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Px21 break easily Videos

Turtle Beach PX21 Review / Why They Break So Fast

A fast review of the Turtle Beaches PX1 gaming headsets and the reason for their untimely hardware failure. Add me on Facebook ...

User Comments

Hey there J30, I've had 3 of these damn headsets and yes the just keep breaking. I like their sound quality for the price, but like you said, they just break too damn fast. I've never had any other headsets and I was wondering if you could recommend me a headset comparable to the 21's. I'm in a budget of around $100. Audio is my main concern since I like to listen to music with them.
+James DF785 Oh yeah I've had the PX22's but the sound quality sucks ass.
mine just broke after 12-13 months. I am probably going to get a gioteck. Never buying these products again, I have had 11 pairs of turtle beachs and they all broke.
+IcyZed sure
Get afterglow, way better.
Lies you need to be careful and gentle with them, I had my x12 for 2 and half years and they still work fine

Earforce PX-21 and Triton AX-180 Comparison

AX-180 : 80$ , Cheapest good turtle beach. Almost everything is detachable. Earforce PX-21 : 90$ Cheap, break easily, not good quality of sound, just a all a ...

User Comments

You are the biggest and nerdiest man in the howl world you dont know a fucking thing about turtle beach xp21 headsets the are fucking awsome and just beacus you are a big mommy ass baby and broke your headset dosent mean that you can lie to those people hwo watches your videoes thats just wrong, omg stop being so stupid you smal ugly ass baby why cant you just go to bed and start cry for your mom
Lol my px21 broke just like how urs broke and i just super glued it >.< im planning on getting trittons. Which one should i get out of all the series? I dont want any tht have too much wires connected so do u think the Ax180s r good ?
my turtle beaches broke the same as yours then i got a new pair from the shop for free and now they have just broke and everything sound rubbish and i can harldy hear anythng so im gona get some tritons
Paying 90 $ a PX 21, but 80 a AX 180 ? One you'r lying about the price, then you obviously don't know what you'r talking about, because de PX21 sound is way better than the 180. Nuff said
@GibbzCiirque *Like* I got the PX21's recently, so it's just cause people turn them up too loud and they chuck them around they break, not a manufacturer fault? :) *feels reassured*
its a great headset (px21) just because you dont take care of your things doesnt mean that they are bad its your fault for raging and throwing them around
sorry mate put ive had my px21s for a very long time and they are still in perfect condition, mabye people just need to take more care of their equipment
the video is 2.06 and around a minute of that was long pauses and erm. Anyway after seeing the PX21 broken it helped me decided to go for the ax180.
There TRITTON AX180 not Turtle Beach AX180. TRITTON and Turtle beach are both two different companies, so get your facts straight, thank you. :)
maybe you should take more care of your stuff kid and stop dicking around and learn your facts Trittons are mad by Madcatz fucking teenagers
"I left them on my ps3 and they somehow fell" SHITHEAD. Say this thing one more time and i will dickslap u so hard , ur neck will snap! :@
I heard the PX21 broke easily also...Im buying a headset today..Might go with the sharkoon tactic since it sounds as if its being underated
Tritton is made by Tritton not by Turtle Beach and if you take care of your f*cking things px21 wilbe BETTER than the ax-180 you dumb -.-
I have the px21 and they broke exactly the same so i think im gpnna get the ax180s and just everybody DO NOT GET TURTLE BITCHES!

How to break a TurtleBeach PX21

Fix broken headphones Turtle Beach PX21

These are Turtle Beach PX21 headphones for the PS3. This is the 3rd set I have fixed so I figured I would post it for anyone else out there having the same ...

User Comments

Turtle Beach sucks retard why did you even buy it? And FYI nobody "broke it" it breaks by itself because its trash.
Lol you did research on me, how sad. And those are your quotations not mine. At least I know a garbage pc accessory when I see one. Enjoy your earfuck.
+Aaron Benedetti Calling someone a retard when you're a 'brony gamer'. Alright bruh.
Oh, that is excellent. Time to make a trip to Wally World! *Edit* One question though: don't you run the risk of boring through the mic/speaker cords when you do this?
Yep u do but u could look up the diagrams of the wires in the headset
when are headphone companies going to stop using shitty plastic to hold these things together.
+nowknow When they stop getting money from their shitty headsets.
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