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What attracts men sexually Videos

How to Attract Men / Women- Advice

This is some advice on how to attract the opposite sex, or maybe even the same sex- if you're into that kind of stuff.

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What's you name and sex is it that 
+Jessie Hudson you want to attract a man or woman, I recommend this excellent product at a low cost 100% guaranteed //83651vnzzfyapsjef30i3lbmf8.hop.clickbank.net/

White Men Sexually Attracted To Black Men In Harlem

//www.atlah.org The Manning Report White Men Sexually Attracted To Black Men In Harlem. Recorded 22 April 2014. "ATLAH: THAT'S WHAT GOD SAID.

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How can you fight and hate a community that's not even doing any harm to anyone except living their personal lives? You're no better than the people who had once oppressed your people! It just doesn't work like that! The LGBTQI community are not doing anything wrong to anyone! It's bigoted and narrow-minded people like you who are hurting the community--not the GAYS!!!

how to attract men sexually - Masterplan

//tinyurl.com/b03y3nji713l relationship warning signs, how to keep my man from cheating how to attract men sexually, how to get him to marry me and flirt ...

Mark Gungor - Sex is what men want from women.wmv

This is an excerpt from the full DVD. God has blessed Mark with insight.

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"The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." 1 Corinthians chapter 7 God's will for married people cannot be clearer . So , how can that man in the video teach this terrible conditional sex lie ?
+Isabelle M so by this you are saying that we should believe something that is constantly changing in order to make some people rich the bible is 2000 years old grow a pair pick a science book throw that out of the window and open your mind, as long as you are taking the religious turn in every aspect of life you will never learn something that will help humanity, if all the doctors dropped their knowledge and held a bible and all the architects did the same and so on and so on we will still be living in the dark ages and trust me being a woman in that time is not good you will not like it, i read a lot about it.
+Raoul Ramsaran I can say like you said :You're a man , what would you know ?Yes , what would you know ?Only God knows the way he made us and if he warns his SONS against sexually immoral women , it is because women are as sexual as men .But once again , this pastor is a quack . Only the Bible is good and speaks the truth on any subject .
+Raoul Ramsaran Women don't ? How do you know that since you're not a woman yourself ?God made man and woman sexual , but if you reject God , you also reject the truth .God made the woman for and because of the man , so as he made man sexual , he also made the woman sexual .It's not because that women are not as agressive sexually that they are not sexual .What a nonsense ! Women naturally respond to that male aggressivity and strong desire , and they like it since they crave being desired .This pastor is a clown who does not tell the Biblical truth , no wonder why you listen to him .
talkin about making sense when you talk about a book that makes zero sense, are you out of your mind??
+Isabelle Mfalse -_- men crave sex all the time, women don't. I don't even have to ead the rest of your comment, what a shit statement -_- just shut up and goodbye with your god shit
+Raoul RamsaranI know that sex is not all about men since God created us women as sexual as men but in a different way (men usually initiate , women respond).Otherwise , would the Bible COMMAND husbands to give their wives what is DUE to them ??It does not make sense at all.
+Raoul RamsaranHe is NOT telling the truth about marital duty , since he encourages us wives to do what we please with our body .He does not teach that a wife has no power over her body but her husband .If the husband has authority over the wife's body , how can she withhold sex ?
+Isabelle M shut up, 70 million men know that he's telling the truth, and you're a woman, what would you know???? -_-
9:41 That man does teach conditional sex in marriage , which is 100% unbiblical . The BIBLE teaches that a wife does not have authority over her own body , so HOW can she "give" or not "give" her body ? Please answer that tough one Biblically and you will see that this man is not telling the truth about marital duty and how withholding is in fact impossible . Moreover , the BIBLE commands husbands to render their wives what is DUE to them , that is the marital debt. So , how could sex be what only men want from women ? It is also what women,want from men !!
+Isabelle M There is NO Marriage meaning left not in western bible not in western world !!! Thats where problems beging for you..in western world. Vatican is bunch of dorks who has NOTHING to do with Religion !!! Marrieage is Mutual commitment vitnessed by ??? Cosmos,or something more orgonised and civilized .. Modern marriage criated by GOV for a few purposes as to Find you, to put pressuare on you, and make YOU responsable for your kids is they get to Hospitol and can not pay by themselfs , and so on, and so on..
+Vlad Belov What do you mean by the "submission rules" ?
+Vlad Belov Not at all . I'm here to talk about the only thing that fixes any marriage : God's will for married people.But that man does not teach 1 Corinthians 7 at all.
Looks like u r here to find a men,.. By the way, most of them so called Christian, but only Muslims fallow the submission rules
spinning plate he is obviously not speaking from a women's perspective. How can you make that statement if your not a man.
+Adolph Alvarez well there you go
No I haven't
If youve ever been to one of his marriage seminars then you'd know from audience reaction that he is pretty much spot on.

