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Explain fcc structure Videos

Evolution of FCC Structure in the Presence of 100% Lithium Ions

A breakthrough in components for next-generation batteries could come from special materials that transform their structure to perform better over time.

User Comments

I had a Galaxy S 2 for a weekend but I returned it because of poor battery (and weak GPS, and crap music player.) It had a LOT of awesome features my iPhone doesn't have, and that I really loved a lot, but losing 19% battery power with one hour of light use and four hours of sleep mode in my pocket while I work is unacceptable. This battery would definitely change that in a huge hurry. They need to hurry fast and get this into the commercial market, so the GS3 can use it. I would be all over it.
@Nemephosis todays dual core phones are crap. why? all they did was connecting 2 cores (wich uses a lot of battery). some quad core phones will have fifth core for operations that wont need a lot of Hzs. so they will be using very small amount of energy ;) start saving money.... I am :D
no more charging my phone twice a day.

Face-Centered Cubic Structure

Face-Centered Cubic Structure (FCC) also known as Cubic Close-Packed structure (CCP)

User Comments

Explain packing of atoms to form the face-cantered cubic structure

Douglas North - Effect of Institutions on Market Performance at FCC

Effect of Institutions on Market Performance Douglas North, Nobel Laureate, Washington University June 30, 2003 In this 70 minute lecture, Dr. North talks about ...

Difference Between Atomic Structure and Crystal Structure

Difference Between Atomic Structure and Crystal Structure . . . . The difference between atomic structures and crystal structures is that in atomic structures, atom ...

FCC-----Coordination number for Face centered Centered crystal structure

FCC-----Coordination number for Face centered Centered crystal structure.

Daily Tech News Show - May 12, 2014

CNET's +iyaz akhtar is on the show today. We'll talk about Twitter's new mute feature, float a few more idea about why Apple might want to by Beats, and discuss ...
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