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Explain gnp with example Videos

AP Human Geography- GNP Crash Course

A crash course outlining the definition, formula, uses, functions, and examples of GNP. Also, it's my first crash course video!

President Barack Obama Wins Reelection - August 31, 2011

President Barack Obama will be reelected, as we predicted long ago, and now, one of the most telling signs is up and ready for viewing. "When five or fewer ...

User Comments

@caveatemp I disagree with about half give or take of what Ron Paul has been about since he's been on the congressional scene. There are things which are right and which are disastrous. The populations of the world exceeds 6 billion now. We are the super power and the U.n. looks to that power when they need help. There has been more than 1 war been going on at any given time before and after I was born We should listen to him when he makes sense. It does bother me that now his son is in politics
@Ronald68381 That's exactly right. President Barack Obama beat the pants off mccain, by nearly ten million votes, who is an alleged "war hero" from a moneyed family with political connections. Just imagine what his win will be this time around. The gop is dividing their own Cult into small pies slices of self-righteous Kooks who have proven to be racially motivated and losing approval for their vile tactics. President Barack Obama is a shoo in, without question. Thanks and have a nice Holiday!
@Patriot150792 Those figures aren't exactly accurate, and, republicans never push to raise taxes on the wealthy, we're in the top 2%, so we're remarkably familiar with this. And, when republicans pretend to raise taxes on our financial bracket, they create dozens of loopholes so you don't actually pay the pretend tax rate. It was not the gop who blocked the "Crown Loan," it was Democrats. We vote against our own interests, at first glance, as Warren Buffet does, but, when the entire country ..
@zippyman818 A very smart comment, as usual. We do agree too. Electing one of the Kooks from the gop Cult is not an option. Every single one of them is monstrously unelectable. They'd get a better selection of candidates from a Halfway House. These clowns come straight from a first class loony bin. We believe President Barack Obama will be reelected quite handily. We're hopeful it becomes a landslide. That might also teach the gop a lesson, but probably not. They're getting dumber and dumber.
@Patriot150792 President Barack Obama will have a landslide election, for several reasons, the first of which is for getting bin Laden, which is more of a "tag line," but nonetheless, effective. The second reason is the gigantic improvement in the economy and stock market. Under Unelected War Criminal and Buffoon bush, the economy collapsed, with Our Banks and Stock Market. The President Clinton Dow was up 7,500 to 10,570, the bush Dow was Down 45% to 7,949. The President Obama Dow is Up, 65%
@caveatemp We met Lowlife and Scumbag Bigot and Antisemite ron paul last year, and we asked that POS a few questions, to which POS paul told us that "Blacks are inferior, like Jews, and that none of them are real Americans." You lose, and so will POS paul, who is a Moron, and a bible Monkey who wants the bible, a vile book of Known Fiction, to set the morals and laws in Our Secular country. We used to like POS paul, but now, we feel the Bigoted Kook should be locked away for America's safety.
@Patriot150792 ...to 13,000, and it will go considerably higher in his second term, where it will likely hit 17,000 to 18,000 by the end of his term. The Dow and Economy always do better under Democrat control, republicans are liars and poor at handling finances, which is why idiot trump has filed Bankruptcy four times. The most important reason why President Obama will destroy his opponent is the simplest reason, the gop only has religious Kooks and "Flipper" romney. It's over, big time.
@Patriot150792 ...benefits, we all do. President Barack Obama is so much better than bush it's incredible, and the economy almost always fails with the gop since they are liars who say they're "conservatives," what they mean in Con Artists. Just look at their tag line of "small, stay out of your business" government. Really? The Patriot Act, against Equal Pay for Women, anti-Gay Rights, Vaginal Probing, anti-Unions, etc. The Dow does far better with Democrats. gop = Failure on Every Level.
@Patriot150792 Actually, the President has a tremendous effect on Our economy, and Our world's economy. bush's swagger hurt Our economy since he was a reckless idiot with a 3-way government majority of reckless idiots. reagan was a buffoon who raised taxes 11 times, and Our debt limit 18 times, bush w raised it 7 times, to President Obama's 1 time. Incidentally, we voted for reagan and bush hw, and we will never vote republican ever again, they are not a party, they are a religious cult.
We don't follow polls, we conduct our own, which nailed the last election by less than 500,000 votes. We predicted President Barack Obama to trounce Idiot mccain by 10 million votes, and President Obama won by 9.5 million. President Barack Obama will beat Idiot romney by a larger margin, perhaps as high as 12 million, but at least 10 million votes. Nobody trusts a lying Kook like romney, not even romney's cult, the gop. mccain was an alleged "war hero," romney is a known liar. Be Well!
@ecwaufisxtreme You're a moron, no offense to morons. YOUR President, Barack Obama, the man responsible for killing Our Number One Enemy, Osama bin Laden, saving the Auto Industry, Stock Market and American Economy, will easily be reelected in the biggest landslide in history. palin, a poor candidate even for a toilet scrubber, will forever be known as the Biggest Idiot to ever pander to American voters. It's the end of the gop religious Cult Kid, get with the program, Dummy.
