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Zowie fk acceleration Videos


See More -- Check our playlists! ○ CS:GO Tactics: //bit.ly/13R12Cn ○ CS:GO Nades With Neo: //bit.ly/Ztr47u ○ CS:GO 3rounds With A Pro: ...

User Comments

that shit has an advertisement tho. and come on not that bad
Wtf is this!? Mouse porn? I kinda like it... Is this wrong?
This mouse looks like a Kinzu. I'm loving It. :D
reka z syndromem E-1337 pozdro dla kumatych xd
chodzi Ci o myszke? if you know what i mean..
Taka mycha by sie przydala a nie jakies X7 :D
what the absolute fuck did i just watch?
Przynajmniej paznokcie niepoobgryzane :D
Porno dla e-sportowcow zglosic to ! xD
Jeśli chodzi o rękę to stara... :)
Czyżby była to ręka Asi Marks :D??
g400 świetny sensor, bierz śmiało
Co ona wyrabia z tą myszką, OMG...
Neo does this before every game :)
wtf! just having fun i guess ;)
Filmik dobry, jak i myszka :D
? o co chodzi z tym syndromem
Bad advert. Not even funny,
reka Asi- dziewczyny neo :)
hahahahahaha, very good :D
Nowy rodzaj pornoli ;D
Dobry advert i chuj :D

Zowie ZA12 (ZA Series) Gaming Mouse Review (The FK Cousin)

iTakTech - //www.itaktech.com iTakTech eBay - //stores.ebay.com/itaktech Facebook - //www.facebook.com/itaktech.

User Comments

which one is the most similar to SteelSeries Sensei in the ZA series, in size and weight
+Ninja sensei: 125.5 mm x 68.3 x 38.7 (102 grams)ZA11: 128 mm x 67 x 40 (90 grams)ZA12: 124 mm x 64 x 39 (85 grams)ZA13: 120 mm x 62 x 38 (80 grams)
they have no lightning at all in the logo and the scrollwheel?
+defToZzz Ikr, its such a bad mouse. Just remember ace, painting flames on your car makes it drive faster
Good evening I hand a little loan in 18CM claw grip do you recommend instead the ZA 12 OR 13 or FK 2 (sorry bad English )
+Jija Jojo ZA13
glad to see you back
+floto77 Gotta make more videos lol
The only gaming mouse I've used is the Deathadder 3.5G and after 4 years, it just broke. Was wondering if I should get the ZA 11, 12, or 13. I prefer palm grip and the measurement from my middle fingertip to my wrist is 17.5 cm.
+Devarsh Shah DA Chroma, or if your'e looking at the ZA, i would suggest the 13
Get the deathadder chroma or just buy the deathadder 2013 again its $40 on newegg i think or amazon
I have the ZA13 and the click is too stiff for me. is the click on EC-A softer than ZA? Thank you.
+Simon Walker Yes it is

zowie fk1 acceleration test (1600dpi 1000hz) aiming cs1.6

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (//www.youtube.com/editor) Notice how the Y axis is a bit off, because of my jittery hands. You get the ...

Unboxing Zowie FK1 - 1v1 Turney Tomorrow 6:00 PM CEST

Thanks to Maxfps for sending it! Tune in tomorrow at 18:00 swedish time to see the turney and have a chance to win a zowie Fk1! //www.twitch.tv/tejbz ...

