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Sbg beginners Videos

SBG Northside Beginners BJJ Class

Steven taking the Beginners BJJ Class at SBG northside, assisted by the beautiful Aengus.

User Comments

@ar1608 why and when did SBG northside close down,and do you know any gyms around the baldoyle area that do muay thai,Thanks man :)

The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Tutorial "A Beginners Battle Report"

GBHL James and Jamie give a basic run through of how to get started with the hobbit strategy battle game! This beginner batrep is exactly that, a tutorial for the ...

User Comments

wow either goblins are underpowered or elves or op
+GBHL Podcast 200 pts of goblins + a shaman yes a much much tougher time. but it was a good beginners game :)
+arrshyan In this example I believe we have 12 warriors and a hero from each list. The Elves equal around 200ish points and the Goblins have about 100ish points. Imagine this scenario with double the amount of Goblins. The elves would have a much tougher time. - GBHL Jamie
+arrshyan this game wasn't representing on how powerful a certain army is but just to show how to play the game. i own a full 1000 pts army of pure goblins no bows and my opponent's have allway's been having a tough time defeating them on any set point amount. there good as a mass force but there elites are a bit weaker. i have most army's but my fav one to play is moria goblins they have good cheap troops. good monsters and very powerful hero's all they lack is cavalry ( they have one but its costly and you wouldn't want to many of them). mass army's are very good and work well at any type of scenario
I refuse to play the new rule set, it just another way for GW to make money. The 2nd edition 2005 of the rules was the best. Loved this game so much! Its hard in California to find players anymore as the game isn't a "Supported" game anymore. Still my favorite!
+Heldane Urbanus Good tip, ill have to look into that if i ever find players in LA. Harder than the normal miniatures games to find them. 
+Merchant Ivory I understand how you feel. You can always look on ebay/Gumtree for a good quality second hand one.
+Merchant Ivory Thanks for your comment pal! Although hard for a business to support a game when people refuse to play the new rules or buy the new stuff :( Whilst I don't agree with all their business moves, they are a business and they need to make money. The new rules are pretty cool though! Hope you find some fellow hobbit hobbyists matey - GBHL James
I skim watched the video are the rules more or less the same as Warhammer and i presume as appose to armies its good vs evil?
Very different to Warhammer in the sense of movement and combat however shooting stays reasonably similar. In this game every model moves independently, it's more like a large scale Mordheim than typical Fantasy. - GBHL Jamie
GF just started collecting this but cant seem to find isengard army any help would be nice.
eBay is a great place to pick up Isengard, lots of plastic models and the heroes are relatively cheap. - GBHL Jamie

SBG Ireland training

a 'call out' surfing drill for passing the guard just a wee idea i had for helping guys get 'into' the guard. like all the surfing drills, it is not a collection of techniques ...

User Comments

Brilliant Passing techniques John...Im a try some of dem tonight at point blank!....Maybe i'll get Mark wid one....lol
Thank you for sharing excellent passes, I'm going to work on all of those.
Hi John, love these drills!!! I will try it tomorrow:D Keisuke
cool music celine dion... nice cuz thats not gay @ all
seven years ago and im only seeing them now
These are great drills thanks for sharing.
@hqstudio haha deadly comment
Great coaching and skill
cool drill.
Nice drill

SBG - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - IRELAND

Concept/ Film/ Edit REEL VIEW [email protected] Ultimate Fitness Centre Dublin is the home of SBG Ireland and run by John Kavanagh -- Irelands first ...

User Comments

Thanks John for summing up the reasons I love BJJ and Wrestling much better than I ever could.
Hi Darragh. Shot on Canon 5D mark 2, slow mo with Canon 60D. Thanks
I am very proud of John Kavanagh as an Irishman. Great philosophy!
Brillant speach regarding BJJ, philosophy and self development
By the way great video. May I as what you shot it with?
Brilliant love this video
Excellent video
great video...
nice video!
Love it!

SBG - How to download a app or a game on Android

SBG - How to delete a program in Windows 7, 8 OS

Hobbit SBG *Epic* Battle Report - 1000pt Dunland assault on Edoras!

