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Pygame acceleration Videos

2D Car, Python/Pygame

A small start to a basic car game, just basic movement left right and forwards. I might add more detail to the car physics such as grip, weight and surface all ...

User Comments

do you have sourcecode link? i' am working on the simulation for ackermann vehicle
Thanks Joe P, hope this could help on my work
+Hendriyawan Achmad That's cool, I would love to know if my code helps out at all. I've put it on google drive for you to download https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByADOSmeBlfYfjRUU0JVUHFUbVh4emM1dWs1UEJjbDk5TGdjdjhaVkhHQjVuNnl3bllSR2s&usp=sharing

Space ship acceleration near planet simulation

This is computer simulation in Python/PyGame. It simulates how space ship should accelerate near planet. Simulation is done considering Newton's and ...

User Comments

This is very good. Do you know how to make python select a random number from a range like picking a number 1-10 then printing it and allowing you to use it for multiplication?

A02 1D: Air-Track Framework

Ball Drop Simulation

A simple simulation of a ball dropping from rest and falling due to the acceleration of gravity. Created using Python scripting and the pygame open source library.

Python [pygame] 04 Slowing It Down....

User Comments

Is there a good reason for calling clock.tick() before pygame.display.update() or is that just a habit you've got into?
Thanks man.....from Chile a hug

A03 1D: Wall Collisions and Gravity

Part 3: Introduction to 2D Game Physics with Pygame //physics.gac.edu/~miller/jterm_2013/physics_engine_tutorial.html Euler's method comes to life here.

Pygame MAME Gui

I started playing with Pygame today and created a base for my MAME loader. At the end of the video I lose control of my python window. It seems to happen ...

User Comments

Progress on a GUI for the arcade cabinet Not bad for learning Pygame today #mame #pygame #python 

T3tris Trailer - first draft

My first pygame.

Twin stick arena shooter I'm doing in python and pygame. I'm a bit stuck on a few things... Eventually I hope to a) finish it off, then b) adapt it to run on the ...

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