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Which one of these is an amino group Videos

Alpha helix

"The alpha helix is one of the most common secondary structures in proteins. Amino acid side chains project outwards from the polypeptide backbone that forms ...

User Comments

Ugh. Have to do a project on this Herman Branson guy that studied this. Would be helpful if I had to do a project on what it was, but alas, I dont. :P How the heck is the alpha helix protien USED?!? Cannot find the answer anywhere. :( Any body know?
This was very well done. I would like to see a video that illustrates how an alpha helix transforms to a beta sheet. That would be very helpful. Thank you again.
but this one is left-hand side..butb alpha helix should be right-hand side..isn't it..?
لا اله الا الله ..سبحان الله شكرا لصاحب الفيديو
meh wrong it should turn right not left.
didnt know this when choosing my name..
excellent. very helpful
Very nice voice...
hydrogen bonding
nice work!!!
thank you~

Amino Acids Found In Space

Science & Reason on Facebook: //tinyurl.com/ScienceReason Does life exist elsewhere in the Universe? Perhaps. In August 2009, scientists announced the ...

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It would be impossible for an all loving God that is completely absent of evil to create a world where evil found it's way into existence. Free will is not a valid argument, my previous comment shows it. If God is absent from evil, it would still be impossible for his creation to create evil or do wrong at all, yet society is the way it is. If there is a God, he's a horrible one. For argument's sake couldn't God have created a world with free will without suffering? Is there free will in heaven?
Ah, a scientifically illiterate "creationist", most probably from America, since there are virtually none of them in Europe. That meteorites have been full of both amino acids, water and other important building blocks for life for billions and billions of years, have been known a long time now. Just check out any science site, astrphysics site, biology site, encyclopedias,wiki, anywhere. Ribonucleotides have also been observed self-assembling in labs,so you "god" or "allah"isn't needed anymore.
And good riddance when we finally get rid of religions, and everybody can focus on developing science, create even much huger progresses than in the past century. Religion, and in particular islam/chjristianity has put science at least 1000yrs further back than it would have come by now without dark-ages, inquisitions, keeping people illiterate and ignorant and docile for as long as the priest-creeps could...but now all prognosises show religion will be gone withing 70-90yrs world-wide. Freedom!
PLEASE READ SOME SIMPLE SCIENCE!!!! Of course both water, amino acids and other organic substances inside meteorites and comets very, very often remain intact. Science knows that Earth got all its water from meteorites and comets. You see, we find it inside, both here and in space, and water has chemical signatures to tell us where it came from and how old it is and similar. Go to college, for your own sake. If you're not 5 years old, you are maybe somewhat retarded, might not ace any IQ-tests..
One in a billion odds are irrelevant if you happen to be on the one in a billion planet that life emerges. It's not like there is just one planet in a small finite amount of time waiting for life to emerge. There are an infinite number of planets, and there is an infinite amount of time, so life was bound to evolve somewhere, and here we are. It's no miracle, but just an inevitable thing that happened, at this place, and at this time. Enjoy it without giving credit to imaginary creator people.
Sharing a large percentage of DNA with animals[Chimps] means a lot. Faith is no more true than an opinion. Faith isn't something you want to have, it's something you're born with it. It's what you put your faith in that makes a difference. I have faith in things based off past empirical evidence, such as waking up on Monday. Some have faith in a book with known errors and contradictions, they believe it's true, despite the evidence saying otherwise. That's a delusion, a by product of faith.
Well that's certainly one of the theories; recently I've heard it expressed as "our Universe could be but one bubble in/on a membrane" - it's great flights of imagination but really it's just a shell game for now as once you accept the membrane what's to say there are not many membranes or that the membranes are stretched over some ultra-sphere and so on. I'm almost certainly talking crap but it's unlikely we will know much more during our lifetimes: but I won't fill the voids with a God!
