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Which lumia is the best Videos

Nokia Lumia 1520 Review THE BEST

I officially sold my Nokia Lumia 920 and bought the phablet of all phablets.

User Comments

I currently own an HTC One M9... but definitely getting a 1520 the 950XL is a beast but the on screen buttons turned me away big time since I have on screen keys on my m9 device but 1520 is still a gorgeous phone even in today's time plus the whole spec race thing means nothing about now as long as its smooth been dreading Android for months miss my windows phone experience big time
+tedahwooga thanks I'll go to Microsoft and give it a try
+‫إلياس الدوسري‬‎ I actually really like the onscreen buttons, the black levels are so deep on the 950 that you cant even tell they are onscreen. they disappear on certain instances too. its hard to explain but just check it out in person if you can its really beautiful
I know this is an older video but I have a question. Did you happen to experience the "ghost touch" issue where that the screen loses touch recognition? I have a 1520 as well but too small portion of screen started to lose responsiveness. Still have this 1520? For sale?
+troesplain no I never had that issue, ive sold it already. was a great phone overall, a little too big for my taste though
Do you still recommend this phone? Currently considering to get one? Any thoughts? Would like to get your input please. Thank you
+Abu Layla Yasin I have my Lumia 1520 .. As a lumia user for 4 years? I highly recommend you should get one! 1520 is the best!!!
Are you still using your 1520? Do you think Windows will make another one in 2015? 
+Jo Johnson Microsoft are assholes for discontinuing this gorgeous device
I'm totally all android! Thinking of coming over? What third party android apps can i use on the 1520? And what about my gmail accounts and web browser?
+MyProject13 1520 allows you to log in into your google account. No need to worry
Maaaad review :D I've GS5 but I want to go back to Nokia! so this one 1520 or 1020? what do you think? and how was the battery on the 920? thank's
+tedahwooga thank's! I'll go with a black 32go.
+Issam Benammar my 920 battery sucked it always over heated in all honesty. But hands down go with the 1520
nice review! still using it?
+tedahwooga yay! :) cool thx man
I've been getting lots of request for that, I will do that and give you a shot out lol
+tedahwooga cool! would be nice to see a "whats on my lumia" video from you :)
I sure am

Nokia Lumia 1520 Review! (Best Windows Phone?)

Is the Nokia Lumia 1520 the best Windows Phone out? Watch to find out. With its 6" 1080p display, Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 Processor with 2GB of RAM, ...

User Comments

Are snapchat, vine, BBM and Myfitnesspal available on windows phones? And can you send a video in whatsapp? coz i heard you cant (sorry for my bad english)
+arsenaly9 Vine is availale on Windows Phones. 6snap is a client for Snapchat because Snapchat isn't available on Windows Phone. I don't know about the other apps but Windows Phones are great.
beautiful boxer I got a 1yr old male and hes got the waggy rear end also.
At first i was wondering why on earth are you talking about men's boxers and waggy rear end....and then i realise its about the dog.....

Microsoft Lumia 640 XL Review: The Best Lumia on the Market

Review of the Microsoft Lumia 640 XL, and an explanation of why I think it might be the best Lumia on the market.