Polling has also shown that the negatives reported from the pool of likely voters take votes from Republicans and Democrats in the same number. So, President Obama will get reelected but with a different demographic breakdown than before. I can live with that. I cannot live with the idea that someone worse than W would be President. I think the reelection campaign's use of social media for fundraising will be unmatched by Republicans or private corporate donations.
The Obstructionist Party will go right on obstructing. Their hate for our President is much greater than their love of anything else. They would gladly put out one of their own eyes, if that act of spite would blind all Democrats (and black people, and gays, and all those others they hate so much). Republicans have evolved into the worst kind of evil force this country has ever known. Suddenly those witch hunting Puritains of Old Salem seem like nice folks.
@caveatemp WTF are you talking about? This is his 3rd time running. Everyone knows who RP is and what he stands for and he is not blacked out. Those who are new on the scene get more attention because no one knows who the others are from Adam nor what they stand for (or pretend to anyway) RP is on Cnn, msnbc and the nixon ailes channel all the frickin time. Like every other day. There is no bloody blackout.
@sambento44 Yes, that's extremely accurate. The gop just wants to be in control of everything, even though they can't manage it. When they are not in charge of every single detail they throw tantrums, and this one is race oriented. It's skin deep, and President Barack Obama has done a great job fixing the damage done by bush and a gop majority of six years. Thanks for watching and commenting too!
It is great Red, and we couldn't be more proud of Our President. We are glad President Barack Obama will be the President appointing more Justices to Our Supreme Court, and pulling Us out of Afghanistan, and continuing to repair the horrendous damage wrought by a 3-way, 6-year gop majority in Our government. It's a great time in America! Be Well Red!
@Chelsea4President Yes, President Barack Obama will be handily reelected, and these whiny power-hungry incompetent religious Kooks, the gop Cult, will be history. It's over for the gop after parading these imbecile like santorum and gingrich in front of American voters. Did themselves in too. Funny stuff to watch. Be Well!
hey guys, isnt it sweet? the party of me and "NO" is finished. rich old white guys with stepford wives need not even apply in four years. hannity,. limbaugh and karl big head rove need to understand its time to diversify and wake the hell up . what a great day. racists and facts being denied, it is still a great day.
@Hereticbooks They're afraid Dr. Paul will sit in the Oval Office and spark up a doobie. If anything is Krytonite to a conservative Xian, it's the thought of someone enjoying themselves! As for Brigham Romney, Xians think that only the members of their own church are the real McCoy. Everyone else is the "weeds."
@caveatemp Nobody with a lick of sense wants Bigoted, Anti-Semitic religious Kook paul anyway, and thank goodness that lunatic isn't getting more of a stage and spotlight, he's perfectly unelectable, as every one of the gop "candidates" are. Thanks for watching and commenting too! Be Well!
@caveatemp I saw the video with Jon Stewart. And He was not showing the whole picture. With the Nixon Ailes channel he is on constantly always has been. He was on with Anderson Cooper on Cnn and with Blitzer . I do my research. I do not take one side as truth especially their tv moments.
lets be honest, if he was white; i don't think that, things would have been so hard for him. like they are trying so hard to stop him.whatever he tries by the republicans view it is 100% wrong. if republicans were real patriotic like they say, they would be supporting this man.
@RadarKat73080 I LOVE the "Life of Brian!" It's one of my all time favourite comedies. At the time, there were a lot of guys roaming around being called "the messiah." Jesus might have existed, but he didn't become God until the first council of Nicea in 325 A.D. Go figure.
@RadarKat73080 Right. No one could take Ron Paul seriously, and the Christian right would NEVER, EVER nominate a mormon. It's weird. Mormons consistently count themselves among the Christians, and the mormons can't quite grasp the concept that the Christians hate them.
@caveatemp Oh yeah and hes a creationist which should tell you he's lying about being a DR. for another. Next time you go to the Dr. Ask him how much evolutionary theory plays a part in his profession and then you'll know why he is a politician and not an obgyn :)
@mccainisthroughX Excuse me? Bigoted, anti-Semetic, religious kook? I'd really like to hear you support those attacks because from my vantage point those ad hominems don't have a lick of sense. Is there a policy stance of Ron Paul's that you disagree with?
@Reaper081087 You are totally on point, and we agree with everything you said, it's so sad that Kooks like the teaJahidists are taken seriously. They should all be institutionalized. They are very sick creatures. Thanks and have a nice Labor Day weekend!
If the teaparty get what they want, this country will be a third world country in my life time! Then China will replace America as the world's most wealthiest nation. If that ever happens, i would rather end my life and DIE! FUCK TEA PARTY! FUCK GOP!