User Comments

FinalMouse or the fk1 - fk2?
+Dylan Holter FK1. The Quality control at finalmouse is horrible.
I currently have a sensei raw and was wondering which zowie has a similar shape
+Sten Stensson Thanks!!
+Andy Sun I happen to own both a Sensei RAW and a FK1. They have a very similiar shape, sensei is just slightly larger making it just about viable for palm grip. FK1 is (unless baby hands) claw grip only.If you play with claw grip you'll probably find FK1 a great upgrade! :)
i have problem pls can`t choose any good mouse for me i hope u answer my question ... i have a small-medium hands and i`m a palm grip user ! so i bought steel series Rival and it`s not working with my hands coz the back of the steel series Rival are pretty high-Big so i can`t control the mouse ! so can u tell me if i bought fk2 or fk1 which one will be better for me ? and many people told me about zowie ec2-A and i`m looking for mionix avior 7000 ! so which one will be the best for me ? ! i hope u answer ... sorry for my english
+Get Hobo This video is pretty old buddy try a newer video then you maybe get an answer!
FK1 or EC2-A
+Raven it's both are good, it's all about the shape you that fits you more
+Raven fk1
+Raven fk1
Yo! Awesome video man! I just ordered the FK1 and was wondering if you find the Zowie Camade useful? Does it give you a noticable benefit in regards to comfort and/or performance? I've had issues with braided cords being too stiff and was wondering if I should go for the Zowie Camade to sort that out (even though FK1 has a rubber cord).. I'd greatly appreciate a reply to this :-)
+Ivo Christian Awesome, I can't between the fk1 and the EC2a, the ec has better ergonomics for right handed users but I keep hearing good things about the fk1.. Thanks for replying mate
It's amazing. Tracks perfectly, fits perfectly in my hand and I've had no issue with the rubber cord. Nice plug & play as well. I'm definitely far more in control of my movements now :-) Highly recommended!
+Ivo Christian How's the mouse?

Zowie FK Gaming Mouse Review (The "Zowie Sensei")

Like iTakTech on Facebook - //www.facebook.com/itaktech iTakTech eBay - //stores.ebay.com/itaktech - Gaming Mouse / Feet for sale iTakTech ...

User Comments

A lot of the pictures of this mouse make it look like the left button is lower than the right button? Is that the case?
+AidanofVT Not really actually
I don't see any people talking about FK1 or FK2. Does that mean they were bad or what? Hell, there are no written reviews for them online either.
+BLACKSHEEPc10 yep, the Rivals weight made my movement a tiny bit more shaky than it should of been, high sensitivity is much easier on FK1, I, too, have noticed the Rival being back heavy.
+Frewps I had the Rival, and it has the same problem lots of newer mice have. It is back heavy and lacks that 50/50 feeling weight distribution.
+BLACKSHEEPc10 Same, got mine a week ago and it's the best mouse I've had. I had a SteelSeries Rival before, but the size of the FK1 is perfect, and I don't have to open any program to change polling rate or DPI, it's just by pressing buttons the mouse. It's amazing to grip as well.
I have the Zowie FK1 best mouse I have owned to date, I have tried most of the best fps mice out there. This company makes elite mice no bullshit.
FK1 is just slightly bigger and has a sensor capable of higher DPIs, and the FK2 is just a slightly smaller version of the FK1. So if a reviewer has reviewed a regular FK like this video, there isn't much of a point of making a new video for pretty much an identical mouse. If you were thinking of purchasing a Zowie mouse, then go with FK1 or FK2 depending on what would fit your hand better. And btw, there's a ton of CS:GO pros that use Zowie FK1.
Dude at last a proper mouse review. Holy shit! Took me for fucking ever to find a good review. All the others shitty mouse reviews video just regurgitate what is clear or described on official websites. "It has 3 programmable LED light and 4 programmable buttons." Yeah I know that shit already, it's written on the box of the fucking mouse. Thank you, for this good review.
Yea it is, I'm gonna pick it up soon so will be doing a review on that
No problem man, the review was good, just being honest.Btw, did you try the FK2 yet? I'm on the market for a new mouse. Was looking at the FK1 but just saw that FK2 was out and is smaller and lighter. I have small hands with a claw grip.Edit: Nvm, it's basically the same mouse in a smaller shell.
Thanks for the support!
My Zowie FK's right-mouse button click is fucked up. It does that one-click > double-click glitch. At first I thought it was my OS so I switched from windows to several linux distros and found out after doing a mouse button switch left/right that it was the Zowie FK's right-mouse button. Anybody experiencing this or had similar issues. How to fix/prevent?
+takasta  Nope it turns out it was the 'enclosure' of the right-click button itself. I was only able to open it up half way by how it was clipped in place and poked through it...upward using a paper clip and jammed it back to working again.
+BLACKSHEEPc10 # "Zowie FK" mouse in a nut-shell (steal my words and spread it):-driverless-1000hz clock speed-(3)button speed configuration (red,blue,white) w/ selection saved even if unplugged(A) I've owned mine for about 8 months before the left-click button broke.Now, comparing it to the godlike M$ Optical Mouse it is slightly smaller in a sense that it's more of a sporty, tighter feel (without side-by-side comparison it's hard to notice/feel the difference).(B) Don't worry about the wiring it's really good for distraction of the traction.(C) The way it feels makes you think rubber atfirst but it's not and it's hard to explain, really. It makes you want to clean it after the end of the day but it seems to hold out pretty good on grease as far as it's looks go, so the more you use it the better it'll feel in the long run which is preferable. Think of it this way... a great jansport bag only feels good after years of weardown same goes for ragged jeans. For me it feels like Good mouse plastic because of the wear down.(D) The mouse wheel is tactical so it's not fast, meaning at each spin you'll feel the bumps.(E) For the speed, it feels more sensitive and DAMN RIGHT PRECISE! (due to the 1000hz vs. traditional 125hz) but of course you can lower mouse settings via OS or use it's button configuration. It feels good to have a mouse without any sort of delay :)# ConclusionDefinately takes the overall feel of the best mouse design (initiated by M$) and makes it it's own. Unfortunately for me the right-mouse click broke on me, but that mus've been from an asshole using my PC who overexaggerated his gameplay. Plus, you'll feel like a badass for using a mouse that doesn't look like a sex toy this is the night-rider that kills during the day for sure!
+takasta Can you do a follow up review on this mouse, after being used for a long time? How do you feel about it, vs say intellimouse 3.0 and other very good palm grip mice.
+JJ Best You have to change out the switch, ti's a switch problem

