Break own water Videos

Marco Rubio's Water Break. Becomes His Own State Of The Union Drinking Game.

rubio state union water | Marco Rubio (R-FL). Tasked with the waterunfortunate duty of delivering one of the Republican rebuttals, Rubio spent most of his ...

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over your neighborhoods armed to the teeth, listening to your conversations, imaging your families, profiling your neighbors (yet you same lib tards that support this will crucify Bush for tapping phones with the patriot act, did bush ever fly a hot loaded war machine over your FUCKING HOUSE !?!?) This a i president who went to Vegas after hearing about the tragic dead of one of our most decorated war fighters and didn't say a word to the american people about it. Yet when a venezuelan communist
groups that spit on out flag and curse our name in cold blood. A president that hands over 250 full spec military grade fighter jets and war tanks worth billions to an extremeist muslim group that has a history of violence. ( guess he had to one up Eric Holder for giving the mexican drug cartels 20,000 assault rifles right ?) You have a president who has declared open season on any american citizen he deems a threat via lethal military force without due process, A president who has drones flying
dictator passes away it's head line news and our flags are at half staff... I have an idea Les, How about you and all of your moronic obama humping head up ass liberal buddies take a look at the real fucking picture and realize you people have done nothing but feed more power and money into a broken system and when it doesn't work all you do is point fingers and play the blame game. DON"T WE HAVE MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN A GOOD AMERICAN TAKING A FUCKING DRINK OF WATER !?!?!? YOU MAKE ME SICK !!
Democrips and Rebloodlicans are just violent criminal gangs. Why would u support Obama? He is a carbon copy of George Bush. "Ben Bernanke was wrong" on youtube shows the fed chairman appointed by Bush was clueless at best. Obama change is maintaining the status quo. I suggest re-thinking ur support of this death by drone sending banker puppet. If you think 2008 was bad wait until u see the mess everything that has been done since will be. Sovereign debt and currency crisis will be the end result
LMAO again these liberal DRONES just ingest anything. MSNBC tells them this event is important, so they make signs in support. They are like mindless seals that would do anything for a fish. And they simply can not see the OBVIOUS that this is nothing more then a distraction from Senator Bob Menendez , who is also Cuban, WHO IS UNDER INVESTIGATION BY THE FBI FOR SEX WITH UNDERAGE DOMINICAN sorry RAPING under age prostitutes. That dam democratic seat is just more important then rape!
@Les Grossman I cant even get my head around people like you. You have a president in power who has unconstitutionally executive ordered several laws into place out side of the checks and balances of congress. You have a president who has spent more money and added more balance to the national deficit than the previous 4 presidents yet wants to KEEP SPENDING MORE MONEY HE DOESN'T HAVE!!! You have a president is 17 trillion dollars in the hole yet shells out billions in aid to countries and
Just wait till you folks get a job where you work hard as hell 60 hrs a week plus travel to keep competitive. Then when you get 38% of your check taken right off the top with 0 return. Then to pour salt in the wounds get audited for more than you have in your bank account for something you know nothing about but have to prove you don't owe the money and have no evidence since you don't know anything about it. LOL and facebook gets millions back w/ nothing put in, OK.
This might seem profound to some of you lambs out there in the filthy pasture but, there is a reason why pitchers of water and cups are traditionally set before people in meetings, speaking events and the sort. They call it "dry mouth" and it is quite common. Exceptionally common under conditions such as, stage lighting and continues speaking... You can't be serious about this? Right? I mean people are not so foolish to let this distract them..right? oh.
Oh, BTW, I don't want to get into a big discussion about, but both Bush and Obama and every other president has had problems. I agree with a lot of what you said, but two quick things ... 1) your "open season..." is false for the simple fact that the same thing was around during Bush's administration and a long time before that. But people who don't like Obama brought it up, knowing that most citizens wouldn't realize that he didn't create the thing.
