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Bell canada head office address Videos

Canadian Dance Company - Where's Waldo

The Junior group from Canadian Dance Company performing Where's Waldo at Showstopper Nationals in Myrtle Beach.

Atheist Experience #908: A Year Without God

The Atheist Experience #908 for March 8, 2015, with Russell Glasser and Ryan Bell. Living a Year Without God. Former minister Ryan Bell describes his ...

Hommage aux champions // A tribute to champions

Des médaillés d'or des équipes féminine et masculine de hockey du Canada ont été honorés avant le match Canadiens-Wings. // Members of Team Canada's ...

User Comments

PROUD TO BE CANADIAN!! The anthem. and the ovations for the players really gave me chills. WAY TO GO GUYS AND GIRLS, ON MAKING YOUR COUNTRY PROUD!
is it just me but the sound cut in and out a few times? and seems the crowd was very quiet except at the end...
pk subban my favorite player. go canada 
I wish I was Canadian : )

LG Voyager Review - Canada

LG Voyager Review - Canada - Telus Mobility Bell Mobility.

User Comments

2 things i need help with: 1. i see that your external picture covers the whole screen. how do you make it do that because mine is only centered thus leaving black bars on the top & bottom. 2. My external shortcut menu only has 9 different shorcturs (10 including the SET button) and i see yours has 12, how do i make mine have 12 aswell? any help would be awesome! thanks
well the voyager is an upgrade from the keybo. thats whati've been hearing from the reviews i've seen. i think that this is a lot better than the keybo but the keybo is a lot smaller too so thats a little better. and im pretty sure it can take videos .. yes it does ha. hope this helps? personal message me if you need anything.
i currently have the dare, which is a good phone except for the keyboard. i have issues working with it. so i am upgrading to the voyager as i do not want to completely lose the touch screen, merely just use something less touchy to do my texting. with that said, the voyager seems to be the best option, considering the price.
I like this phone a lot. I've had it since May, dropped it once today actually, and everything still works perfectly. Touchscreen is easy to use, qwerty keyboard takes some getting used to, but after about a week, you can txt about as fast as you type on a fullsize keyboard. It's a good phone.
to mhz999: i'm pretty sure the bigger memory card is so u can put stuff on the memory card using a memory card reader on a computer. put the smaller card into the reader, and then put the reader into ur computer. this makes it easier to sync ur phone to a computer if u dont have the cable.
really cool i just got mine from telus but a have 2 questions in the package the is the micros sd card but there is also a bigger card whats that for and where do i put it in and the other question i can't take picture i get the (fota test error) message can any one help me please!!!
@iamawesome523 Ummm.. no. I live in the U.s.a and its still called the Voyager but no one likes it. The enVtouch is a different phone. There is many enVs.. enV, enV2 enV3 and ENV TOUCH. Get it right before u talk bout america.
Dont ever get this phone. Camera sucks, touch screen is lagged and not sensative, it brakes easliy and its very thick. I have this phone and i hate it. But i do love the keyboard. The keyboard is really big and good..
i think it is the titanium one... i went to the bell store yesterday and it didnt look like this. it looked muchhh better. if you want to buy this, go to a store and see it yourself. it looks much better
They also have the LG Vu, but the main reason is because this phone wouldn't work on the network. This is a CDMA (TELUS) phone and Rogers is GSM. You can't run a CDMA network phone on a GSM network.
oh my god, i hated my instinct too. but i "accidentally" broke it. lol now i got this phone from telus, the size isn't really that big, its pretty decent though. i absolutely love this phone!
if you text a lot, don't get neither of these 2, get on that has a qwerty board like the xenon or neon on rogers and if you want to stay with telus, get the rival
i live in ottawa:P lol . and that would be so cool if they had it !:) they have this Student 25 plan that i really want and yeah. Voyager, woot woot!:P
thanks. and also , what kind of plan does this phone come with? cuz i had a plan in mind but my friend told me the plan doesnt go with this phone
i like the LG Keybo better??? what do you guys think????? please answer? witch is better??????????? and do you know if the keybo takes videos?
in usa they stopped calling it the voyager because it had a trademark on the name "voyager" for an earpiece so now they call it the enVtouch
yes, i have the voyager and my sister has the dare lol she hates her dare . if that helps :D just message me if you need to know anything.
im a big txter but i want a touch screen phone and i cant make up my mind between the LG dare or lg versa SOME ONE PLZ TELL ME
so far this is one of my favorite phones for the price since it has qwerty board and touchscreen but i want a HTC Magic lol
you need to get correct pixels(240 by 400) on your actual computer when you upload the picture to get it to fit correctly
i have this phone but the send keys on the front light up white. Why is it that this phone the send key lights up blue?
I have this phone and it works pretty good. Put it this way, I like this better than i did my Blackberry Pearl.
Looks really bulky, I got an instinct and hate it, looking for something new, but this just seems so bulky
I'm thinking of getting this with Telus What plan should I pick? Also if it's better to get it with bell.
okay thank you so much! and i dont really want/need a smartphone since im only 13 . do u live in canada?
same here, i cancelled it, and went to bell, they're better for that stuff, ESCPECIALLY customer service
im getting this in march i REALLY could care lesss if its old it really doesent matter its just a phone
you can get some bad ass phones with rogers, i wouldn't about this phone rogers has so much more

In Conversation With... George R.R. Martin on Game of Thrones Part 1 | TIFF Bell Lightbox

The #1 New York Times bestselling author discusses his epic saga A Song of Ice and Fire and its adaptation to the small screen as HBO Canada's hit series ...
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