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Beginners smoking pipe Videos

How to Smoke a Pipe for Beginners #1

A guide to the art of pipe smoking for beginners. In this episode I will look at everything you need to get started as a pipe smoker.

User Comments

English accent = must know what you're doing. Face looks like Lord of the Rings = must know what you're doing. Cool pipes = must know what you're doing. Saw this video a bit late (already got two pipes and 2 oz of tobacco), but the whole series is very well done and very informative! Keep up the good work!
Thanks man :)
which pipes are better and why? wood, metal, glass etc???
Briar is usually recommended as the best but i have a nice cherrywood pipe and a nice stone pipe.
+zombiekillingskater thx :)
Wood is what you want for smoking tobacco. It is what it's built for. Glass is mainly what people use for smoking... other things. Metal pipes are a stupid concept because they conduct heat very well, but some look cool.
I'm finding that the smoke produced from my pipe is extremely dense and I can only have a few puffs before I'm choking, is that typical for a beginner? Used to smoking cigarettes (Pall Mall), and I'm using normal rolling tobacco in the pipe (G.V.) as there is no tobacconist in town.
+LeoLikesBikes Are you inhaling? You're generally not meant to. Of course you can if you want to, but most people will just inhale into their mouth, and then let it back out, as most people do with cigars. Also, perhaps you should buy some pipe tobacco online or something. You really shouldn't use rolling tobacco in a pipe, they're very different.
I have the same problem, so I think it is just a phase that beginners like us go through.
I like the looks of the pipe you got there. If there is someone out there who knows where to buy it or what its name is let me know please!
Look up "tobacco pipes" on Google and click on the first few sites. You may not find these specific pipes, but there are an infinite number of shapes, sizes, and designs, so I am sure you will find something that you like.

How to smoke a Pipe for Beginners #2

Episode #2 in the 'how to smoke a pipe' series. This week focusing on packing and lighting the pipe.

User Comments

Can I smoke weed out of it man
+Charles Maddux is it the same as using a normal pipe,I mean can you still take good hits
+Yash Kapoor I have ;)
I gave up smoking cigarettes 4 months ago and started smoking a cigar once a night. Obviously I don't inhale the cigar smoke but I love the flavor of a good cigar but it's a little bit costly. I spend around $ 15.00 an evening. I pipe smoking cheaper? ....great videos!
Yes, after the initial investment in the pipe.
are filters a must have or are they a preference? 
A preference, I never use them personally

Starting the pipe smoking hobby!

This is for anyone looking to getting into the pipe smoking hobby. Hope this answers a lot if questions.

User Comments

does anyone no how to get into herbal pipe smokeing I'm not talking about drugs and shit I mean more like teas and stuff
I would recomend getting some mullien or mugwort. Its some great herbal stuff. The only tea i would smoke is 100% mint. Because i know its safe-ish. Smoking isnt 100% safe. And like he said. Get a corncob pipe.
idk if im the only one but has anyone else smoked tea in their pipe? or mint?
I've smoked tea in a bong.
You inhale?
+Brad Jackson Most people dont. I dont. I guess its personal preference
Waiting on my first pipe and tin of tobacco... Villiger 1888 Late Night and a small Meershaum.
Ooh man, good choice. Your gonna have a great time, tell us all how it is after your first couple bowls!
Nice vid. The main question: WHAT is in the jug?
cigarettes are heavy laden with chemicals; good pipe tobacco is not, correct?
+SkippedRecord  I was going to say that as well.
and crack..
+SkippedRecord Nothing is bad as cigarettes, to smoke, except meth.
Which is why you shouldnt smoke cigarettes. Not saying cigars are healthy by any means, but they arent AS bad as cigarettes.
+SkippedRecord  More like 2,000 chemicals.
+Kevin S. Cigarettes are made with over 200 chemicals. Cigar and pipe tobacco dont use those chemicals.
yeah; thats what i say...probably God's favorite plant :)
awesome! i knew if i kept asking around i'd find the answer i needed to hear :) thanks for bein there; you guys are cool
No, no it is not.