'My Husband's Not Gay': Married Men Attracted To Men

Married couples featured on TLC's "My Husband's Not Gay" open up about their differences and unusual lifestyle. The men openly discuss their straight sex lives ...

User Comments

As long as they happy than who give a fuck right? No need to watch the show if uninterested, but if your a parent and forcing your child to watch it than you are doing it all wrong!!
well said
this is the dumbest and saddest thing i have ever watched
+claravoid yep
You know....I'm not going to judge. These guys (and their wives) have made their own decision. And if they say it works for them, who cares? I didn't get the impression that they're trying to tell all gay men to take the path they did (though I'm sure they believe all gay men should). If anything, as happy as they say they are (and as happy as they very well might be), I feel sorry for them. They've allowed religion to control their actions. There isn't anything they're getting from these "marriages" that they can't get in a same sex relationship, though they appear to believe otherwise. I met my husband over ten years ago. We moved in together five years later, and finally got married here in our home state of Texas a few months back. We've decided to have the children discussion in another five years when we are more financially prepared. I love my husband and honor my vows, and I took them with sincerity. It just makes me sad that these guys think my marriage is impossible.
+Johnny Lewis ah. Okay.
+Brandon Petruska gay is gross gross gross
+Johnny Lewis hmmm. Well, considering homosexuality is observed in just about other species, it comes as no surprise that it is also observed in humans. Read a book ;)
+Brandon Petruska for one we got that one freaking hole to put that thing in girls have to to men are naturally attracted to women women are naturally attracted to men men who are attracted to men and women who are attracted to women erase something some kind of freakish environment its natural why can't you just be natural
+Johnny Lewis lol. Care to elaborate?
you're an idiot I hope your dick falls off every gay man should just get a sex change you guys are disgusting
Well said! I completely agree and congrats to you!
Jesus is the answer for the world today. In the beginning God made man to love admire and be attracted to woman not man to man. To experience such is engineered of the devil. Such men or Women need to be delivered by new birth experience in Christ. The world is however blinded to this truth. I pray people will seek the truth. From God not fellow fallen man
+esene bridgetlies he loves me with a BURNING  passion ;)
+amanda burnt you do not know satan is a deceiver and hates you with a passion you cannot imagine . Well a prefer to worship the creator of all than a fallen detestable and unworthy creature.
+esene bridgeti love Satan way too much  sorry i would never betray him
+amanda burnt Get behind me Satan! For you do not like the things of God but of evil.I am satisfied in Jesus ,love of my life, my redeemer,my Light my everything. I seek none other. God Loves you and will help you if only you call on Jesus.
+esene bridget Satan is the answer to all your fears if you want to be truly happy release your soul to his dark clutches

How To Seduce A Man and How to Attract Him With Language of Desire

How to seduce a Man? Find out more! //bit.ly/how-to-seduce-a-man Go directly to product and start seducing him over and over again!

User Comments

If u LOOK hot and open ur legs, thats all u need to do to seduce a guy lmfao...
yeah lmao!
Actually I bought this book few days ago and I am very satisfied with it. It open new point of view for me... and it makes big progress with my husband... and yes I can say it worth it every penny!
+Emily Coates Glad you find it useful.
I can see myself in this story...This will be my next book for sure! Thx for sharing....
+How to Seduce a Man OK I must say I am impressed! This book change my life (sex life). Everything is well described and explained. After just one week of using this tips I am more loved and satisfied then ever before and I know he is too... Thank you for this great book! Recommend it!
+Gloria Lane Please share your experience. Good luck!
Hmmm, wonder can I make this with my husband?!!? I will test it...
+How to Seduce a Man And I did it! I have similar issue with my husband so I order this e-book... and I can confirm this works well. My husband is horny than ever! Great advices you can read about... how men mind works and how can you enter inside easily... Thank you for that!
+Catherine Lee Go for it! :)
This can help someone.... Girls just watch it and use it!
+Br Ramsanjhal you can find it in e-book...

what attracts men sexually - how to make him want you sexually

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