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What gluten free Videos

Tesco Gluten Free Christmas Advert | Emergency

With our huge range of Free From products including Yorkshire puddings, mince pies and profiteroles, we've got your whole gluten free Christmas covered.

User Comments

"Are you gluten free?" Excuse me as I bang my head against the TV.
Hi there,Thanks for your comment.I'm sorry you didn't like our Gluten Free Christmas advert, I'll pass on your feedback to the relevant department.Thanks,Nathan - Customer Care
How can you compare this garbage to Sainsbury,s epic Christmas truce advert last year.That was a work of art .This advert is beyond irritating.
+Tesco yes I am happy to feed back to head office.I'm not sure how to send pm you though?
Hi Mary,Thanks for getting in touch.I'm deeply sorry to hear that you didn't like our Gluten Free Christmas Advert, I want to ensure that this gets logged on our system to be fed back accordingly within the business.If you're happy for me to go ahead and do this, can you please Private Message your full name with title, address including postcode and your email address?I look forward to your reply.Kindest Regards,Kyle - Customer Care
This has got to be the most annoying advert ever and the son even more so not funny
That advert makes me never want to shop in Tesco again.it conveys nothing of Christmas spirit.
Hello Marilyn,I'm sorry you didn't like our Gluten Free Christmas advert, I'll pass on your feedback to the relevant departmentKind regardsRocsi - Customer Care
A great advert but it could have been better if you'd taken two seconds to explain what gluten free was. It's not rocket science and could have been done in one sentence .
Well one said what's glutten free, so the reply would be 'grain free' or cereal free could have been used,   probably less then 2 seconds.  That is of course the simple explanation.  I've been glutton free for many years.
+PurdyBear1 OK, please write that sentence that would take two seconds to speak.
my mum has several food intolerances which are gluten, wheat, dairy and actual allergies to fish, seafood and shellfish. she also works for tesco. a lot of the items on sale in the free from section are things she still can't have as they have dairy in them e.g pizza or madeira cake. she also wishes that the prices were lower too. because of variable stock items, she also shops at asda and morrisons. she was diagnosed seven years ago and she wishes she didn't have this diet but she has no choice. if she eats something that isn't free from then her stomach goes into cramps and spasms then she spends a long time in the bathroom. (i won't tell you details of that part). not everyone who eats a free from diet is doing it for faddy health reasons thinking that it's better for them! people like my mum do it because they have no choice in the matter.
+Tesco hi tesco! thanks for your reply. my mum works in weston super mare main store. there's quite a lot of stuff that she can't have in the free from section so it would be a long list. she tends to buy certain things in her store and certain things in the other stores. i asked her what things she would like to see and she said that her store used to sell a version of pringles for about 99p. they weren't on the free from section but they were gluten free. she can't have pringles. she also said that recently, in the freezer section, they sold potato skins with a salt and pepper coating and she loved them! two weeks they sold them for and now they don't. they sell them in a southern fried coating. she's not keen on that. thanks again xx
Hi Kirsty,Thank you for taking the time to contact us here. I'm really sorry to hear about your mum and I can only imagine how tough it sometimes must be for her! What's your mum's local store? What Free From products are in the section there that she cannot have?Thanks,Chrissie - Customer Care
why make adverts using such unlikable characters?
+Gerard Canavan Yes, I quite agree. This whole ad campaign is appalling. Aldi and Lidl are far better, little wonder Tesco is struggling if this is the best they can do for the busiest period of the year.
You can afford to build superstores and own private jets but you can't afford a decent advert. The "teenage boy" looks about 24 and I don't like the racial stereotype that gluten free people are white.
Free country, mate
Are you for real? It's a comic representation of a "typical" family. I agree the advert is shit, but come on, racist? I don't think you could come up with a more tenuous accusation if you tried. I never thought I would see the day I defended tesco, but then again I never thought I would come across someone quite as stupid as you.

J&J's Kitchen: Gluten Free Potstickers

Just now realizing I forgot to update the J&J's graphic. *in Tourette's guy voice* "SHIT, SORRY!!" These were seriously really, really good. 10/10 would eat again, ...

User Comments

Love your videos!!!! You should do more cooking recipes !!
never mind ! I found all the the other vids !
Can you not eat gluten or do you just think gluten-free is healthier?
So no he can't eat gluten :) it ain't good for him
He has celiac
These are actually 'pierogi'. It s a Polish dish #proudpolen lol
+Wiktoria Kostrzewa Thats okay, man. It's not your fault at all!
+bushymayu really?! Wow good to know. Now i feel like an complete ignorant :/
no they arent... they're dumplings, but they arent pierogi (Polish dumplings). the ingredients used are asian inspired hence the soy sauce and sesame oil.
I'm Asian and those are actually dumplings. ...lol
You should call garlic that's in a jar JARlic.
I've been laughing at your comment for like 10 minutes. The longer I look at it the funnier it gets.
Thank you.
That was amazing
Is Jenna vegan?
Yeah she's vegan but she can eat whatever she wants on her cheat day

How to make your own CHEAP gluten free flour

Cant find gluten free flour in your local supermarket? Or is the pre-made gluten free flour expensive? Watch this video and learn how to make your own gluten ...

User Comments

i find doves farm flour to be very good,Gluten free ,they have many different flours search for it in yahoo ...well that is what i do.I use cornflour tooas well as doves farm white bread flour and doves farm plain flour and instead of brad rolls i make yorkshires and put a hot topping on them and eat with salad or with anyhot meat homemade meal tiny susie.... Dave's wife hope this helps .
Thanks for the video. By the way, it is Tapioca Starch and not Tapioca Flour. The big difference there is that flours have protein.
thank u for sharing this recipe beside its not expensive in our place this kind of flour some more help for me
The key to making CHEAP gluten free flour is that you need to buy CHEAP gluten free flour. GOT IT.
Do you have any ideas on non rice flour? My girlfriend is allergic to rice.
is this Gluten free is same as Maida flour ?
Thank you

What is celiac disease? Gluten-free resources for parents and children

If you have celiac disease, you should avoid all foods that have gluten in them. This is called the gluten-free diet. Learn about the causes, symptoms and ...
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