The other side of corruption in Indonesia | Elizabeth Pisani | TEDxUbud
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. With over 17000 islands, 700 languages, and 249 million people, ...
This white cunt woman is criticizing brown Indonesians for using family
connections when the White criminal motherfucker has been doing that for
2000 years. This is what I love about Whitey so much. They're completely
oblivious to their own history. It's as if they're so fucking retarded that
one part of their non-existent brains is shut off while the other part is
spouting racist bullshit garbage.
The best statement this cunt makes is equating colonialism with monopoly
capitalism. That's a FUCKING LAUGH. That's like when Americunts call
bribery free speech. Nice Orwellian bullshit. Fucking albino maggot.