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Explain identification Videos

Tissue Identification Practice

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Here is a link to the worksheet https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B07MKVJlKWnARlhNRFpNYlFSdGc/view?usp=sharing 
+Bob Myers Thanks for this; it will help with my lab practical Wednesday.

Projective Identification

Here i try to explain the psychological defence called projective identification. Allsow projection is mentioned and splitting and introjective identification.

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I debate online and this happens a lot. Almost always. I'm an assertive and quick debater and people often take it as aggression. To me, it's not because I am not emotionally charged about any point I make. But they take it totally different. Then they blame me for being crazy, not having a life, and needing professional help. Of course, I notice that they aren't actually talking about me at all, but themselves.
+Regina Grace Regina, you sound like a passionate person. Stay true to yourself and walk away from those who try to bring you down.
What I really hate as a man is walking down the street at night and being projected as some threat by women act scared or suspicious(pull out keys, check phones). I have every right to be walking the street at anytime,the street belongs to me as much as anyone else!To me this is projective identification.
+marshall886 This is a very clear example! Thanks!
Sounds like a diagnosis for racism. So we can say that being racist is projection & racism (stereotyping, racial profiling & prejudice) are projective identification.
+Telhare'sha McAdoo ur so right.. White People and non-Whites who sell their soul be like Whites, do this a LOT! Even worse, Projection + Herd Mentality. When it's a group of Whites.. forget it .. it's absolutely hell. These Whites are from another world.. they are NOT from Earth.
How do I stop being the target of projection?
That's a good idea.
Actually, I was trying to reply to someone else...but yes, I totally agree with the children of God analogy...
+Regina Grace  I was uncertain when I wrote this but I guess I saw "Children of God' as figure of speech. See them without putting on your own expectations for how they should measure up. And of course narcissist do it obsessively to an extreme because their personality is 'damaged'.  The therapist Carl Rogers talks about 'positive regard' , so you would be looking at them with this mindset. Hope that makes better sense. The point is it making it starting point being generated from inside of us because it is the only area we really control, we don't control the stuff outside of ourselves. Therapists have to have supervisors to check on their professional practice, one of the things they do with the supervisor is to see where there is anything about their state of mind that could impede the therapy process or what they are giving off to their client. In the tv show Sopranos, Tony therapist was trouble because she was 'identifying' too much with Tony issues and becoming emotionally enmeshed. But to summarise, basically means give going people 'good stuff' not giving them any 'bad'. Or at least be present in your own mind, where you are not judging, you are just 'receiving what they are saying and how they are occurring as being fine.From that place you are in a better position to help them sort out their problems.
Wow, I don't know. I don't think that's possible...
+Anthony Wheeler We have no control over people's responses to us. The best thing is to try to be aware of your own 'prism' that you filter people through. And try to see them as children of God.

WWII Artillery Shell Identification

Here I explain how I determined that the artillery shells I have been finding in the river are not dangerous. https://www.youtube.com/user/aquachigger.

User Comments

Would you be able to look in the book and see if you have anything on a 20mm
+Brayden Grison My book only has American stuff. Try searching here... //www.bocn.co.uk/vbforum/
It has a fuse and it's from 1941 I couldn't find the Same book that you have
It's British
i see you got some shot hyper shot explosive canister and armour piercing frome what i can see and ones gotta be 15-20 lbs the big one if it has a hole in the bottom thats where a tracer element goes for tanks if i remember and also those look more like tanker ammunition than artillery ammunition
wait M72 thats tanker shot if i remember
I was reminded of something I heard a while back when you said about the emphasis on not referring to rifles as guns... Supposedly it's a military thing, although I have no idea what branch, or even if Canadian or US (or both/neither)... but anyway, it was a silly little verse... "This is my rifle (holding it up); This is my gun (pointing to male anatomy). This one's for shooting (holding up rifle); This one's for fun (pointing to the body part)." But having heard that up here in Canada, & you talking about how in the US military they emphasis calling a rifle a rifle, it makes me wonder how widespread that concern is. Like if it's just a N.Am. thing, or do European military have that same emphasis too, or further abroad into other cultures like Asian or African militaries... Anyway, just odd musings thanks to what you said in the video... Thanks for sharing your videos & your insights. I always learn stuff from watching your channel!
+Micsnutty We have the same saying in the US Army and Marines for sure. Not sure about other armies, but I'd suspect they do or have something similar. It's really about disciple, following rules and being subservient.
more info on resin shot load plz
+Gummy Bear I don't think I could make a worthy video of that, but there is plenty of info online. It's just like a big shotgun and the pellets spread as soon as they leave the barrel.
what its use is how it blows to spread the pellets pic of the gun used in ect
+Gummy Bear like what?

SQlab Foot type identification

In this Video we explain the identification of your Foot type.
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