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Acceleration hardware Videos

AutoCAD 2015 - Desabilitando o Hardware Acceleration

Aprenda como desabilitar o "Hardware Acceleration" no seu AutoCAD 2015. Aprenda e Compartilhe!!!! Meu Facebook: ...

User Comments

Professor,Confesso que nunca tenho paciência para deixar comentários, porém acabei de assistir dois vídeos seus que me ajudaram muito e não tive como não vir agradecer!!!!Seus vídeos são fantásticos e de muito fácil entendimento. Obrigado por disponibilizar seu conhecimento por aqui.
+flora almeida Flora muito obrigado :) Mesmo não havendo comentários fique tranquilo que fico feliz em saber que estou ajudando. Abração, Prof. Daniel Severino
A minha é a 740M e testei no 2016, travava demais.. agora ficou bom! Obrigado
+thadeu Que show Tadeu :) Vou ser franco que é um recurso que deixa um pouco lento, mas com o recurso de desabilitar tudo volta ao normal. Abração!!!!
Amigo eu tenho uma gtx_980 e mesmo eu desativando a aceleração o meu cad fica travando o mouse eu tenho o cad 2010,2015 e 2016 os 3 travam o mouse... Vc sabe o que eu poderia fazer????
Não deu certo ainda amigo, exclui da lista da placa de vídeo mais ainda continua... E o meu problema nem é esse rastro nas linhas... O programa fica tipo travando mesmo entendeu..
Muto obrigado amigo !!!
+agadireia Olá Agadireia, estava com este problema a um tempo e resolveu quando recebi uma notificação da NVidia indicando que tinha um drive novo e que precisava atualizar. Verifique se não há nenhum service pack ou atualização p/ a mesma. Outra coisa que pode ajudar é na janela de configuração da placa você pode escolher quais softwares vão utilizar a mesma. Qualquer coisa me de um toque. Abração
Boa Noite professor, sou usuário do 2015 e meu problema de lentidão é com o comando line... toda vez que executo o comando o cursor fica lento e pra encontrar os snaps fica muito incomodo...
Obrigado professor... sem problemas
+Anderson Monteiro Opa Anderson, ia indicar exatamente você desativar o DYN. Peço desculpas por não responder antes. Abraços
Achei... Bastava eu desabilitar o DYNAMIC INPUT
+Anderson Monteiro e no caso, o meu Hardware Acceleration já está desabilitado
Fã, todos que assistem a aula do Daniel, se tornam. O Daniel tem uma didática incrível. Muito obrigado prof. por mais esta aula.
+georgegcj1 Magina :) Eu que sou fã de vocês por estarem acompanhando e por estar me dando forças. Muito obrigado meu amigo.
Bom dia Daniel! Cara, estou com um problema ao contrario deste aí solucionado. Quando ativo o comando line fica muito lento. Consegui resolver isso no autocad 2012 ativando a aceleração de hardware, mas no 2015 não to conseguindo ativar. Fica como se o botão de para ativar a aceleração estivesse desativado. Vc pode me ajudar???
Muito obrigado Daniel! ;)
+Joao Batista João, o problema pode estar na não compatibilidade da placa de vídeo do seu PC com a nova versão do AutoCAD. A Autodesk trabalha com algumas homologadas, veja o link e verifique se a mesma é compatível com a sua: //usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/syscert?id=18844534&siteID=123112#

Hardware acceleration in Firefox 4 Beta

Firefox 4 Beta features hardware acceleration to render pages. Mozilla's Tristan Nitot shows slides and code written by Paul Rouget, explaining what is ...

User Comments

Thanks for the great explanation , why don't you make more about the new features in Firefox 4 final release?
I really like how this is explained in simple language, but I'm eager for more!
Ack, sound coming only out of my left headphone causes pain for my left ear.
damn nice i love this

AutoCAD 2015 Problem with graphics and hardware acceleration

A short tutorial to show you how to solve a graphic problem in AutoCAD 2015. The new feature "hardware acceleration" causes this problem. This video ...

User Comments

THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!! My last year of school was looking pretty scary until this fixed the problem!! props to you man!
Muchas Grazias....Mr. AutocadAngel !!!! jejejjejeje
Song: Joel Compass - Astronaut (Gorgon City Remix)
YOU SAVE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!
you are lionnnnnnnn man thanks alot
Its work..Thanks

Firefox 4 Hardware Acceleration

Paul Rouget demos the performance wins of having Hardware Accelerated Graphics enabled on his Windows computer. For more information, visit ...

