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Beginners saxophone Videos

Beginners Tenor Saxophone Tutorial

A beginners how-to on playing the tenor saxophone. Please note that these are NOT professionals, and people learn bad habits. Take notes of others in the ...

User Comments

If anyone is still here, I need help with my tenor sax. It's actually a simple question. What do I do if my mouthpiece won't tighten. I try to tighten it and it just slips off.
If your mouthpiece won't tighten? Well I think you might be really talking about your cork not being thick enough. This is a simple fix, if you get a lighter, and place it below the cork, it will simply expand. Be careful not to burn your cork though!
+Guy That Comments Randomly And Is Happy To start with are you using the right size mouthpiece. Depending on how you bought your horn you could have a bari mouthpiece second of all get your neck re-corked. Dry cork shrinks and will prevent a proper seal.
can i just note that is the ugliest sax ever.
It looks pretty standard to me.
Wrong, you put the mouthpiece on first then put the neck on the saxophone. You can bend the neck by putting the mouthpiece second. (I've been playing for 3 years and learned from a person who bent their mouth piece.)
Well, you just want to be careful..
If your cork is greased well and the mouthpiece fits on the neck easily, it doesn't matter. Just make sure to hold the neck when you put the mouthpiece on.
+TheReedBreed well then that makes a lot more sense.
+SethHey, I was just trying to say that I knew what I was doing and he didn't.
+TheReedBreed P.S. no one cares you played for 3 years
Thanks man, very helpful since I just grabbed the sax, but I still got problems with the mouth position,can't get it right when I'm going from C to D, it goes to the lower D, not the high one. Any advice?
You pressing the thumb key? it might also help to tighten up your embouchure (mouth)
This was more helpful than u thought it would be. I play clarinet in band, but I'm going to start to also play the tenor sax in jazz band. I needed a crash course in one month time.
same here too.
Same 0_0 except I'm in marching band :)
+Alexis Smith Same!
+Alexis Smith That is just like me

Beginners Soprano Saxophone Tutorial

A beginners how-to on playing the soprano saxophone Please note that these are NOT professionals, and people learn bad habits. Take notes of others in the ...

User Comments

Would this be good after you played the clarinet for awhile?
+Wonder Twins My mistake, I meant clarinet. If those low notes aren't coming out, it could be an issue with the pad. Make sure your fingers are completely covering the tone holes too. Any movement in your finger could accidentally allow air to escape in the middle of the horn.
Well I'm playing the clarinet with 2 1/2 thickness on the reed
+Wonder Twins What reed/mpc combo are you using? What saxophone is it? It could be a leak too.
+C@ptain_Jack I'm already having trouble playing the lower notes like G
that is also true, i forgot about that
A soprano saxophone is far more free blowing and is easier to project. That also means it's more difficult to control at lower volumes than clarinet. The octave key is also literally an octave key, not a 12th key. You may also need a neck strap at first as it's significantly heavier than a clarinet. All that being said, I would recommend alto saxophone before soprano sax. Controlling intonation on a soprano saxophone is very tricky.
Thanks a lot
+Wonder Twins a bit different fingerings and different reeds
Do you play the soprano sax? So the fingerings the same? Dose it use the same reed? ETC.
Theyre both in Bb, soprano instruments, and have similar fingerings so why not?
Really like this video!! What brand of saxophone is that? I saw on the case it was band loaned, and most use Yamahas, is it? Please tell me thanks!
+Joey Wagner Not sure what kind but go for the Yamaha Yss-475
I'm learning the soprano saxophone for jazz band and I already play the oboe this helped me a lot :) 
I'm also learning it for jazz I play trumpet French horn and bass already

How to Buy a Saxophone for beginners -

In the above video you will learn how to buy the best saxophone for a beginning student. //losangelesmusicteachers.com/jazz-improvisation-lessons-sax/ ...