In a channel first, GBHL James and Jamie are joined by Ian Spiller to bring you an epic battle report, as 1000 Dunlendings, a rare sight of metal SBG wonder, ...

User Comments

great bat-rep
+The Rhosgobel Rabbit Thanks matey, always nice to get positive feedback - GBHL James
Awesome! Beautiful miniatures. And simply amazing terrain. Kudos for all involved! Cheers!
+Tupinamba77 Glad you enjoyed! It was a pleasure - GBHL James
hey +GBHL Podcast can you help me out with some colours for Rohan? :D GW paints please :D
+Nick Godske Happy to help Nick! Rohirrim are mainly greens, browns and reds! I use lots of caliban and castellan green, mournfang brown and rhinox hide, and khorne/mephiston red! Hope it helps get you started! - GBHL James
Been looking forward to watching this one for a while now and finally got a chance to sit down and watch it tonight. The scenery and armies are incredible and it's great seeing that many models in a bat-rep, the scale of it was just magnificent. It was also great to see Jamie and Ian making the decision to Piercing Strike and go Two-Handed with 99% of the combtas, just for the lols - great stuff and exactly the kind of fun-first tactics that make narrative bat-reps so great. Ultimately though, it seems like a bit of an opportunity missed and, as Jamie says in the breakdown at the end, little more than a dice rolling exercise. The Dunlendings really never had a hope of breaking through the Rohan line and as such there was very little tension or hope of an upset. It would have been cool if slain Dunlendings could re-enter the board from any table edge to really force James to divide his forces and chase them down all over the table. As it was they were simply never going to be able to make enough progress, particularly when there were a group of Outriders camped on the staircase, safe in the knowledge that their table-wide stand-fast would mean they never ran if the Rohan army was broken. It was a clever tactic from James but frustrating to watch and. lets face it, hiding at the back is also pretty much the last place that Outriders would be! Finally, what the hell was Knight of the Pellenor doing there? Surely it should have been Marshall of the Riddermark, that would've helped out the Dunlendings no end. Ah well, ultimately it looked great but it would be worth tinkering with the scenario next time to make sure both sides had a chance - Damian
+GBHL Podcast Only just read this Damian! Sorry I haven't replied to the criticism yet pal, but I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as everyone else :( I think we did alright considering it wasn't particularly planned beyond knowing Ian wanted to do a 1000 point battle report of Dunland versus Rohan, that it was relatively last minute being at mine with the terrain etc and we had a time limit (I had work later and they'd been at the gaming centre longer than expected.) I'm sorry you found my own play frustrating in contrast to the decisions of Ian and Jamie :( I personally thought I played very 'counter-competitive' and made decisions for the benefit of the entertainment of the game rather than just winning, such as not sitting back and outshooting them, charging in when I had priority, making myself vulnerable to certain heroic combats, coming up with on the spot rules such as Thrydan couldn't be targeted by bow fire if leading from the front etc, but I'm sorry you didn't see it that way. I definitely wanted to defend Meduseld so didn't play completely stupidly, if that's what you would have preferred? With regards to Marshall of the Riddermark, ultimately, that is pretty much every mounted Rohirrim model I own to just about get the 1000 points, so I hope that explains the Knight of the Pelennor inclusion and I personally think that decision paid off from an entertainment point of view as it was cool to see a character everyone knows survive against great odds, his avoidance of almost certain death pretty much being what stopped Dunland from winning - until that last couple of turns, it looked hit and miss and was a pretty close game! But that's just my own opinion, these things are of course subjective. Ultimately, it's been one of our most popular battle reports with 136 likes to 1 dislike, it got featured on Beasts of War for it's awesomeness and has soared to over 3500 views in a very short space of time. But of course, we can always look to do better going forwards and I'll take on board your points :) - GBHL James
did you make a rohan?
Oh wow :o
+Ivana Rosic The Rohirrim are mine, as is the scenery, although Rick Fryer made the scenery :) - GBHL James
Great bat rep, beautiful looking models and amazing terrain. Watched on the big tv:)
+Jamie Wyness Thanks Jamie! Haha need to see a picture of you watching it on the big screen! - GBHL James
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