Autocad enable hardware acceleration

User Comments

¿ para que sirve esto ? O.o
+DINAMOHARD para hacerlo un poco rapido el autocad

Hot to Solve Autodesk ACAD 2014 Hardware Acceleration Problem

Hardware Acceleration is very important when working with Autodesk Autocad software, if you start getting a message when you start your Autocad saying ...

User Comments

+Khamla Phetnavongxay you are most welcome, happy to help

Hardware Spotlight - Mouse Sensitivity and Acceleration

Every hour a new video. Facebook: //www.Facebook.com/WorldOfAthene Twitter: //www.Twitter.com/AtheneLOL Tania's Twitter: ...

User Comments

Great video to explain to nubs, but here's some tips: If you want the mouse to move slower at max DPI settings then reduce software sensitivity settings. There is no good reason to play with lower DPI since that only reduces user precision because there will be less cursor accuracy in matching actual mouse movement. Lower resolution means you have less points for the lines of cursor movement on the screen, which means it will not be as smooth without software smoothing which also reduces accuracy since software smoothing does not match raw data. Higher resolution from the sensor means you have less bumpy cursor movement on screen because there are more dots mapped for the directions of cursor movement. This is especially important for extreme precision aiming, such as when sniping. If you want greater precision then always keep the DPI as high as possible unless you are not able to slow down the mouse movement enough when lowering software sensitivity; always opt to lower sensitivity before lowering DPI, otherwise you are not taking full advantage of the capacity for your mouse to give you greater precision. Even if you are using your mouse to draw, keeping the DPI as high as possible and lowering software sensitivity first will give you greater precision; the DPI should be the last thing you lower when you need the mouse to be slower, if you want to be precise. It is basic math; to visualize it, draw a some dots in a circle and connect them with straight lines from one to the next, then draw a group of twice as many dots and connect them in the same way, and see which set is more circular. A circular movement would represent the actual mouse movement, and the straight lines represent the cursor movement to match it on screen. More dots = more precision and more smoothness from raw data because it is hardware based instead of BS software alternatives. Sensor/hardware sensitivity doesn't have to make the mouse move to fast for you to control, it is merely resolution, just reduce the software multiplier/sensitivity to slow down the cursor as much as you need before you ever lower the sensor DPI.
Wow, i hadnt thought about this before but i tested it with my Logitech g500 by placing my mouse courser on edge of my left screen and my mouse on the edge of my left side on my mouse pad and had my other hand as a marker in the middle of the mouse pad. I first moved it really slowly and the mouse courser traveled not even to my right screen but when i did it faster(as if i had to turn and shoot somebody really quickly) it traveled from the edge off my left screen to the edge on my right screen.
Just fyi for people who are interesting. A lot of veteran FPS players actually play on low self sensitivity while using dpi swiches for situational purposes. Specifically very high dpi mice are more geared for RTS players. But nice thing about gaming mice is you can fully customize its dpi to suit you. Most important thing about gaming mice is the feel, my suggestion is to go out and test mice before you buy.
5600 DPI is way too much for an FPS gamer, this is unless you can turn down your sensitivity in-game ridiculously low. While talking about mouse behavior I think you guys should have mentioned other important factors such as polling rate, smoothing, vsync and FPS. All equally important to know about as acceleration.
I can actually play better WITH mouse acceleration. at least league of legends. I have dpi set on maximum and sensetivity on maximum to have the reaction speed. and with acceleration i have a good controll over the cursor without gettin too inprecisewhen i need to pick a target in teamfights.
I never know about that....but I don't feel anything wrong....I've played with a lot of mice and never thought that there is such a thing...but I've gotten used to it I guess...well it mite be because I play with a high sensitivity....
yah... it make no sense at all right.... but whenever i go to the mall and see razer hardwares or watches it on youtube,, i become a fan, i love their designs and their technology ,,, maybe someday i will be able to buy those :)
Some people like low dpi for fps, some like high. Its a flat out preference but as Cheesy says, FPS community tends to lean towards more low dpi mice with high dpi switch buttons for mobility. Simply do what you enjoy.
Razer hardware sometimes gets alot of shit about reliability, but of the whole time using razer products ive had one issue that was swiftly taken care of by their support staff which is awesome.
I have perfect accurate and aim in all the games i play, it have newer let me down :) I feel its an advantage for me to have a faster mouse :) -But thanks for feedback anyways :)
Yeah I so want a naga however I using a Death adder right now and it feels great too. Wants a naga so that I can use the side nums for my gw2 skills easier. Hook me up Athene!!!!
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