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Breaking benjamin blow me away mp3 Videos

Naruto - Blow Me Away

The song is called "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin, for anyone who wants to know, and for anyone who DOESN'T know, the anime is called Naruto.

User Comments

Google the meaning of Cartoon, you dumb fuck. It doesn't matter if Family Guy is some type of cartoon. There are just some differences within the Japanese culture and that they allow more shit to be shown to kids, e.g. swearing, blood etc. Noun A simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in an exaggerated way, esp. in a newspaper or magazine. Verb Make a drawing of (someone) in a simplified or exaggerated way. You're the ignorant one. Come back when you get an education.
You were defending the point that anime is a SUBTYPE from cartoons, but anyway, run to delete the comment to avoid the evidences that you are just a paradojic kid mind that neither remember what he was talking about. That is a open mind? to be paradojic and have no idea what about are you talking? mmm? Poor kids, education isn't now a day what it was... Ahhh if u did'tn ralize, i'm saying cartoons and anime ARE subtypes of animation... If you can understand I can make u a map
@WAROKKU Well if you say that you're gonna punch someone for listening to different stuff then you do, that's the same as telling them what to listen to. And I was never trying to stick up for justin bieber or hanna montana most of us in america hate their music too, it's mostly young girls ages 5-13 who buy their music, but still it's none of my business if somebody older listens to their stuff. Anyways I think we've exhausted this conversation.....
I think of it differently. I like to think of anime and cartoons as two different types of animation. Kind of like how reptiles and mammals are two different types of animal. A snake is a reptile, not a mammal, yet it is still an animal. Likewise, Naruto is an anime, yet still an animation. This is just how I view it. I made this comment only to debate. If you disagree, I mean nothing by it. You are completely entitled to your opinion.
Jajajaja i have already, u seems stilll not, end your basic education kid ^^ Well first of all, anime is from the gender ANIMATION, genre of what cartoons are a SUBTYPE. But anyway u can't ask a rock for cleverness... And about culture... end your basic studios, let go to university in some kind of area about sociology, audiovisuals, or something like that and then come to have a minimum interesting talk.
Anime is not just a cartoon it's a style of animation and is aimed at mature audiences while cartoons are simply any style and is mostly aimed at kids (with exceptions) Anime is a style of cartoon. (Generalizing it to a cartoon is insulting to the creaters. nothing against cartoon tho) you can't call the Simpson's anime so you shouldn't call anime I.e naruto a cartoon
Well no, my argument isnt u haven't education, simply is that probably your parents are brothers, and your teacher can't do really anything for you ^^. And you have some mental, and even physicall problem saying that shit all along, I won't repeat the arguments, if you want, you can read previous comments. You are like a broken CD allways beeing in bucle... -.-
That's what I'm saying, you closed minded fuck. You must be special needs, god damn... the guy I was arguing with said cartoons and anime are COMPLETELY different and had nothing in common, and you're saying you're disagreeing with me? I was pretty much saying it's a subtype. Open your mind a little bit, kid.
They are different. Anime is a shortened term of the word Japanimation which are animated shows with a deeper meaning and longer running times than your basic cartoon. Anime are also sponsored by various companies. Also, they tend to be generally longer than the average cartoon. Oh, and they have a plot!
Anime is an obvious abbreviation of animation with an e to denote the Japanese style of animation. Anime is just a way of saying cartoons from Japan, but of course no one wants to hear anime called "cartoons" because that's such a childish word. I don't blame you guys, but just face the truth already.
Anime is japanese animation and there is one similarity between anime and cartoons: they both appear on tv. Other than that? they are two totally different things. it's annoying to me when people act like they are the same thing. but thats your opinion and i just stated mine.
Let me try this again.... Cartoon- Different styles through each creator Anime: Basically same style through each creator.... That's what I'm trying to point out, that there somewhat different... But yea, I guess they can be considered Asian cartoons...
>I say you didn't have an education >You say I didn't have an education. Learn to be original instead of using the exact same insult I said to you. LOL. I was saying all along that anime is a subtype of a cartoon, I think you have some mental issues.
@WAROKKU I read it once and that was enough, you said "I fucking punch you in the face" if people listen to Hannah Montana and ITS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS IF PEOPLE LISTEN TO THAT, read your own shit before you post it dumbass.
If yall wanna argue about weither or not Naruto is a anime or cartoon think about it this way. Naruto was made and thought of in Japan. Hence its only a Anime its not a Cartoon just because it looks like a Cartoon doesnt mean it is.
Yah, but in this case right now...it's a show... pluse anime is basically just one thing used by many creators. Unlike cartoons in which all are different, but there's many types of anime. ( Sorry if u think I'm a smart-mouth :P )
Why are you starting a fight? Don't call me an idiot. Have you ever heard of hyperbole? I know a few more things are alike but they aren't the exact same. I told you it was my opinion so why can't you just leave it at that?
So what I'm TRYING to say here, is that yes, they are a type of cartoon, but it's some what different than what we're all used to... Anime and cartoons have some differences but are basically the same in a way...
Mmm being seriously, both are the same: Animation, etymologically talking, but... If we talk about audiovisual genres, they can be perfectly consider diferent genres, and trust me, i'm not talking from nothing.
"Only the strongest will survive, lead me to heaven when we die I am the shadow on the wall, I'll be the one to save us all" these lyrics kinda suit Naruto Usamaki pretty well. Great AMV thanx for uploading!
I just think it's so weird that so many AMVs use this song. This song is from Halo 2. It's a weird choice to match with anime footage. It just brings back memories of Halo 2 and nothing makes sense anymore.
Kyrie, Don't worry about people tripping. Sooo dumb. I LOVE THIS VIDEO. GREAT JOB putting points of passion together. some people are small and can't manage things beyond a storyline. they should move on.
just say animation, cartoon carries the implication of only for children/immature/no effort/waste of time, to the point that its almost derogatory, which is why the medium is dying in a lot of places.
Then i'd love to annoy you some more. Anime is not a sub-type of cartoon,anime is with nothing lower than cartoon.It is Japanese cartoon brought to life.You can't really call American animations anime.

The Matrix-Breaking Benjamins-Blow me away

User Comments

nice video chris

Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away

Wright Drum School - Breaking Benjamin Blow Me Away by Zeke Vearing (Drum Cover)

Student: Zeke Vearing Age: 12 Teacher: Troy Wright Filmed, recorded, mixed and edited by Troy Wright at Wright Drumming Studio (Gold Coast, Australia) ...
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