US deputy secretary of defence attends Asia security conference

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SASNET UPF seminar on good and evil effects of tourism by Nils Finn Munch-Petersen

Nils Finn Munch-Petersen holds a SASNET/UPF seminar entitled "Who benefits from Tourism? Tourism as modern colonialism -- while provider of employment ...

6 Types of Market Failure

An introduction to 6 types of market failure.

User Comments

So if a Market failure when the quantity supplied doesn't meet the quantity demanded why do these 6 things act as market failures. The first thing that comes to my mind is price ceilings and floors these seem to directly create market failures.
+Brooks Gorden Those are Market failures created by the government not failures of market mechanism. If you have studied Cost Benefit Analysis, its easy to differentiate them.
12:42 shit builders? would explain why they can't get a job.
wait so are buffer stocks to do with govt failure or market failure?
+Olivia Gonzalez okay thank you :)
yes, bc gov failure is when the gov leads to net welfare loss, and if the scheme doesnt work welfare is lost 
+Olivia Gonzalez so then when buffer stocks fail is that then gov failure?
+jess reese buffer stocks are used to correct market failure by the government
His eyebrow game is strong
+Bang Arang your mothers tush game is weak it is infested with crabs
So what's the role of government in case of market failure?
+Tawsif1000 the government gets involved to prevent an unsatisfactory allocation of resources, for example education is a merit good that would be under consumed if left to the free market, the intervention method is to provide free education until the age of 18 (UK) and subsidise further education fees (such as loans for uni fees and a general lower than free market price for higher education). Hope this helps.
+Tawsif1000 The role of the government is to intervene and correct market failure (government intervention). e.g a merit good, carrots! are underproduced and under consumed in the free market, the government will intervene to correct market failure. In this case they could lower the price of carrots or subsidise farmers to produce more and lower costs.

Inflation explained

Inflation and unemployment rate. Edit 18.4.2008: Okay, yeah, I know this video is missing the real point of inflation. I created this when I first started to study ...

User Comments

Inflation is due to increased currency supply, not greater demand. Increasing demand is a by-product of an increasing amount of currency in circulation.
Pretty sure that's what I said!
+Josh Murphy Actually inflation is cause by too much paper chasing too little products. This can be cause by either increase supply in currency, increase circulation of currency with no increase of real good.

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deflation - why it is much scarier than inflation!

a timely analysis of why deflation is a far more scary prospect thatn deflation.

