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Acceleration occurs when forces are Videos

Modern Physics, Lecture 15: Relativistic Kinematics. Forces and Acceleration.

Lecture 15 of my Modern Physics course at McGill University, Fall 2012. Relativistic Kinematics. Forces and Acceleration. The course webpage, including links to ...

Gravitation, Lecture 5, Physics IIT JEE (Gravitation forces for sphere, Acceleration due to gravity)

This is a lecture for understanding Gravitation in Physics for preparing for JEE, BITS and other engineering exams. The lectures are taught by IITians themselves ...

Apocalypse Rising+Phantom Forces montage"Acceleration" (Sub and like!!)

User Comments

Yay Final Cut Pro!!!!
Nice montage

Mom Drives 900hp Car, Tesla & Google, 2014 GMC Sierra, Toyota Acceleration, & No New LaFerrari!

Tesla and Google are consider joining forces on an autonomous vehicle project, but Tesla wants Google to change their style. There are more details out about ...

User Comments

Maybe because I've already pointed out all your bullshit? Nothing I've said has to do with not wearing a seat belt. With exception to ripping the skin off your arms, these aren't extreme cases. You would know that if you actually did research instead of talk out of your ass. So your 1 experience (you don't mention where your hands are idiot) disproves mountains of evidence from other cases. Good logic there buddy. Stop driving and ride the short bus. I'm thinking you lost some brain cells.
Youre the only one calling bullshit telling me to look for videos and such Youre also trying to quote to the closest extremes of what an airbag deployment can do if youre not positioned properly in a car or even wearing a seat belt I've been in a 50mph head-on collision due to the other driver being drunk and crossing the median. Combined speed of 100. The only injuries I was subjected to was swollen eyelids due to the powder from the airbag, and some bruising on my legs from the dash.
Brake is hydraulic, acceleration is drive by wire. Guaranteed she just hit the wrong pedal because even if a car is accelerating, brakes have 15% more stopping power and should've slowed her down. Further more, there is a neutral gear even in automatics to prevent power getting through the transmission and to the wheels, which allows you to just turn the ignition off. They should make the people at fault retake their G exit test before being allowed back on the road. :|
Nothing you're saying is any proof. All you're quoting is "extreme cases" and my accident does not disprove "mountains of evidence from other cases" because each accident is different, no matter how similar they are. I've seen people get broke legs because of the dash board.... I've seen others get broken wrists and hands due to having proper hand placement on the wheel.... doesn't mean shit. You're not wrong. You're just being a retarded asshole about it.
putting your hands anywhere on a steering wheel with an airbag "could" cause serious injury.... but because of the design of airbags, the only thing that will happen is that it will either push your hands off the wheel, or nothing at all. Airbags deflate just as quickly as the moment your head hits the bag to absorb the energy from the forward motion and to prevent your head from bouncing back, preventing any serious or fatal neck injuries.
The emergency medical journal and hundreds of cases are not proof. Riiiiight. So the retarded asshole who started a stupid argument with ridiculous declarations that go against statistical evidence and basic physics admits he's wrong and calls me an asshole and a retard because in his single lucky experience, nothing severe happened (still got injured) from placing his hands incorrectly on a steering wheel.
It's entirely driver error. On a properly serviced car, the brakes will always stop the vehicle, even when standing on the gas. As for the lady who "hit the brake and accelerated", she's just blaming Toyota for her own error of hitting the wrong pedal. Same thing happened to Audi in the '80s. Unintended acceleration due to people hitting the gas pedal instead of the brake.
Aww... it took you 6 days to come up with that? What a good little moron you are. Now you can go back to wearing your helmet and drawing with crayons. Since you're too stupid to look, here's your idiotic quote where this seatbelt nonsense started: "And I also had a seatbelt on, But it ripped where its joined at the anchor points where its stitched together..."
Nope try again. And my hands were at 10 and 2 bracing myself for the crash. And I also had a seatbelt on, But it ripped where its joined at the anchor points where its stitched together... like a seat belt is designed to do. They're not designed to STOP you, but slow you down. Its meant to absorb the energy your body carries with forward motion.
Actually, you did.... you tried to reference my comment as if I wasn't wearing a seat belt. A comment you made 2 days ago.... But nice try. I hope you're enjoying the fact that I am taking time out of your youtube experience to continue a pointless discussion... You should be at work being productive.
BULLSHIT! How about you actually google the bullshit you make up in your head before declaring it? A simple google search of airbag injuries reveals burns, abrasions, asthma attacks, fractures, retinal detachment, etc. This is also why you don't hover over your steering wheel or sit too close.
So sad that you still bother..... Obviously, you're overlooking what you've said just to make it as if I'm the idiot. On the contrary. I don't spend every waking hour on youtube to prove a point. But its fun making you get your panties in a bunch. Taking a bit too long to realize the obvious.
Got into an accident in 2007 due to drowsy truck driver , on the lane to my right ,who skid down hill hitting me , while doing ~145 Km/Hr ....not even a scratch on me or my front seat passenger just my cell phone flew of the static pad ....goes to prove how safe cars are now ...
Uh no... search cnet on cars airbags. You can punch yourself in the nose/eyes or have the skin on your arms ripped off. The velocity of an airbag that is supposed to be as close to instantaneous as possible will not simply push your hands off the wheel.
I heard about a Toyota accelerating when an old geezer pressed the accelerator when he meant to press the brake. 3 pedestrians died, but somehow Toyota got sued and gave everyone's family a big pile of money. Oh integrity, these days it is dead.
exactly what u said. that was a ipad3 in the parcel which i got from Apple-YT questionnaire content last week. Listen to this, dont forget to give ur email id and delivery address to receive via courier. i found it here -> bit.ly/12ws4Mo?=jjani
NOPE! Read the comments. It's all in your delusional retarded mind. You're the moron who brought up seatbelts. You're so stupid you can't even check this same exact page for the facts before typing some more bullshit like the moron you are.
There were stories from the UK of Toyota's "intentionally accelerating" as well... But that seems to have gone quiet... Let's be honest there are some really stupid drivers out there(some shouldn't even have a license in the first place)...
Since you're a moron, I'll let you know that there is a thread view in comments. Click it. You'll see the only time I mention seatbelts is in to tell your moronic ass that I'm not talking about seatbelts. Go home, you're drunk.
u're right. thanks to yt and apple for sending me rockin iphone 5 for taking their surveyz. And, you just need to give email addrss and tell them where you want to send. if you wanna try just try now : bit.ly/12cECqr?=hdfaf
Thank you for all that useless information that is totally irrelevant to the retarded argument you are trying to make. Need I remind you I said nothing of seatbelts what so ever before you started your idiotic rant.

P041 Forces - Acceleration

Physics - Forces causing acceleration.
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