User Comments

I love the little blurb about the 635 in there. I used a 625 as my daily driver, so that would mean I was losing an LED flash, front-facing camera, camera button, proximity sensors(?), 0.2 inches, etc. for a quad-core processor and neon bright somewhat sturdier shells (saw a yellow or green one, definitely brighter than my covers). I said no deal immediately the moment I found out the specs. Also didn't know how overpriced the 830 was aside from the processor.
+Mageman17 Welcome to the world of Microsoft. The Lumia 520 was the last 5xx model to record 720p video until the 550, assuming the 550 does it (not 100% sure). The 520 was super successful, which is why we saw the low end strategy for a while, and they really just made it a race to the bottom.
I've been going back and forth from android, wp, ios, and android again and so on. But so far, windows phone is my favorite OS after trying all the platforms. And today, I'm thinking about going back to WP, trying all led me to end up with a WP. Lately, I was looking for a store that still sells 1020 and I guess it's out of the market already. So I was thinking about getting the best WP at the moment and watching your video might end up for me to settle with 640 XL. I just love the way you do this review, the most intelligent and full of love way of reviewing. Thanks for making us understand some details about pixels, aperture, ois, fact about pureview and clear black. Amazing!
+Kaycerey Capua Thanks! Yes, the 1020 is gone, but I also wouldn't recommend it anyway. It's about two and a half years old now. The 1.5 Ghz dual core processor isn't the most pleasant to use. With the advancements they've made in cameras now with things like Rich Capture, I don't think you need it. You should look into the 950/950 XL though! I'm super excited about them!
After having mine for a day...Keep in mind i've been using a 930 for a year +.... 1: Clear Black isn't that clear; You'll see the whole screen light up instead of it being black aka turned off. 2: 8GB storage? Nope. More like 3gb. After only updating about 14 apps and installing a couple smaller ones i have 2.74GB free. 3: External speaker? Actually sounds pretty good. Although having to turn both sound settings up to full and adjusting the EQ to make it louder kinda sucks. 4: Camera. Not sure at what point "takes better low light photos" comes in lol haven't took a good one yet. Seems pretty stable though for now. 5: Video. Picks up great sound! Video is smooth and clear as well. 6: Speed. 640 xl VS 930. At loading basic apps it was as fast if not faster than the 930 (DOUBLE the specs!) which shocked the crap outta me! Its just a beefed up 635 and thats about all anyone can say about it. Paid $389 from microsoft canada. Unless they do one hellofa job on Windows 10 then this phone will die off quickly.
+BMJ2008 Not sure how you can call it a beefed up 635. Just because it has the same CPU? Everything else is improved. And yes, ClearBlack isn't perfect. It's still an LCD.
hey, great review I'm looking at getting this phone it is 330 dollars unlocked in canada do you think that is still a good price for it? thanks !
+jess david Eh, it's a lot for a phone with a Snapdragon 400, especially when Snapdragon 410 phones are around the corner, which is a really big difference
Nice 'human' review. Most enjoyable. Thanks.
+avjumble Thanks!
awesome reviews,I got the 640 great phone. Microsoft seems to be all over the place making these phones lol waiting for the xl on at&t like your punch to the gut approach reviews..
+James Morgan 640 XL should already be on AT&T...
Android Vs Windows Which is more smooth for long term usage ? What will you recommend for Xiaomi Redmi note 2 VS Lumia 640 XL?
+Mukesh Khatri Eh, tough to say. If you have a two year old Windows Phone, it's a dinosaur now. Windows Phone has never really been feature complete, so as they add much needed features, the OS gets heavier and the low end hardware that they use becomes dated quickly.
+Diego Lecaros Windows Phone isn't a "light" operating system. It's a feature lacking operating system. Windows Phone 8 only worked on a decrepit, old dual core Snapdragon S4 Plus processor, but it worked well because Windows Phone 8 didn't have any features, such as Cortana, a notification center, using a photo in the background of the start screen, etc. When the OS doesn't do anything, it's easy for it to run well on low end hardware. When Windows Phone 8.1 shipped, they added features and those dual core phones became dinosaurs overnight. In fact, this generation's low end phones outperform the last generation flagships. The 535 outperforms the 1020. If you have a two year old Windows Phone, you're in bad shape. Windows 10 Mobile will add more features and it will get slower. Windows Phone has never really been "feature complete". When it is, it won't have that reputation of being "light"
+Mukesh Khatri android doesnt have optimized apps and it isnt a light operative system if you want a smooth phone in android you must have a powerful phone (and thats expensive) but with windows and iOS you have optimized apps and light operative systems, and you can have a low gamma processor but it runs very fast because of that... and that my friend is a fact i hope this might help. greetings!
thank you! good review; ) I ordered this phone today.Bless you! greetings from Holland
+Leo van der M Hope you enjoy it!
you can always carry a spare battery
+Roderick Aspiras Why?

Nokia Lumia Icon: Full Long Term Review - The best Windows Phone yet is on Verizon?