User Comments

Why would a beginner purchase a Yamaha that's like buying you 16 yea old a Lexus
+MizrahiWarrior Selah - Your welcome, Good luck and let me know if you need me to check out some pictures of some horns you're looking at on Ebay If you feel like you've found something that looks good and you want a second opinion.
+Rick Rossi thank you so much for your help I appreciate it sir
+MizrahiWarrior Selah - The most common and easiest to play is the alto. If you are buying used, make sure you find out how much it's been played. If you see a bunch of scratches in the finish, that is the most obvious sign that's it's been used quite a bit. The other thing to check for is the condition of the pads. How do they look? Are they nice and clean or are they looking dirty and hard. They are usually made of leather and they will get hard with a lot of use. That can be the most serious expense if you buy one with worn out pads and have to replace them. Can cost 200.00 minimum (for a hack job) and as much as 900.00 for a super pro repairman in LA. So you definitely want to make sure the instrument is in new condition. A few scratches here and there are ok but lots of scratches means trouble.
+Rick Rossi ok sorry so as my first sax should I get a soprano alto or tenor what's the more common one
+MizrahiWarrior Selah .... can you explain that? You can find Yamaha's of in all kinds of conditions. Most people don't buy a Lexus and put it in their closet. If you find a Yamaha Yas 23 in mint condition because it was bought for a kid who played it for 6 months and then gave up you have a comparatively 6 month old Lexus for half the price. That's what I'm talking about.
can someone tell me the stand he has in the background? it has a tenor alto soprano and flute
+Mike B I believe the one I'm using in the video is made by La Voz. I recently bought a new stand by Hercules that I think is even better than the La Voz. It's made with the same strong metals and folds up into a really compact unit for packing. Check it out here:https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=hercules%20double%20saxophone%20stand There's other ones out there (look for double sax stands as the keyword on Google) but if you want one for all three saxophones you'll like this one which also comes with the pegs for the soprano sax, clarinet and flute. Good bargain for about 52.00. It's got 5 star reviews.
Thanks for the advice, but I still have several questions with regards to buying my first saxophone, especially since I'm gearing towards buying online (I can't seem to find a good shop here in Dubai). Help.
+llowidz Wish I could help but I would just try using google with "buy yamaha used saxophone" as my keywords.

Sax Practice Tips for Beginners | Saxophone Lessons

Learn here how to REALLY use your new iPhone //bit.ly/1UKdTgJ Like these Saxophone Lessons !!! Check out the official app //apple.co/1T1HOQK ...

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hmmm strange, my eyes read sex instead of sax....
i know that feel bro
me to BeingRevok

How to play the G Blues Scale on Saxophone (Saxophone Beginners Lesson BC406)

//saxcasts.com | //www.facebook.com/saxcasts In this free online Saxophone Lesson from his Saxophone Beginners Course Dan teaches you another ...