User Comments

Does his third point on debt repayment also apply to government debt and international debt/ loans?? 
+Alex Hutch Yes, his point, that deflation raises the value of debt burden, applies to all debts.The reason is the value of money increases with deflation... the same amount of money will buy you more in the future.More important, it applies to all balances, both debt and savings. Deflation raises the value of savings and assets.The only reason government hates deflation is because they have such massive debts, for ordinary citizens (who cannot usually increase debt beyond their total assets) deflation is a good thing.
My question is: Real prices are falling all of the time anyway. Why don't people put off demand if things are always getting cheaper in real terms?
wow.  I'm the one trolling?
You clearly have not studied economics.  The QUANTITY DEMANDED IS NOT DEMAND.
+Fall Sound Yes, higher demand increases prices, but only when dealing with a scarce or limited resource.With tech items like phones when demand increases the makers will just produce in greater volumes to fill ANY new demand almost immediately. The higher volumes of sales will make the phone cheaper to produce, and free market competition between manufacturers brings the price down to the customer, as Paul said.I don't know if your original question was about phones, but they are a perfect example of people NOT putting off purchases because of prices dropping. pajholden usually knows his subject, but he is wrong about deflation.
"Price is reduced by reducing demand or increasing supply." I don't understand what that means.So how do you, and why would you, want to reduce demand of products if people want to buy them ?You seem to be agreeing with me as that sentence says an INCREASE in DEMAND REDUCES THE PRICE, and then your last comment is "Demand DOES NOT effect supply."That is a complete contradiction and I can understand why you cant see that.I am wondering if you are trolling (?)It's ironic that you started off your last comment by saying I don't have a grasp of basic economics.Here's a link that says "Supply and demand is perhaps one of the most fundamental concepts of economics and it is the backbone of a market economy."//www.investopedia.com/university/economics/economics3.aspI don't think we are going to see eye to eye on this. 
+Paul L You are misunderstanding the most basic economic concepts. When we talk about the laws of supply and demand, we must hold everything else equal. So if demand increases and supply stays the same, then there will be an increase of price unless supply is perfectly elastic (which in your examples, it isn't). Increasing demand NEVER decreases price. Price is reduced by reducing demand or increasing supply.If you are investing in synthetic diamonds, which may be cheaper in order to make cheaper tools, you will be reducing the cost of making something and therefore increasing supply. You are confusing an increase in supply with an increase in demand.Demand DOES NOT effect supply. Everything else you said is a non sequitur, so i will not address it.
+Fall Sound I agree with most of what you say, but if a product is in demand it usually brings the price down, as I commented, TV's, mobile phones, cars, etc. Some products also become expensive if they are in demand, but that product can't be produce, ie gold, diamonds (although synthetic diamonds are available, usually for industrial cutting tools). I don't know a lot about money/economics and even the most qualified economists didn't see 2008 crash and even those that did couldn't stop it. Because there are so few banks now they can really manipulate the markets. Most trading is done by algorithms on computers and even the speed of a computer makes a difference to a broker's profits.I would make economics compulsory in schools, even if it is just teaching the elementary facts. Btw I'm very poor in comparison to most "westerners".
+Paul L I'm not an expert on the process of making mobile phones, but I know a little bit about economics. Using economic logic I can deduce that the price of a good falls either because demand fell, supply rose or both happened. Seeing as how mobile phones seem to be a good that most people continue to demand, I would say that a fall in demand is likely not adequate to explain the falling real price of mobile phones. Cell phones must be relatively cheaper to produce for some reason. It could be that the production process is more automated, or that as a result of entrepreneurs realizing mobile phones were in demand they actively searched for more raw materials to make them and drove the cost of buying the raw materials to make mobile phones down. I don't know the specifics, but a supply side story seems the most realistic.
+Fall Sound "Cell phones became cheaper (in real terms) because it was cheaper to produce them." is what you said, so please explain why they became cheaper. 
+Paul L That's not supply and demand though. Quantity demanded is determined by Supply and Demand, Demand does not change as the result of people buying a good. Your economic logic is back asswards.Cell phones became cheaper (in real terms) because it was cheaper to produce them. If there were any increases in Demand for cell phone then that would have an upward effect on price not downward (which could be the case, but the increase in Supply offset this).So you didn't answer my question unfortunately.
+Fall Sound Because a product needs to be bought by lots of people before it becomes cheaper. Mobile phones for instance were very very expensive when they were first on the market, as more people bought them the cheaper they became. Supply and demand.
What if interest rates hit minus???
+Bostall Gardens It is already happening isn't it? For example in Switzerland, it's minus 0.75%, so people pay banks to keep their money.
+Bostall Gardens Negative means the opposite happening. People paying the banks for the amount they have saved and banks paying for borrowing which will never happen!
+Jamie McGuire Not directly, but you can lose purchasing power. Savings accounts will probably keep up with inflation once the Fed raises interest rates again.
+ListWritingMachine But you can have real interest rates below zero- people don't realise they are losing money!
+Bostall Gardens They can't. People won't loan money if they won't get at least face value back.
excelent eplination but never saw such thing in india how does it help economy the 1.1 trilion euro QE pls explain thank you
+Jamie McGuireThat's true, if it was only one country doing this devaluation. But all western countries are doing it at about 2% to 4% per year, so there is not much effect on exchange rates. The main effect is to lower debt and asset valuations by that rate. As govmt has massive debts compared to assets they get a huge win, every year. What they are doing is transferring value from all assets (mainly privately held) into all debts (mainly government held). So it acts like a stealth tax. Its almost invisible, like iron rusting, and if they tried to do it much faster the people would realize they are being bled.
+nachiket parvatikar If you lower the value of your currency people will buy more of your goods- think about exchange rates; if £1=$1 then you would by X amount of British goods if you were American. If, suddenly, £1=$0.5, then Americans (purely theoretically) will buy 2X of the good- in essence, you sell more.
+nachiket parvatikarBecause when the currency has lower value, then debt has lower value. Thats why inflation helps any government with debts.It does not help the economy (or the people). Inflation actually transfers value from most of the population (like a tax) into the hands of the wealthiest people, and also the government. Deflation would do the opposite, which is why those in power want to avoid deflation. Deflation increases value of currency.
So basically sir u r telling that European nations wants to devalue their own currency.... Y wud any one do that loosing purchasing power
QE does not help the economy. It inflates/devalues the currency. That is good for any government (which has debts much bigger than assets), but not for the people (who generally have assets bigger than debt)
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