And 2) I'm guessing that you wanted to vote for Romney, that he would have fixed everything in your eyes. Not sure if you feel that way, but in case you do, you are aware of why he never attacked Obama about the use of drones, right? Because he had planned to go right on doing the same thing. So both sides made a deal not to discuss it, seeing as how there would be no argument, and bringing it up would simply make matters worse for both of them.
When you have nothing show for you, you dumb ass Demos try and make meaningless things a big issue! You should be attacking Dumbass Maxine Waters for saying, Obama has a data base of everyone who opposes him! Dont forgot the best quote of all time," We have to vote for the bill to see whats in it"! You should of all jumped ship when that stupid ass Pelosi said that! The dumber you are in the Democratic party the more they like you!
Here's the thing. You've confused being conservative with being Republican. But there are conservative Democrats. And once there were moderate and even liberal Republicans, too. But you've pushed them all out, to the degree that you now can only recognize a Republican as someone who is conservative. And that's just not the case at all. There are moderate Republicans. And liberal ones.
Really? Really? F-Me, I have already been f-ed. I fill up my tank, get f-ed, got to the grocery, get f-ed. Mr no activity 2007 account. You are a turd. Turd account sept -dec 2012 and 2007 account to throw folks off. I didn't cheat through school or life. Not that stupid. Is this to cryptic for you? Paid Troll, two words, you suck in every way possible, even suck at sucking. Very sad.
If this were a clip of a democrat or a republican, the other side would be making jokes. The way he reached for the drink and drank it, and "scooted" it away is funny. It also shows a lack of planning. This was a short speech (not, say, an hour of stand-up comedy). He should have made sure he was well-hydrated going in. All in all - not presidential.
the words liberal and conservative are political ideologies. "democrat" and "republican" denote political parties. they are not synonyms, not even "technically". furthermore, a democrat or republican can espouse any political stance, hence, some democrats are more conservative than republicans, and vice versa. snoogins.
How do you find that having a myriad of parties in Europe works better? Ultimately to have leadership all that happens is enough of the groups elected group together to form a coalition. Then you have the same troubles we do, wars of ideology within the coalition and attacks against it by the people on the outside.
I challenge ANY network news anchor to do 14 plus minutes without screwing something up.. THE GOOD NEWS? All this blather about "Water-gate" has people (most probably looking to laugh at him) listening to his speech.. some realizing that he seems to be a good man! Personally, I was moved by the speech.
We (Europeans) find you Americans so funny. Why are there only two parties: Libs and Dem? And if you know there are only Liberals and Democrates, don´t be rude to each other, because the rest of the world doesn´t make that distinction either. You are all Americans (and some are thirsty)
I actually agree with much of what you said, but it's natural to chuckle at something like this. Personally, I'm not laughing at him because he's an idiot or anything. It was just funny. That's difficult to deny. In fact, it looks like a parody of an event, rather than the event itself.
People can't find anything bad bout Rubio so they come up with ripping him to shreds 4 just taking a drink, chill out bout it, they r just afraid he will get elected 4 pres. And I hope he does cause he is a man that can change this country positively unlike Obama who is ruining America!
You fucking moron no one gives a shit about Fox News except idiots like you complaining about it. Meanwhile we have a 16 trillion dollar debt and morons like yourself drinking koolaid that really thinks this president is a god sent.. Explain any of his plans. You can't now stfu dork
This Canadian agrees they need more than 2 parties, but I have to point out that those parties are republican & democrat (essentially conservative and liberal). They have more parties but no one takes them seriously and their whole system is set up to work with only 2.
I tend to think republicans in general are wankers. However, I don't think anybody's career should be in jeopardy because he needs a drink of water in the middle of a speech to millions of people. If you want to mock him, concentrate on his professed policies.