@jimu57 First of all it is very easy to create matter all u need is energy and since we don't know what and if something existed before the big expansion (the forming of matter in our universe) we do not even know if it happened just once (maybe we are part of manny multiverses) So claiming to know anny of the fact and then to conclude it proves god is a clear delusion. PS: The laws of thermodynamics only apply at the macroscopic level, at the quantum level matter can and will be created.
@glramer2007 So, he gives us free will, knowing full well that we would exercise it, only to be punished for using the free will he gave to us in the first place. That, my friend, is called circular logic. It is also called stupid thinking. Evil is, in my definition, what man does when he is poorly informed or one who has a piss poor sense of morality. The 'laws' you so profess are nothing more than self indulgent rants. I agree with 'don't steal/kill', but the rest are pointless.
Yes I believe there is free will, but in God's presence, evil can not be present. Many theologians believe that people can leave heaven and go to hell if they so please. "It would be impossible for an all loving God that is completely absent of evil to create a world where evil found it's way into existence." No, because he gave us free will, which includes the ability to disobey his laws. As for your earlier comment, you're saying God can't change his mind, which is ridiculous.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." "But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED." "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't though of that" and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. - The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (and every bit as true as the bible)
@psychotic492, God didnt come from anywhere. when you claim that something comes from somewhere, you are limiting it to what we understand of the physical world. God is beyond the physical world. God exists because you and I and everything in the universe exists. From science we know that matter cannot be created. Creation and the big bang are one and the same. Also, God didnt happen,. God has always existed. Think outside the box about that instead of making the box bigger.
"Where's your science ?" In the case that you are not trolling, and really are just an idiot, science is published in journals: Ijdo, J. W., et al. "Origin of human chromosome 2: an ancestral telomere-telomere fusion." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88.20 (1991): 9051-9055. Johnson, Welkin E., and John M. Coffin. "Constructing primate phylogenies from ancient retrovirus sequences." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96.18 (1999): 10254-10260.
"We dont see that, we see an unexplained jump from chimp to almost the current stage we are in. " We never were chimps, and we didn't evolve from chimps. Humans and chimps share a common ancestor. Seriously, these are the basics and YOU'RE criticizing evolution? COMMON!! "We share a large percentage of DNA with all animals, but that doesn't mean anything." This is because all animals are related. Universal common descent is another basic concept in evolution theory.
An excellent hint of life in the Univese, if you can find amino acids on a Comet, then, in my mind, there has to be life out there. You can't just say life only exsists on Earth anyway, think of the billions upon billions of galaxies out there. If there is life out there, I'm sure they too have beliefs in a supernatural being if they are sentient, and if that's the case... heh Creationists would be in a world of hurt, Relgion as a whole would be in a world of hurt.
Most religions have the mind set of only having life on Earth as they were made up by humans, which means that if we find amino acids (Building blocks of life) On something not on Earth this prooves that the people who wrote the bible were not gods or smart, just crack heads with a pen. Also disprooving religion is in the past, we now are looking for ways to support our theorys and not make up more bullshit. Just drop religion you're living in the awful past.
My response is this: God gave us free will, and sometimes people choose to excercise free will in a bad way. Hence, the Holocaust. Also, show me where it says in the Bible that God promised to stop bad things from happening. Not to say he never does, but your argument is basically that you disagree with God's methods, so therefor you choose not to believe in him. As for those other Christians, I agree they were very close minded when they said those things.
@BRUTEFORRCE Interesting question to ask, though... If, hypothetically, an extinct alien species from Mars 'colonized' this planet with the microbes for kicking off life, would we consider them 'gods'? I'd love to see what a theist would say in a situation like this. I would think that religion would crumble, since now instead of a supernatural reason, we would be able to identify an actual species who kicked off life on this planet. Just speculating...