Beginners guide to pipe smoking: what you'll need

I've decided to start doing a few beginners guides from a beginner's perspective. The first will be a quick talk through some of the bits needed or useful to start ...

User Comments

Great video!
Thank you very much too
Great video.
Hank you very much
An absolute joy watching this Pip. A pot of tea was steeping on the wood burning stove and my first cup was had while you talked and shared. I went ahead and subscribed. I've been smoking a pipe for 42 years, but it's like having a friend over for a visit. I'll be watching the other videos you've made. This is great company. Namaste :D
Thanks, it is a great way to (virtually) meet people around the world within the community
Good Advise.......

How to smoke a tobacco pipe - Prince of Wales pub, Moseley, Birmingham - Sat 22nd June 2013

Smoking a pipe was common in Britain up to the late 1970s - indeed my own father smoke a pipe. Here's a chance to get an understanding of the old art of ...

User Comments

In what accents do these folks speak?
+Ismail Taher. English - West Midlands accent.
So can you smoke weed with a pipe?
Of course, but you ve got special pipes for that
Question; since pipe tobacco is Not laden with chemicals like cigarettes, as you mentioned, what harm would there be in Inhaling? i love the flavor but i'd like to get a nicotine fix as well. thanks!
"you gotta get your mind rrrright and i do mean rright" :) amen to that thinking man; i get it!
Reminder: body's nicotine addiction lasts something like 3 or 4 days.. what the addiction actually is about when you smoke cigarettes is the "smoking act", the "habit of the mind" of having a cigarette.. So just take that to another level and just think that pipe smoking is the new hobby, the new "consuetude".. nicotine is not the problem.. the problem is the mind ;)
very helpful insights all...thanks fellas
thank you so much; i sure do need to relax and this is helping with that. inhaling in my thinking was to get a nicotine buzz but that 'tryin to get buzzed' is not a relaxing past time in my experience. i'm pipe smoking now to help me get off dip and i am dipping much less this week. i'm pretty sure we're getting enough nic absorbed in the mouth to not have to inhale....and i'm gonna at least try the charcoal filters....thanks for the insights!
Actually there is no more harm inhaling than cigarettes.. The point is that pipe tobacco conteins nicotine as well and inhaling tobacco is not good becouse you'll get your lungs full of it and with time this could take you to have breathing problems or worse, as for example cancer.. you want have anymore chemicals, but pipe tobacco is stronger than cigarette one, so..That said, there are a lot of pipe smokers that inhale, usually becouse they are use to it becouse they were cigarette smokers in the beggining.. it's actually a choice, but smoking a pipe should be more about flavour and relax.. if you get more relaxed inhaling, well, inhale, but you know that is not good for your health.
+Ivan Hadžić Thanks man; i suppose you'd get some bit of nicotine absorbed in the mouth. i was considering taking up the pipe to help get off dip tobacco and i know i'd be sorely tempted to inhale....still...you sure are making it sound good; i even dreamed i had a corn cob :) keep up the vids; they are fun to watch!
I'm just a new pipe smoker, but what I've learned is that if you inhale tobacco into your lungs it could burn your throat and then you would just cough a lot... The first time I smoked a pipe I accidentally inhaled it into my lungs and it wasn't a pleasant experience...  There are a lot of aromatic types which are lighter and you could probably inhale them without getting burned... But the main reason for smoking a pipe is flavour and enjoyment...
Opens a tin of frog morton on the town, "Oh yes, I smell, almost like a cherry, mmm, cherry and vanilla"... guys nose must be totally messed up.
+Sveinn Kallinen thats what i was thinking :D

Pipe Smoking For Beginners - Part 1: Intro

The first video in a series in Pipe Smoking for Beginners. I plan to cover a lot of basics on everything the beginner will need to know. This will be part of a playlist.