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He was a top Jazz man in Christchurch newzealand. He passed a couple of years ago. He played with stu Buchanen and bob brad fords big bands. I'm 34 now and have only dabbled over the years as my grandfather was slightly intimidating to learn off as he would get frustrated if I couldn't pick up a run first time. But after watching your G scale and D blues you've made it so simple to pick up and you must be a fabulous teacher in person. As I've picked up both blues scales and axel f in a matter
Hello GWOSAPAT! Well, really, this version of the Blues Scale is taken from the minor pentatonic scale rather than a Diatonic (major scale) but I suppose: Think of a Major Scale as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 This minor blues scale is like playing: 1 b3 4 b5 5 b7 8 The b3 b5 and b7 are notes that give that "Bluesy" sound and subsequently they tend to be used a lot during improvisations over minor chords. Quite technical for a beginners course..! DC
hi daniel, and youtube!! I just got my very first sax and was wondering if you can recommend some lessons that i should start with. it is completely foreign to me. i do know how to set up and hold it, just dont know any note yet and havent even started blowin on it yet (due to busy schedule) thanx for the lessons and i am sure you will be hearing lots from me as i learn this beautiful instrument!
Thanks for your reply ! I advance pretty well I think. I practice 1.5 hours every day, sometimes more. I'm really hooked, it's so much fun :) And your on-line classes keep inspiring us day after day ! The funny thing is that the sax keeps intriguing me, I find its physics absolutely amazing and also the sound it makes. Thanks again Daniel ! Best regards from Klausenburg, Romania.
I got it thanks! I just had to look. As you see in my picture I got a Tenor!! It's 1962 Conn 16m. It plays like dream! And dude Thanks for everything... I'm now playing with a bands!! And got way better then I was be for. Thanks again Dan you made my dreams come true.
Of days.plus Mercy mercy mercy is so muck fun to play. Can you please do a tutorial for "Londonderry air" Maybe a waters down version of Kim youngs as that's the sweetest rendition I've ever heard. Many thanks again for bringing the spirit of Jazz back in my life:)
I think your an awesome sax player! I'm new to the saxophone world. I'm 14 and I know some scales. only G and D, I love that D blues scale that was just awesome, I know how to play it too. come see my channel sometime i'm gonna start some sax videos too. DK
Hey Daniel... I just brought my very first alto sax. I have never played before and just had an impulse to learn. I am 48 years old and i am loving every second of it....! Thank you very much Daniel, your an inspiration to us all...!
Awesome videos man !!! You really inspired me ! I just ordered my first saxophone TODAY (a tenor...) Can't wait to start playing ! Thanks again and best of luck with your activity !!!
It's mostly support. Check out my video on ways to instantly improve your sax playing, see if deep breathing helps. Failing that it could be your set up.
Hey Daniel have you ever heard of a straight alto sax, its not a soprano sax, they are real and wanted to know if u knew about them?
Daniel ive been playing for 3 years 1 alto two tenor but my tenor sounds weird when I get up to the high notes how can I improve it
Thanks for the kind comment Damien! I'm really glad to be helping you make the most of your Sax. Keep on blowing! :-) DC
I've only seen one in person once, they look quite quirky! Never played one and never heard one played though.
So do u put a G# in a scale of D scale blue ?? I tried to fit G# but it just sound abit funny.
Thank you so much for the free lessons. There aren't any viable teachers here in metro atlanta
Brilliant request come request it on the facebook page and i'll add it to the list!
Hi Daniel. After watching your videos i dusted off my Grandads Buescher series 2.
I'm having a hard time doing this on alto. Make a video on G blue scale on alto!
I'm enjoying your lesson, and I'm learning a lot too ~!! Thank you !!
Please can you let me now the make and moldle of your saxophone
I'm a trumpet player... What am I doing here lol
Daniel great lesson, keep up the great work Tony
It's exactly the same as he's showing on Tenor.

Beginners Bari Saxophone Tutorial

A beginners how-to on playing the bari sax Please note that these are NOT professionals, and people learn bad habits. Take notes of others in the comments ...

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+Max Meszaros I know I used one when I started Bari and hated it so I play on a neck strap now
i also use a neck strap but the thing he is using is a harness.
+Max Meszaros yeah I play Bari but I use a neck strap and everyone in my band including bass clarinets use neck straps
+RiotControl thats how bari sax and bass clarinet neck straps are (of that kind that is)
I know it's so on his neck not touching the shoulders at all!!
Can someone help me, I play tenor and I can't blow the notes below G. help?
+Infinty MyThiic Warmer air, expand your vocal muscle and blow warm air out of your instrument faster and harder and low notes come out clean. :) Drop your jaw as you blow air through with anything below G
You guys are all so mean I bet you can't play as good as him and he's trying his best
Tbh he's actually pretty bad, all of us who r talking probably have at least 5 yrs of experience so shut ur trap

How to Play Saxophone - Getting Started on Tenor Sax

Learn how to play tenor sax. This saxophone lesson is part of the beginning saxophone online lesson series presented by //www.beginningsax.com titled ...

User Comments

Thanks so much was easy to follow been a dream of mine to learn
+Stephen Migliaccio Glad you enjoyed the video! Be sure to check out my complete beginner's series of lessons. There's a link to the website in the video description above.
This was great! Thanks so much.
Thanks Seven Minaya!

Beginner Saxophone Lesson-Major Scales Introduction

//www.mcgillmusic.com Sax School This is an introduction to Major Scales for the saxophone. Check out the other lessons at www.mcgillmusic.com. A PDF ...

User Comments

Nigel, you are awesome!
Hi Nigel. I have a question. Every time I try playing a note, it starts to squeak uncontrollably. How do I stop this? I would also like to know how to play different song and scales. I'm a beginner so it's a little hard to start off.
+McGill Music Sax School Thank you! 
+TheAmazing Gamer147 Hi, if you're getting lots of squeaks then first off make sure you've got your mouthpiece setup correctly. Next, make sure you're not using too much mouthpiece - experiment to see if this helps. And finally, make sure you're pushing your fingers all the way down (common problem when just getting started!). If you're still having problems then it might be best to get your sax looked at by a repair guy. Hope that helps.
You da man Nigel!