#5 BB 350 Protein 3D Structure I - Kevin Ahern's Biochemistry Online

1. Contact me at [email protected] / Friend me on Facebook (kevin.g.ahern) 2. Download my free biochemistry book at ...

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Classmates and I have been watching your videos and you are an outstanding professor. Thank you SO much for posting these online, they have helped tremendously!!
+Kelly Knutson Wow. Thanks for making my day, Kelly. I'm very happy my materials are useful to you and your friends. If you haven't downloaded my free biochemistry book, I hope you will do so as I think it may be helpful as well. Good luck to you in your studies.

K-POP MUSIC CHART [TOP 25] | December 2015 Week #1 | Kpop Amino Fan Vote Chart [Poll Result]

Hello There, this month we start to create music chart by voting on poll through K-Pop Amino App. Here's the Result. And also, Thank you so much for hanging ...

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Excitotoxins, Neurotoxins & Human Neurological Disease Lecture - Dr. Russell Blaylock

Excitotoxins, Neurodegeneration and Neurodevelopment By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D There are a growing number of clinicians and basic scientists who are ...

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I took a lot of L Glutamine which I believe is an amino acid that is sold as a nutritional supplement... but that's not the glutamate that's bad cause it's got an "L in front and it doesn t mate cause it's Mine.
+Soumya Ray glutamine is essentially what your brain converts glutamate into, so it becomes non-toxic
are these findings in the scientific medical journal? if so why isnt this in all text books and common knowledge. MONEY- the truth is.. are true human nature sickens me
> re these findings in the scientific medical journal?Search www.pubmed.gov for "monosodium glutamate"
Why isnt this in all text books and common knowledge...because medical, nursing, and dental schools are organized, funded, and controlled by the drug companies...which are controlled by the oil companies...all of them are controlled by the central banking system...spend some time researching yourself and you can see why this information is NOT taught in the schools mentioned above...Remember: just because YOU can't imagine it...does not mean it is not true...no criticism of you is implied by this statement...at least you watched the video!
Twitching. Random. Everywhere. Avoid termite tenting cuz you won't be the same when you return to your residence.
Almonds have magnesium in them.  Eat them by the bag. 

Dr. Dan Kalish on Fox and Friends: Amino Acid Therapy

Dr. Daniel Kalish explaining the Kalish Method. Although highly controversial, the urine neurotransmitter test is said to measure the ratio and amount of ...

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3 weeks and no Fox watcher comments? Must be the SCIENCE. Always a problem for Fox supporters and "anchors". Listen to these stooges. Can't pronounce the dude's name, compares a urine test to an MRI. Fox & Friends have no benefits for anyone.
Thanks Zach! After finishing almost a year of treatment for Lyme disease and toxic mold sickness, I greatly improved, but still struggle with sleep, cognitive and inflammation issues, and weight gain in the belly region. I'll check it out!
Oh wait, I just saw it said "chiropractor" beneath his name. Don't tell people "no you can't fix your health by eating better". He actually looks nervous as he publicly spews bullshit.
Oh WOW. "Serotonin levels in the urine can tell us what's going on in the brain." Is this man even a physician?

Kevin Ahern's Bite-Sized Biochemistry #4: Protein Structure II

1. Contact me at [email protected] / Friend me on Facebook (kevin.g.ahern) 2. Download my free biochemistry book at ...

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Thank you so much for uploading. I have Biochemistry 7th ed by Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer, and I follow your lectures using this textbook. Hopefully I'll do well next year at uni!

Lecture - 1 Amino Acids I

Lecture Series on BioChemistry I by Prof.S.Dasgupta, Dept of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEl visit //nptel.iitm.ac.in.

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Whoa, I'm amazed. This lecture was awesome! Even for a layman, this was very easy to understand. Before this, all I had was a high school level understanding of chemistry and a slight interest in biology. My respect to Professor Dasgupta for this lecture.
+rippspeck NPTEL Courses available in DVD Format on //nptel.ac.in/pdf/OBTAINING%20CONTENTS%20IN%20DVD.pdf
very nice lecture, maam, but i have a doubt- shouldn't proline have another hydrogen on the imino nitrogen since there is a positive charge on it?
+Anusha Gopalan I agree with you.
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