User Comments

Hi there +StogieFarts , can u tell me about cost comparison between cigarettes vs pipes. Detailed explanation if possible I am neither a cigarettes smoker nor a pipe smoker, but something attracted my mind strongly to try pipes. I googled, some source said it is much cheaper than cigarettes while other said it is much costly compared to cigarettes. A little bit confused But I am sometimes afraid of spending too much money for experiencing pipe smoking since not many people commercialize it in my place, or in other words, pipe smoking is not mainstream in my region. Any advice would be appreciated
wow, didn't expect u reply this fast.Anyways, thanks man. I guess im going to try pipe smoking really soon, though I am really too young for this I guess. I just really loved the style... :))
+Sakharoth For me, pipes vs cigarettes is hobby vs habit. I did a video on it, if you search for "StogieFarts hobby vs habit". Anyway, pipe smoking is way cheaper. Your only expense is in the pipes you purchase, which can range from cheap to expensive. But you can get a good pipe for under $100 which will last you decades if you care for it right......and the tobacco is much cheaper than buying cigarettes. Lastly, pipe tobacco doesn't contain al the chemicals and cancer causing crap that cigarettes contain. Plus, many pipe smokers (myself included) DO NOT INHALE the smoke into our lungs, so it's way less risky than cigarettes.
Is there a sub $100 pipe you could recommend please?
+StogieFarts cheers dude, I'm enjoying my Dr Plumb refurbished but keen to by a new pipe fresh out from the box .
+MrYorkshire Pipes&strings My first pipe I smoked was a Baronet Bruyere pipe, and it was well under $100. I still smoke it to this day. Look up that brand of pipes and you may find a deal.
OK ready to go. Is it a prerequisite to fart before puffing?
+The PiPeLeSs Piper No, but you do earn bonus points. 
hey man; newbie smoker here. i'm looking on ebay and see many old 'estate' pipes and i don't want to buy one if it's burnt out of course so, if i see a pic of one and the whole top edge of the bowl is black, is that a sure fire burnt out pipe or is that blackness normal in a used pipe? thanks, i'm rockin a corncob for now
good advice; thanks for taking the time!
+Kevin S. A dark rim doesn't necessarily mean that the bowl is bad.  Most of the rims of my pipes are black but I take good care of the inside of the pipe.   While I've never purchased an estate pipe, people do it all the time.  Just make sure that the eBay seller has lots of positive reviews in case you have any problems with misrepresentation of the pipe. 

Pipe Smoking For Beginners - Part 17: Do You Need a Filter?

Do you need a filter to smoke a pipe? Should you have one? Here is my view on the subject.

User Comments

3 videos in a row same pipe? :P recording back to back?
no matter what your vids are still awsome :)
+magas nemoutas Sometimes I will film multiple videos at a time to multitask. Doesn't happen often but it will happen occasionally if I have a few different things to talk about.
When you have cancer of the tongue, you might talk smarter or not!
+Randal Barrett Cancer of the tongue? LOL
Judging by your comment, I see you speak from experience.
you are seriously the most annoying guy I have ever seen
strange comment
+Omar Amin Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for in this video, to annoy trolls. Glad to see it's working.
Great informative video and yet again creative and funny! Your filter video makes me wonder about 9 and 6 mm pipes. Would you know why there are different diameters? Is there a difference in taste? Thanks Alex
Great! Thanks for the info!
+The PiPeLeSs Piper the filters get rids of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, high levels of nicotine, reduce moisture and cool the smoke. it also makes the smoke taste better.
+The PiPeLeSs Piper I imagine the difference is in the draw and the amount of smoke you're taking into it.

4 Budget Tobacco Pipes

In this video I introduce 4 great budget tobacco pipes that I've bought, ideal for your first pipe, or for expanding your collection even further. In order they are: ...

