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Nwn2 break down door Videos

Neverwinter Nights 2 - Ep.50: Frustrated (Livestream Footage)

I wish I was known for my door operating skills... If you want to play along with me, then you should try to track down a legal copy either online or at your local ...

Let's Play NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer #53: Helping an old Frenemy

We explore more of the Instructors' Quarters in the Academy of Shapers and Binders in Thay. We stumble into Master Inarus' room and find a hidden room ...

Neverwinter Nights 2 Scripts

A level designed to showcase various scripts in Neverwinter Nights 2, made by Edward McGurran at Bolton University. Design Brief: As an INDIVIDUAL you are ...

Scripted Lighting System For NWN2

A demonstration of the Scripted Lighting System Version 2 (SLS2) for Neverwinter Nights 2. For use by module builders to help control lighting without extensive ...

User Comments

Really impressive
Very nice :D

NWN2 Legends World Showcasing Legends Plugins 1 of 3

This video series is of the tutorial area in the Neverwinter Nights 2 Persistent World known as Legends. It showcases how the Legends Plugins could be used to ...

Let's Play Dungeon Master 2, p. 17: The Power of the Fireball

Fireball! What a handy thing it is! It can get you past enemies, get you past puzzles, make you unintentionally cast Darkness on yourself, break down doors and ...

User Comments

Yes, somebody had to step up and remind the general public of the fact that a fireball is not something the human brain made up. It's just something that game designers copied from nature. Not that I've ever been there to check for myself, but ... duh, fireballs have existed ever since, man! Even Merlin used them IRL.
I'd say you got a pretty firm understanding of the evolutionary development of RPG awesomeness. Of course, such exemplary deductive reasoning would be expected of someone who also seems quite capable of pulling mysterious levers and operating confusing machinery...

Neverwinter Nights 2 - Talk with script writers

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