so not everyone there are drunks
I dont care what anyone has to say and I dont care what people think of me taking my kid Ido what I want to do and no one can judge me and I will continue to takeee myson to every 5FDP concert and what other one he wants to go to
Excellent response 8ofC. Totally agree with you about the parents' responsibilities. Also agree that Ivan ( or anyone ) does not have to censor himself during a live show. Freedom of Speech / Freedom to Rock!
they were my first rock concert it was them avatar and in flames i Shreveport Louisiana they were awesome oddly enough the show right after mine was the one were they "broke up" or whatever
I'm a Hard Rock fan. This is sad. These poor kids look like a group of mindless zombies hypnotized by shit like this. The cursing in front of kids is uncalled for also.
Oh my virgin ears (not!) You should use a few obscenities in your posts Dolores they turn me on...and btw you sound a tad manic.
i think you should calm down ma'am from the looks of it you could very well be a very bad parent. going off the handle so easy
those kids wanted to do it. who cares? atleast they dont listen to music talking about fuckin bitches and doing drugs
That's what i love about metal, the respect, the honor, the unwavering loyalty.
Dolores, were you the mom of the only kid who didn't flip the bird?

BO2 Zombies: How to Pack-A-Punch Galva Knuckles!

Founder(as far as I know) //www.youtube.com/user/ChaosRain77.

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I tried pap galvaknuckles on survival(got m14, ditched both guns in pap machine). I couldnt pap it so im guessing its only on tranzit
This DOES not affect the power, BUT if you DON'T Pack-A-Punch it the Galva Knuckles or Bowie Knife can knife faster.
when he buys it its called zombie tazer galvernukes and that after he pack a punches it
i sold my youtube em0joke for 300 bucks so cant join lol over 25 mill views boi
does it do something? more power in high rounds or something like tha??
how did u have pack a punch pistols if u had to build pack a punch
and the founder will be in the description bullshit
The fridge is how he got the pack a punch pistols
he might have stored in the refrigerator (BR)
Like the pack a punched galvanuckels
im still trying to find him dipshit
Put some bass in ure voice son!

Five Finger Death Punch - White Knuckles | Live in Sydney | Moshcam

For exclusive Moshcam content, click here to SUBSCRIBE: //moshc.am/MoshcamSubscribe To watch the full Five Finger Death Punch concert, click here: ...

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So not an alter bridge cover? Well I'm outta here
+Chris Nicole dude I was already gone. Why did u call me back?Smh
+TCt83067695 alter bridge get out now....
LOL! i got that, hardcore ab fan here

Knuckle Puck - Pretense

Merch: //riserecords.merchnow.com/catalogs/knuckle-puck iTunes: //smarturl.it/kp-copacetic I'll take it inward so no one sees, while you find slumber on ...

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Ca i subscribe aagain?
+Justin Lukas Nope
so much love for Pop Punk...my goodness, TSSF and KP new albums are sex to my ears.
Yea same also really digging what I've heard of neck deep and state champs' new albums
I think it's about the aftermath of a relationship. The girl was overbearing, self-aware of her beauty. She was also spineless and wore a mask (figuratively speaking). So he leaves her "in the dark with a broken flashlight" and then she plays the blame game, saying he was the one who never stuck around. He tells her, "Consider this a repercussion of the actions which you were never properly punished for due to an overbearing demeanor brought on by your own self-awareness. Your credibility is a half-empty glass of salt water that I watched you spill over and over and over again. Go ahead, make me the bad guy." That explains why he left, and that he knows she's full of shit (no credibility), and the last sentence is sarcastic. He then says he's giving her time to reflect, and she can call him back- or not. This song means a lot to me, I've been in that very situation where my ex said a lot of things about me behind my back that weren't true. I'd been left with a "choice and a pretense" and my choice was to leave her. She was always making me chase and I tried to be there for her, but go ahead, make me the bad guy. P.S. This song can also be about a father and son relationship. Just depends on your perspective. Hope this helped.
I personally thought it was about a kid talking about his dad/father figure
+TheAudibleGasp +1 Hey, some people were having trouble deciphering the lyrics. :)
+ToastyPillowsack no shit
I'm not really grasping the meaning of the lyrics just yet. They are well written, but anyone know what he's talking about? Sick song though haha
I felt it as a dad thing but that may just be me lol
I was leaning toward the father/son relationship, especially because in the first verse when he says "I taught myself things you never did," I imagined it was because his father (or mother) left when he was younger, and then during the chorus when he says "how dare you guilt me for not sticking around..." It seems that parent is trying to reach out to him and he is not so welcoming to it.
+MattMosca17 I think it's about the aftermath of a relationship. The girl was overbearing, self-aware of her beauty. She was also spineless and wore a mask (figuratively speaking).So he leaves her "in the dark with a broken flashlight" and then she plays the blame game, saying he was the one who never stuck around. He tells her, "Consider this a repercussion of the actions which you were never properly punished for due to an overbearing demeanor brought on by your own self-awareness. Your credibility is a half-empty glass of salt water that I watched you spill over and over and over again. Go ahead, make me the bad guy." That explains why he left, and that he knows she's full of shit (no credibility), and the last sentence is sarcastic.He then says he's giving her time to reflect, and she can call him back- or not. This song means a lot to me, I've been in that very situation where my ex said a lot of things about me behind my back that weren't true. I'd been left with a "choice and a pretense" and my choice was to leave her. She was always making me chase and I tried to be there for her, but go ahead, make me the bad guy.P.S. This song can also be about a father and son relationship. Just depends on your perspective. Hope this helped.
Anyone get like a Set Your Goals vibe from that second verse?
+Jacob Riggs That explains why I like this song so much.
i do haha very set your goals +Jacob Riggs
Unrelated but I got a major league feel on the vocals at the beginning of the song before that one dude left major league
Kp > tssf
+Paolo Bondoc glad both exist :D
+javier flores kappa
+Paolo Bondoc EleGiggle
+ninjalemurdude can't agree more
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