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Explain financial accounting Videos

Depreciation, Amortization, and Depletion Explanation (Financial Accounting Tutorial #57)

What is depreciation? Well it is a concept that provides methods to allocate the cost of a long lived asset over accounting periods. This way it matches expenses ...

User Comments

Thanks a lot Note Pirate. Been going through the videos for a while now. Really appreciate the help. Thanks
Thanks. I like To go back through the videos for a refresher to make it stick. Love all your videos. 
thanks dave

Preparing the Financial Statements (Financial Accounting Tutorial #25)

This financial accounting tutorial explores how the adjusted trial balance is used to complete the 3 main financial statements: the Income Statement, the Balance ...

User Comments

Thanks. I needed the refresher. Thanks for the free hard work. Helps me and has helped me so much. 
Do u have skip step for t account while preparing final final trial balance after adjusting.
thank you very much! Your videos are an amazing help!

Recording Business Transactions: T-Accounts - Financial Accounting video

Recording Business Transactions: T-Accounts - Financial Accounting video discusses the posting of business transactions from the journal to the general ledger ...

User Comments

Honestly, I learn quicker in your short video than sitting in the class for couple hours. I need more videos, Hope you can help
+liukuanlon liu I appreciate your kind words and I am glad that you find my accounting videos helpful. If you haven't already, please subscribe to my channel so that you will receive notifications when new videos are posted. I have been uploading more over the past couple of weeks.
where should i find your link>? can you please send me your link to follow you
+liukuanlon liu I am glad that you enjoy my accounting videos and find them helpful. If you go to my YouTube channel at youtube.com/routhwsuedu you should see a RED SUBSCRIBE button that you can click on. Once you subscribe to my channel you will receive notifications when I post new videos.

Final accounts adjustments Explanation- Financial accounting tutorial

If you like this video please: like, comment, share and subscribe (*)For any accounting tasks contact @ [email protected] (*)To view my ...

User Comments

Hi Sampras ,liability for balance sheet is always credit side because in trial balance all liabilities are shown in credit side. For your knowledge I want to said that according to British concept liabilities are shown in left side of balance sheet and according to American concept concept liabilities are shown in right side of balance sheet.
Well said pawan..
+Pawan Pyakurel Thanks Pawan, for your kind information.

Financial Accounting Versus Managerial Accounting: What's the Difference?

This video may be useful to students just beginning a course in managerial accounting as we explain how this subject differs from financial accounting.

User Comments

Useful information for sure. Thanks for sharing!

Discounts, Premiums and Bonds at Par (Intermediate Financial Accounting Tutorial #12)

Before we moved onto valuing and reporting long term bonds I thought that I would provide a quick summary of bonds issued at a discount, premium or at par.

User Comments

Thank you, this was very helpful
+Sage Mode No problem! :)
Can you teach at my college? You're videos are so clear and easy to follow and understand!
Maybe I'll sell some spare tutor hours through my website over Skype :) I'm guessing they'd go for $20-$25/hour. Where do you go to college at?- Dave

Financial Statements Explained

I explain the basics on balance sheets and income statements using an example business. I also explain all of the following: Assets, Equity, Liabilities, Accounts ...

User Comments

I couldnt leave this video without saying: Thank you very much!
You're very welcome :) Thank you for taking the time to tell me it helped
I got your answer and also following your website now I have one more question. Why Income statement don’t tell whole story ?
Simple example. Let's say a profit of 1000 dollars doesn't mean your business is doing well. You need to see the bigger picture using Balance Sheet and a 1000 $ profit doesn't mean you've cash of 1000 $ with you. That's where cash flows come in. You can't sustain if you're dealing with negative cash flows.
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