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Break plates Videos

Disturbed- Droppin' Plates

Disturbed- Droppin' Plates - The Sickness Track List : 1.Voices 3:12 2.The Game 3:48 3.Stupify 4:35 4.Down With The Sickness 4:39 5.Violence Fetish 3:24 6.

User Comments

@fagmike take your pot fuled ear fuckery the hell out of here. I cant speak for every one, but i personlay listen to disturbed to get pumped and angry, so i can go into the day feeling like a fuck mothering beast, BM is shit in my opinion, cuz my soul just cant flow with it and it doesnt make me feel a dam thing. If you want to go chill out and toke to some BM or sublime, feel free, but keep your preachy stoner opinions to your self, and away from my metal.
@Slaughter619 And he WAS a preachy prick, probably just trolling. His name pretty much makes his argument invalid by default. I sure as hell wasn't trying to defend him if thats what you're insinuating, haha. The way you were sounding, though, was that you were another anti weed, down with potheads kinda guy, and I just wanted to point out that there are awesome, chill stoners, and there are others. :P
if i didnt know u were a troll, looking for youtube videos of music u dont even like just to ridicule those who listen to it without gain of any type, except negative votes on a video, id say "FUCK U!!! YD U LOOK THIS UP THEN JACKASS!!" but since i know ur a troll, ill simply say aplate will be dropped and the shards will be used to carve out ur skull and use it for target practice.
@Slaughter619 I fucking love metal and I fucking love pot. You shouldn't be so ignorant as to generalize all pot smokers as preachy or all about reggae and shit. Not trying to start shit or anything, just saying you should broaden your understanding of all people before casting such false accusations on such a diverse group of people.
@offbeatturok0 Your point? i was on him for being a preachy prick saying the song is sucky. Weed, is metal, Disturbed, is metal, smoking weed while listening to disturbed, is double metal. I don't have a thing against stoners, i am one. i have a thing against him
I see your name was decided correctly...u really r a fag. btw u little faggot ass fuck, u admitted that u posted it, not ur nephew. fuck off with your imbecilic comments. with all those replies, its inevitable that no one wants u here.
@gregsavieo didn`t say it wasn`t, weed is the shit. and sorry bud, the 3 best things to be discovered by man are; #1, penis goes in vagina, #2 metal, #3 penis goes into vagina while listening to metal. weed is a close 4th
@drinkinmonster boo to that man, im a stoner and im a hardcore disturbed fan. dont act like your all that. probably wouldnt even know a disturbed moment if one came up and slapped ya momma in her face hehehahaha!!!
Someone please take this piss poor version of the song off the internet; This faggot showed the picture of the unedited album cover on a video with a heavily edited version of the song. GTFO
disturbed is the shit and i smoke buds cunt and i get all pumped up i cant see the other comment but buds and disturbed are mad hahaha| merry Christmas chum
fagmike, MrCJ10105, if you are going to have a valid argument, at LEAST use proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization, so at least you LOOK smart...
@fagmike I do listen to Marley and Sublime also. As well as Beethoven, Bach, Montiverdi, and Vivaldi. Keep an open mind and broaden your horizons.
@Slaughter619 your a little bitch, weed is the best thing to be discovered by man, so go smoke a bit and shut the fuck up ;)
All music is beautiful. Let's just get stoned bust some heads and then chillaxe to some Bob Marley. Sounds good to me.
@drinkinmonster i have no problem with stoners. they can be prety awsome man. It's the pushy ones i cant stand
better to get stoned then listen to this shit 1o times better than it originaly is and yes to get pumped to
Whats inevitable is that u r just some faggot ass bitch. go crawl back in ur hole like the cockroach u r.

Friends | Chandler Breaks Monica's Plates! (1080p HD)

S09E08 - The One With Rachel's Other Sister (11.21.2002) © Warner Bros. Television 1994-2004. Friends was brought to you by Warner Bros. Entertainment.

User Comments

I love the scene where Monica is panicking about the plates!
This whole episode was a masterpiece of comedy! XD XD XD
Ehhh they're his plates too
you see a racoon came in.
What episode is this?
Nice knowin ya Bing.