Zowie FK2 Maus Unboxing ~ German / Deutsch 1080p

Zowie FK2 Maus Unboxing ~ German / Deutsch 1080p ✓ Twitch Stream: //de.twitch.tv/deadlegacy1337 ╔════════ Seiten wo du mich findest ...

User Comments

wie läuft es mit der maus und sind die dpi einstellungen accurat? bitte um rückmeldung LG
+Vingigolo Aruri ich habe es nicht nach gemessen ich gehe davon aus.
Ich kann mich nicht entscheiden zwischen der FK1 und der FK2 kannst du mir helfen? :)
+The_TURBO_RIDER große Hände FK1 kleinere Hände FK2 sind fast identisch
Wie viel hat die denn gekostet?? 
Spielst überhaupt kein Shards of War mehr
+Henrik Schulz wenn ich die Zeit dazu finde
Jetzt wo wir die gleichen Mäuse haben ;D, können wir auch mal zusammen zocken , oder ? ;D Ich würde gerne mal mit dir das Gefängnis unsicher machen .
Stimmt ! :DIch würde gerne mit dir im Team sein. :DUnd vielen Dank für die Antwort.
+Mr.Monday TV mach beim PVP Event mit :P
Wie teuer war die maus ? Und könntest du nochmal den ganzen namen von der maus schreiben?? ( am besten in die beschreibung damit ich es aufjeden fall sehe ) ...danke ;)

CSGO Zowie FK 1 Test

res 1024x768 black bars sens 2.25 400 dpi no accel from deathadder 3.5g to microsoft arc to fk 1.

User Comments

Is it better than the 3.5G DeathAdder you had? Did you even like your DeathAdder?
+Ethre Tbh, it's all preference, I prefer the Deathadder more due to ergonomics and its bigger sized mouse which I tend to feel more comfortable with. The sensor is in the fk1 is much better I'd say and its smaller in size which is fine. It all ends to what feels more comfortable for you.
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