User Comments

Was thinking about going for this: Savinelli Tevere Rustica 123, for my first ever smoke and pipe. What do you think? //www.smoke.co.uk/acatalog/Savinelli_Tevere.html
Thanks very and much for your reply and suggestions.  CH
+Craig Haylett I went for a Falcon briar for my first ever pipe, following the idea that briar is a highly rated material for pipes, but to be honest I wish I'd gotten a corn cob first. It's what everyone suggests, and it seems like a boring and sub-par option, but it really isn't. the first thing is as a first time smoker it's easy to let the bowl cake in uneven ways which can cause problems down the line, secondly briars require a period of breaking in before they smoke well- this last one is the kicker, you'll enjoy the first dozen or so smokes in a cob far more because they don't need breaking in! I have a video about corn cobs ("corn cob myth-busting")on my channel, where I pretty much learn to regret not buying one sooner!
Check out this Tobacco Pipe Video, it is sure to give you a chuckle. Here is the link: //youtu.be/Sa01xvglGiI
+HobbyChap you're welcome. I'm glad you liked it.
+Ms. Skeeter that was fun, thanks!
I'm a uk pipe smoker don't suppose you have any sites that would ship mcclelland pipe tobacco or any American blends?
+TheUbersuperman unfortunately I've not come across a source that regularly stocks them at reasonable prices. A good way to get hold of them is to join one of the pipe communities on FaceBook or Google+ and get involved in the "tobacco pass" scene where smokers send a box around everyone on the list, taking out a tobacco they want to try and putting in one that they already like in return.
You are exceptionally sexy and sophisticated smoking cigars and pipes. Google nicotine forces benefits to learn how nicotine can help with weight loss, help to keep you thin and beautiful, helps prevent and treat Alzheimers, schizophrenia, OCD, depression, ulcerative colitis, anxiety, and so much more. We have been lied to by all the scare tactics and exaggerations about smoking. If second hand smoke is so "toxic," why don't smokers instantly die the moment they inhale? Why are there not legions of dead smokers laying in the streets, along with everyone who ever smelled the smoke passing by? Most things in moderation are harmless. Eating a ton of cheeseburgers for 40 years will kill you. So will smoking 40 to 60 cigarettes a day for 40 years. But in moderation - 5 to 10 cigarettes a day, or a cigar, according to the book "The Health Benefits of Tobacco," by medical doctor William Douglass, MD - it's basically harmless. No more risky than having cheesecake or junk food now and then, to savor the pleasures of life. Jeanne Calment smoked several cigarettes a day for 90 years, and she lived to be 122, the oldest woman in the world. Google her name, click images, and you will see tons of photos of this very old woman smoking... and enjoying it. It's all in your genes. Many people smoke their entire lives, without any trouble at all. But some with bad genes run into trouble. So why not just enjoy? My next door neighbor was a chain smoker, and even though I wouldn't recommend that, the reality is that he smoked for 80 years, and lived to be a VERY old man... and was happy for the "little pleasures of life," like smoking. So stop the smoker-haters, and share this reality with others. Just because people repeat the scare tactics over and over again until everyone's tuned out doesn't mean they're true. The haters just like to pick out the few tiny examples and say, "This will happen to you." That's like showing you pictures of a mangled car wreck and saying, "Don't drive your car, because this might happen." Not true. Scare tactics never work, because people start seeing through them. I say, "Enjoy life, don't run from it. Relax, and enjoy a good smoke along the way." You can also grow tobacco at home, google homegrown tobacco to learn more, and google tobacco seeds for sale to buy them.
+sigaretta2 I see where you are coming from, I've always been of the opinion that smoking is harmful, but it's a risk I take upon myself. I don't smoke around non-smokers. I am sceptical about the health benefits of smoking. I tend to expect the worst for myself to be honest, but still I smoke and that's my choice!
Good job. I enjoyed your choices; I own a Blakemar and find it to be one of my favorite pipes.
Yep I come back to mine again and again, great pipes for the price!
Hi, great informative video and i like the others you've done too. Look forward to viewing more from you......
Cheers, there WILL be more in the future, I just haven't had time to upload videos in a long while!
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