Group Break ONE 2011 Plates & Patches Football 15 Box Case Break

Here is the break guys. Thanks again for getting in, Chris J. 1. Ryan/Chris 1. Philly Eagles 2. nati12b 2. Tennessee Titans 3. soulierzach 3. Carolina Panthers 4.

User Comments

Man, some people just seem to try to find the bad in anything! After reading these comments, you would think noone likes this product lol ! I, for one, like it ! @mwheidel if your trying to move that Peterson auto, PLEASE let me know!! He hasnt signed anything this year untill Plates and Patches! Hmmm PP auto by P&P.. interesting lol Good stuff as always, Chris.
Forget plates and patches the case was more like redemptions and patches! And I don't even want to think about what that 4 color jumbo patch auto of Kaepernick would go for now when the product first came it was probably only like a $30 card haha
If you sold the contents of one pack, would you have gotten your money back at least? From what I have noticed the price of the box usually outweighs the value of the cards most of the time.
@ZeBron23 yeah but they should put alot of there other 1/1s in here and make this there best most valuable product even if it is more expensive
A product where everything was a patch or oncard, no jerseys would be awesome, are the big time products like that? (5 Star exquisite nt)
Nice stuff this year, at least they didnt do the encased auto, I remember you having a hard time getting those out of the box last year!
I'm so addicted to your videos atm. . .lol I just realized I've been watching your breaks for about 2 hours straight now >.
it would be so epic if u got 1 rc patch auto per box (which u do) and a printing plate or other kind of 1/1 in each box
._. I thought this was 2010 Plates and Patches and when I watched the break, I was like what? 15 HOT BOXES? Lol..
Mike Wallace plays for the Steelers not Mike Williams, Mike Wallace Chris 2 times you called him mike Williams
You scratch the code and enter it on the Panini website. They will ship you that card when it is made.
@dougsevier54 he actually signed leaf drat and limited too and now plates and patched and contenders
Chris is fast....23 minutes to do 15 boxes....thats like a little over a minute per...SUPER FAST!
better than last year just hope they didnt take out plates for there black boxes like last year
no boxtopper and they went to cheaper cardboard..sick shield..no cuts or just not in this case??
Sweet break Was that really Nate Burleson or Matt Hasselbeck at @10:26 or was it an error card?
You have to email me your email address. You will then get group break emails in the future.

How to Make Tile Mosaics & Patterns : Smashing Plates for Mosaics : Mosaic Project Tips

Learn how to smash plates in order to create pieces for your mosaic in this free video on making tile mosaics. Expert: Faith Schexnayder Contact: ...

Making Hand Mirrors : Breaking Plates for a Mosaic Mirror

Plates or pottery can be used to make mosaic tiles if you break them up. Learn how to break plates for a mosaic tiled hand mirror in this free crafting video.

User Comments

Just a couple of tips..if you hold your nippers right at the end you get better leverage and it is much easier on your hand..also when the pieces are broken like this if you hold the plate edge and the larger rim side away from you it will not splinter off like it does here. You will get nice size shapes to use. When nibbling you do not hear the clipping sound- this is not nibbling it is cutting.
What about making hand mirrors? I must have missed that part
Thank you that helped alot! :)
thank you very much.
ever ever!!!

Scott's 2010 Plates & Patches Football 2 Box Break

//www.cardsinfinity.com/ WATCH LIVE //breakers.tv/cardsinfinity For random updates and etc: Facebook: //www.facebook.com/#!

User Comments

Nice Tony G Auto!

StrokerAceKid10's 2010 Plates & Patches Football Box Break

Thanks again Jason, Chris J. //www.cardsinfinity.com/ WATCH LIVE //breakers.tv/cardsinfinity For random updates and etc: Facebook: ...

Hai's 2011 Plates & Patches Football Box Break

//www.cardsinfinity.com/ WATCH LIVE //breakers.tv/cardsinfinity For random updates and etc: Facebook: //www.facebook.com/#!

User Comments

Nice first "pack"
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