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Block tlc beginners guide Videos

Beginner's guide to Tron Bonne

My first tutorial so I hope you like it I apologize for the sound quality I am recording it with a rock band mike. Hit confirm: When you use a move or combination of ...

User Comments

@DisMofo1991 I would, but my main team setup isn't really built with 2 other good assists. I use Tron (Gustaff Fire) / Dante (Jam Session) / Wesker (Samurai Edge) Wesker and Dante's assists are really only there to help Tron extend combos. Then if Tron takes too much damage for my liking I'll DHC / hard tag out and have a nice invincible assist to help them get in. For teams with beam / screen filler assists or those that drop behind you (Morrigan's Soul Fist) I'd see that as being viable though
@probablychris As far as tournaments go I think your experience will change with where you are. For example I live in CA and I go to tourneys in a place called pasadena. Pasadena is a upper middle class area and so the people at tournaments are a bit cocky and very passive aggressive. I have won a few tourneys and I am happy with my experiences (for the most part). As for ranbat being online people are more willing to talk trash and so if you turtle or anything considered cheap u get cursed out.
There are plenty of ways to stop/combat trons jump h/s. The easiest is by using air throws.Due to the fact that her jump h/s both have decent start up and are usually preceded by an airdash grabbing her out of the sky can be rather easy (unless she is being aided by an assist. Another option is to have a good anti air. Dormamus s, nemesis s, and magneto's s are great aa's you can use. And if you are feeling gusty you can just jump towards her and use a quick air to air attack.
Nice vid. I'm not a big fan of throw resets for Tron as I'm usually far too cautious when using them. They seem a ballsy sort of move to me, with not too much reward except to tack on a mini combo and reset the scaling. Tron's regular BNB's go on for hours as is and I'd rather just reset into more pressure via drills / jump cancels. The only thing I think is severely lacking from the video is an explanation of how Tron can link her various Servbot hypers.
@mcjohnstTO I am glad you brought this up because I was really thinking about showing how to link the hypers, but I felt like it was too technical for a "Beginners guide" so if I make an advanced guide then I will be sure to put it in. Oh and if throw assists seem to risky then cover them with an assist to make them a bit safer :)
I was filming some stuff to put together a Tron combo tutorial the other day and I was about to be pissed when I saw this... luckily the stuff here doesn't overlap with what I'm gonna do at all since I'm mainly focussing on intermediate-to-advanced combos so be on the look out for that in the next few days!
I know it's a beginner tutorial, but it really was a combo/ simple reset tutorial. You didn't even get into basic tron gameplay except for jump H. IAD jump H/S/ or M should be discussed. DHC trick w/ Tron should be discussed. Bonne Strike options should be discussed.
@AzumangaFan13, I think he was trying to be a smart ass.... Anyways maybe for the flame reset you can backdash when you land, then if you see them forward tech do flame, or if they don't forward tech you can dash forward then flame. You can probably do it on reaction.
hey thanks for the tips, very helpful. btw, i'm coming from the 3D genre so I have no clue about the 2d community... I was j/w what is your tourney/local ranbat experience. it'd be nice to know I'm not taking stuff from some random :]
DisMofo1991, I have a friend who uses Tron and is always pressing air H and S. I have a hard time setting up my offense. I usually push block but that just let's him pressure me more. At what point are air H and S unsafe? Any advice?
@novriltataki I know tron has a bit of trouble with small characters, but if you use the delayed J.S (Jumping Special) and work in plenty of command grabs then you can make the experience allot more manageable
Yo this is pretty good. Someone should make a vid on using Tron as an assist. How not to get blown up by teleports and air dash behind. Cuz that's what I need to figure out.
How to play Tron... Step 1. Learn a basic high damage bnb Step 2. Learn how to jump H Step 3. Learn to hit confirm into bnb after jump H You're now a master with Tron
The smaller the hitbox, the harder the matchup is for tron. That's why she does pretty good against Sentinel but gets screwed by all the small characters :(
that a really good tutorial and i could even get the humor right from the start. im adding this to my faves playlist on youtube and tron to my team asap
Yo, your copy of Marvel 3 is different than mine. In mine everyone seems to air tech and pushblock like they aren't retards.
Oh and if you do an advanced guide with some team talk don't forget to mention Tron as a starter and ender of the DHC trick.
@Deadhero98 sure if your youtube name is your gamertag then I will send you an invite asap, but my gamertag isn't dismofo
the colors are messed up at the end of the video...just FYI..but anyways, good job on the guide.

Block Printing your ribbon embroidery designs & stitches

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Fantastic ribbon work, I love decorating small items with it too but have only recently started to learn how to do it, I would love to see more tutorials and information for example what is the best ribbon to use and are there different stitches that can be used...TFS...Ann...x
Lovely. Thank you.

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WWE All Stars Pro Tips: Reversals & Counters - Tutorial

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User Comments

Click reversal and reverse the reversal so it looks like you reversed it. Or something like that. Nice video though. :)
@JUSTBLAZE2O when ur playing with someone like bret press one of the attack buttons and it'll go into another move
post the steel cage tips. I am horrible in those matches atm
damn i didnt even know about the reversal block
spoiler alert: reversal is said more than once
Did he tell us how to reverse a finisher?
You can reverse a reversed reversal? Wtf
how can i do that move in 1:41 ?
@porygonman what a little bitch
1:30 i finally did that one
@kingofthegames95 lol same.
Damn hard
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