Update: Look like the Lumia 930 is going to be almost exactly the same hardware build! For you international Nokia fans, enjoy this sneak peek at what's coming ...

User Comments

I got my mom to buy this. And I have had it for 4 months. No lag. No problems. And nothing like an iPhone with its "Searching..." This phone is quite expensive but reasonable thanks for the best phone I've ever had!
+JuanBagnell Yes I did. After me and her watching the video she bought one after !! XD It came today and she hasn't got her eye off it.
Glad to hear you've been enjoying it. Still one of the best phone cameras on the market today. I hope you thanked your mom for a great phone :-)
One Heck'a Review Bruh..!
+Ushan RajYou're very welcome. Thanks for checking my vids out :-)
Ahhhahhahaha Right.. :-) Anyway thank you for replying.. :-) made my day..
+Ushan RajI thought it was a phone wort talking about :-)
Woaah.. You Reply this even after one and a half years of publishing.. Damn.. Not every Reviewer Does that.. Respect ..
Glad you enjoyed it :-)
Buying this phone next week! Awesome review
+Iceman89 Who are you getting the phone from?  VZW dropped this phone from the line up 2 months after introducing it last year.  I'm getting one from Asurion for 99 as a replacement for my Lumia 928.  MS took it off there website about 3 weeks ago.
haha no i had AT&T before and i just hate the service i had over there. terrible contract over a whole year. So right now im on boost mobile, but switching to VZ to get the icon next week
+Iceman89 I hear ya.  I've been with VZW for 12 years and I'm not going back to AT&T.
Well for me, i do not go for contract phones. So prepaid is around my alley. Icon is in the VZW prepaid phone list
+Iceman89 950xl is a bigger leap into the future.  A 928 to the Icon is nice big step.  I'm looking forward to using it while I wait for the 950 and the VZW WP fiasco.  OS version 10581 is really good.
But the icon is golden though bro lol. I mean look at it. Its a year old, but its a beauty for a phone to work with. finally lol
+JuanBagnell The only problem with that is that it might not be able to be activated on VZW's network. Asurion is now offering the 930 Icon as a replacement for the 928.
+Iceman89 Glad you enjoyed the review! I might throw out a word of caution on the Icon. You might want to wait for the 950 to drop to see if prices drop any further.
great review! and even better camera review!!, now with denim update this 930 become a beast!! just one question and its not about the phone jaja: what smartwacth you're using?, i had a hard time searching one for windows phone sorry about my inglish :P
+onavarromartinez Smartwatch for windows phone, I'd stick with the microsoft band. The integration with Cortana is fun.

Nokia Lumia 1020 Review - Best Camera Phone? (1020 vs iPhone 5 Picture Test)

If you are in the market for a smartphone with an awesome camera then I strongly suggest you look into this phone, if your not then keep searching! This is the ...

User Comments

@4:15 I've never heard anyone complain about stabilization... O_o @4:25 - You can see the obvious advantages of optical stabilization on the 1020 as opposed to digital stabilization on the iPhone5. You can see the blurring that's occuring in the iP5 footage.
The 1020 camera it's still far better than the one on the iPhone 6 plus. We are I 2015 and the 1020 it's still the king of cameraphones, while no other phones can compete and the iPhone 5 it's an insignificant device
iphone5 camera is a good competition to 1020 in terms of photographs but nowhere near to enormous ability of 1020's optical stabilization during videos. apple is surely losing here.
No. The next Lumia, the 1520 is going to be better than the rest. Why? It's coming with an expandable memory slot that can go up to 64G.
This phone looks really nice. The pictures were a little questionable on some. I guess it just depends on the lighting.
You really can't see how it's pixelated? The Nokia Lumia 1020 doesn't pixelate as much, at all!
Nice well it is the best camer on a smartphone so far. :)
Why is your logo looks like the one on endgadget's?
i am so lucky that i already got the lumia 1020
nokia lumia epic win, i want!!!
does lumia have a good focus?
lumia 1020 :D is the best
4:27 whats the problem?
ya good phone review
Beautiful video!
Not even close
good review
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