Donald Campbell attempts to break his own water speed record on Lake Coniston in Bluebird. You can license this story through AP Archive: ...

How to Break Glass with your Speakers

New Video Here: "Make a Candle from an Apple in 1 Minute" - -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- In this episode of household hacker, we show you ...

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I got the same soundsystem which is used in this video to break the glass (logitech z5500) and there is NO WAY the z550 speakers are able to break glass. it IS possible to break glass with sound, but you need very very much volume and it must be concentrated on the glass. You also don't need to record the sound of the glass, it's enough if you just play a sound (sinus curve) which has the same frequency like the sound the glass creates. So this is possible, but not with z5500 speakers.
Next up: How to break glass with your speakers! 1. Find a CD player or go to YouTube and turn one of Justin Beiber's songs on. 2. Find a glass, wine glass, anything made out of glass, even metal objects will work. 3. Turn Justin Beiber's song on. 4. There you go, you just shattered glass. Good thing that you didn't shatter the whole world.
@mrspkrguy yh amazing how many people over looked this. tinly little hole there and if u look when he picks up the glass to turn it there just so happens to be a clear impact crack where a small bb sized hole can be seen (pause at 1:29 for a clear view which is not needed but helps). other wise convincing to many viewers!
step 1 analyse, not record the sound, use a good RTA and the glass's resonant frequency will stand out like a skyscraper in the suburbs.step 2 use a signal generator, sine wave would probably do it, tuned to the same frequency. step 3 increase playback volume untill POP. step 4 clean up the mess.....
its funny that this channel "householdhacker" still exists because everything they post does not work and can even damage the devices you have to use to do what they say in the videos. And they intentionally do this
LOL, bigger speakers wont make a difference because the tweeter size cant increase only the wattage wil make it more impressive and yes i did hear of horn tweeters but thats a different story
@robertekew It's easy to use sound waves to remove a woman's clothes. The main difference is that the frequency is much lower. Just set your speakers to about 65 db and play Barry White.
How to break glass with speakers without a microphone: 1. Connect a wine glass to an unplugged speaker. 2. Throw the speaker at the wall. 3. If the glass doesn't break, try again.
To get the best results, you might not want to put the two speakers on each side of the glas. Both waves may cancel eachother out. One big speaker usually works best.
go to the glass section of the store bring your ipod with this on it and a huge speaker and get ready to learn the phrase , you break it you buy it
hmmm, I might need a large speaker, or two, and a very high pitched random recording, face it in front of Satan, then thus, world peace restored.
1. Find resonating frequency of Earth 2. Throw large speaker on the ground over a continent. 3. Become dictator of Earth. 4. ??? 5. Profit.
1. step - play skream-rutten dubstep 2. step - take glass 3. step - put the glass in you`r subwoofer port 4. step - it`S blowed up
@spazman100 it's because the vibration on the Sound on the glass causes the glass "bounce" forward off the vibration.
so if you caught the sound your head resonates when it's hit, you could blow up people's heads ... hehehehe .D
Ok, i have a question, the sound that something makes that we cant hear, but dogs do, how can i make that? :)
Our you could just get a free audio oscillator on your PC and find the resonating frequency yourself.
How to break glass with speakers, THE EASY WAY! 1: Throw the speaker at the wall where there is glass
@robertekew manswers tested this and for the decibels to be high enough to work, it would kill them.
@simsim120909 that would result in 992 casualties.... why would you wanna do it? are u a murderer?
@simsim120909 and if you want to make a black hole, you can just put on Justin Bieber - Baby
You shot the wine glass with a pellet gun or BB gun because you can see the exit hole it the
@mrwalker82 oh yh if u listen beyond the resonating sounds u actually hear the gun at 1:13..

Crazy & Weird DIYS You NEED to Try! | Pinterest DIYS Tested! Glow in the Dark Water!

3 Crazy & Weird DIYS you NEED to try for Winter Break! Pinterest DIYS tested! ♥Get this vid to 8000 likes! Snapchat, Twitter & Instagram! @MissTiffanyMa I'm ...

User Comments
were did you get the magnifying sheet?
+Carmen Benitez thx do you think michels would have it?
dollar tree
Where can you get the magnifying sheet ???????????????????????????????
dollar tree
I tried all of them and they work so good!!!
so like threadbangers videos in one
Justin timberlake is baee
The diy's are so cool
The projected doesn't work
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