Free saxophone lesson: how to blow and play the Saxophone for Beginners

How to blow and play the saxophone FOR WORKSHEETS AND LINKS TO STEP BY STEP BEGINNER LESSONS GO TO -- www.saxjournal.co.uk.

User Comments

So i've played trombone for about 2 years and i asked my mom if I could start playing saxaphone and she said maybe. my friend grant and i practice out of each other's books sometimes since our notes are pretty much the same. I was wondering if i do get a saxaphone what advice do you have lip wise i noticed what you do with your lips is how i get lower lots out easier.
I think it is because alot of sax players especially in England start on the clarinet then transfer so the alto is a good step up in size instead of the tenor which is much bigger. I prefer playing alto probably because of this, cant get used to the tenor mouthpiece size and prefer sound of the alto when i play.
I just got my first sax, and it squeaked like all hell. I searched ALOT of forums and everyone said it was something everyone struggeled with in the beginning. Then you come along and advise me no to screw the reed to tight, and voila. Sounds clean as a whistle. Thank you, good sir.
Hi, I have a question. I am playing the saxophone now as a beginner, but in the past few years I suffered an accident that left me deaf of my left ear. And since I am practicing it is very difficult for me whether I am playing the right tone. Any suggestion.
@Slagg808 Its sounds like a miracle happened. Most problems with beginners stem from bad positioning of the mouth but i think this video explains this quite well. I hope your son/daughter continues to play as the sax is a quality instrument
soprano is the highest pitch and usually thin and straight, more like a clarinet in shape. Alto is medium and curved and tenor is the bigger of the three and deeper sound. I would recommend listening and trying some out before you decide.
This is your right hand, if you didn't know haha very helpful video, thanks! I've been a percussionist for about 15 years now and wanted to learn something else, this helped a lot! Thanks!!!
@andthickett well, i cant blame you for that because, my band director is asking me if i should play the bari. should i do it? It has a way bigger mouthpiece, but i think i can handle it.
@andthickett haha yeah I guessed that, I'm from 'Boro (no not scarborough lol) I play a bit of Tenor myself, would love to get good and do it as a pro but need to practice a lot more :$
Why does most people has an alto sax!!!! I'm a tenor and apparently, jealous that everyone has a alto sax, why can't more people have just a tenor sax!!! Unless, your a collector.:D
SO much better information and help than others I've looked for guidance. I just got my sax today, and no one else so far has explained in depth as you have. Thank you very much.
It may take a while to beable to play the lower notes well. Practice starting on a higher note and workingn down with more control each time. eg. Start at B-A-G-F-E
When I play lower notes (E on down) I have to blow REALLY hard to get a tone. Far as I can tell there are no leaks. What else could be wrong here? Advice anyone?
just thinking of learning to play sax... it has been my wish for 10 years... hope I will catch it... seems simple... but it only seems... thanks for the post
Great teaching method! Very patient and detailed. It really helped me to start with the mouthpiece. And you are also very pleasant to the view.
@Takoimi Good I am glad i could help. To be honest I just did what I normally do when talking to the kids I teach but it is good it is helping.
I'm typically a string musician and I thought I'd try going out of my comfort zone; this video was SO helpful! Thanks a ton for the great tips!
great video! I think I may be learning sax for fun soon :) I'm a music major an dplay percussion but i really love the sound of the sax!
@andthickett oh that would be very helpful! thank you! I can play some scales now, but its still hard for me to get to the lower notes:/
@billmel1 Thanks, nice of you to say. I am from Yorkshire (up north in England if you didnt know) we tend to be born that way.
thanks so much i was doing it completely wrong. All the other videos were too hard to follow but this was great thanks again.
well it is down to personal choice in the end, however most people start on the alto especially if they are younger.
Thanks I am glad I could help. I recorded this video a while ago and it is good to hear people are finding it useful.
@thanks glad it could help. I have a few other videos that link to worksheets if you want a bit of music to read
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