@gurraglad I never said he was, just that I didn't understand the build.
Ultras cost more gas to produce, more gas to upgrade, and take more time to
build than defilers. Kwanro was already struggling to keep his expansions
up and his armies alive, science vessels were already out.....so why did he
go for the more expensive unit instead of the one that could incapacitate
large numbers of marines and increase the survival rate of his units?
Especially since the other player was THE Flash.
@GolemRising I think it's ~because~ he was playing Flash that he tried to
change things up. If Kwanro plays a standard macro game against Flash,
there's a good chance he'll lose - it's a bit of an unfair statement,
because anybody playing any game of starcraft against Flash has a good
chance of losing... I guess in the end, Kwanro thought he had a better shot
trying to catch Flash off guard.
@GolemRising I doubt no1 but kwanro can answer that ;-p Like nuke said in
video, he had overlord speed so maybe the plan was to delay flash with a
drop etc... no clue. It was a mistake though like u said not to go defiler
first... he had a plan tho
Thanks for putting the highest rated comments on top, youtube!!! Especially
since the top comment is a spoiler. If anyone knows a way to hide all
comments, can you please tell me?
@GolemRising I think if Kwanro goes this build it could be very powerful,
hes not a nub u know. FlaSh just godlike. Comparing it to sc2 is just