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The Connections Between The Nazi Bell, CERN & Interdimensional Travel

SEE FULL SUPPORTING ARTICLE, LINKS & VIDEOS HERE.... //kevbakershow.com/links-nazi-bell-cern-interdimensional-travel/ FREAKY FRIDAY .

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A Look into The Spiritual Dimension https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ea7kcewcyj6a7q/2016-04-02%2012.09.11.png?dl=0 A Snapshot Enlarged Showing The Horned Pagan Goat God. Note, PAN is Fully Erect as SaTyrs are Depicted in Mythology. It wasn't Until Much later Did I Begin to understand What I was Viewing. It was The Last Weekend in June, Where There was a Most Beautiful Golden Sunset, Where I Began Photographing The Skyline and Horizon. after Several Nice Photographs, I started to Enlarge image areas to Crop or Show Something that is Not seen in the Human Realm. https://www.dropbox.com/s/61807jusewuga0b/Screenshot_2016-04-14-15-14-03.png?dl=0 This Photograph was the Last one I had Taken. Now, As I Enlarged the Image, I immediately Saw what I Had Not Seen while taking the Photograph. https://www.dropbox.com/s/61807jusewuga0b/Screenshot_2016-04-14-15-14-03.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/traxqbhadnizcvs/Screenshot_2016-04-14-15-14-13.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/67848q2ked81wu2/Screenshot_2016-04-14-15-14-19.png?dl=0 What I Had Not Seen while taking the Photograph, Now Becomes Seen. With several Beautiful Shots of the Sunset & A Good Enlarged image off of the Original, I Posted the Photographs and The Picture of the UFO Image. Immediately after Posting the Photograph and Enlarged image of the UFO, I Was Getting internal Source Guidence, To Review and Re Examine the Photograph from the Nibiru Solar System Researcher had posted earlier. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lbm7kxtflmebu01/2016-04-19%2022.37.47.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/skeucvgknatr2rr/2016-04-19%2022.37.52.png?dl=0 What I Believed to be a Prehistoric Reptilian Creature Rising over Pans Left Shoulder was Actuality a German SS officer, Saluting to / Giving Authority over to Lord Shiva, The Hindu God of Destruction as it Dances through the LHC Facility at CERN. On the Evening of September 11th, 2015, While Searching through my Photo Gallery for a Picture Completely Unrelated, Did I Accidentally Thumbnail This Photograph, Which I Posted 3 Years Earlier while Receiving Numeric Sequence Numbers https://www.dropbox.com/s/xohp9o59haf7e29/2016-04-17%2020.29.33.png?dl=0 These Last Photographs were Taken on September 27th, 2015, on Family Property, 51 Greenville Road, North Smithfield, Rhode Island. The Star Wormwood https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i8JtzX-g5hFTtSLAB0J20S9ArOvFcoZEPA/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yhVbR1mEJeZGQS1SKxnQ0ZaEkds5zu5haw/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ImTIOU01B4rs7zw5NnvuNEeRFaxJDZsHfw/view?usp=drivesdk 
A Snapshot in Time I Received This Photograph (In the Link Below ) which Was Sent to me on my Facebook Timeline by a Watchmen, Bobby Allen, who Researches The Planet x / Nibiru System and Shares all Information on The Star Wormwood as We are Brought into The Binary Star System Which is Becoming more Noticed as Each Week Passes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bqfxgk2bp1r9gr5/2016-04-02%2012.08.10.png?dl=0 As Soon as I saw this Strange, Pixcalated Black and White Filtered Photograph from Watchmen Bobby Allen, I Was Somehow Interested in the Left side of the Image. What I was Finding in the Pixcalated Image is PAN, The Horned Pagan Goat God center, and what Appears to be a Prehistoric Reptilian Creature Rising over Pans Left Shoulder https://www.dropbox.com/s/ne9u72izi2vuu4e/2016-04-02%2012.08.36.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cbq9jap4cefl6w1/2016-04-02%2012.08.48.png?dl=0 After Posting the Photograph That I had Received from Bobby Allen, I examined the Photograph several Times, and Although This Was Fascinating, I wasn't Seeing Much more and Left the File for Info Sharing., I had Shared and After Filing the Photograph & Paranormal Research Information, I left it .
Bill & teds adventure I feel that Joe is tacking the piss & always tries to make jokes & undermines your show. Nazi Annernerbi searched the world looking for lost technology & Hindu text speaks about the vimana .
If you guys want a lifetime testimony, I could tell you so much about this, particularly involving the Hollywood connections. Tried to tell you a few years ago.
。・゚・ ・゚・。 Y / ̄ ̄ ̄\ / 。___) / / / )ヽ/とノ /つ メノ\___/ Whale then this show sucks
My favourite Scottish joke, "We create reality, but Walt Disney." So true on so many levels.
You guys think big, I love it. Thanks from Pennsylvania (vs. Charles' Transylvania!!!)
I thought the ITER seemed a bit more like The Bell, but it could be both.
Great little compilation, nice to hear from Anthony to!
Viktor Schauberger...check out 77gslinger's channel.
Ta da! Excellent show
Great show....
spot bot

School Bell - Tehnical Support

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Respect the Bell

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User Comments

respect the bell should be a thing like the room joke or not enough gaydos or right cat right
+Ben Weiner also bacon slaps
Stefan makes the world a better place
+Tomomi Sato one calf at a time...
That was an awesome episode! I'd missed the trio
My thoughts exactly. I miss Katelyn and Stephan antics.
I think we've seen how big the anthropology class is. How big are calc and comp sci? I don't remember seeing anything but some coding and ceilings in those classes. And with your anthro class did you have a smaller break-out class? We called that a precept when I was in undergrad but I'm sure they're called something else at other places.
+Catherine Lu I have no idea. I am definitely not the person to ask about school history (even though I wrote my thesis on a part of it).
+Hannah B yeah! I just meant that the name 'precept' meant something slightly different at the beginning (is that even true? lol, I'm really bad at school history stuff)
+Catherine Lu I'm class of '98 =) But it seems like a normal sort of thing - break-out groups for discussion in those larger lectures.
+Nehaly Shah We call them precepts at Princeton too... it's really weird, because Woodrow Wilson apparently invented it when he was president of our school, but like, today it doesn't even function the same way that it did at the beginning... tradition is weird.
+Hannah B My school calls the smaller sections recitations and I've heard other schools call them discussions, but I've never heard anyone call them precepts before.

ASMR: tapping~bell sounds~whispering

Hi! Today i have a very requested video for you! I had some problems with my internet/laptop, but i hope that the video still worked out! :D You can follow me on ...

User Comments

I noticed Lisa in one of your vids you say you don't eat meat. Your blue lips may be a sign of anemia. If you are anemic then your blood can't transport oxygen and you would feel cold because you can't metabolize . Complex iron (heme iron --- //www.webmd.com/diet/iron-rich-foods) is the best source to make your blood healthy. if you're a vegetarian you'll have to eat a lot of broccoli to get iron. Even if you are a vegetarian I think it's a good idea to have a small portion of red meat at least once a month . Liver would be even better .The almond milk that you're pouring back out of your cereal is fortified with iron so you're losing that source . Stay healthy . :)
+asmrbylisa You don't need meat.....for anything. Lentils, cumin, fennel(if you like licorice) and a ton of other plants are great sources of iron.Also before taking any iron supplements you should always get tested first. Too much iron is a bad thing.
+asmrbylisa What I did was take iron pills and that helped!
Eh no...what is the point of being vegetarian if you eat meat once a month?!
Good on you, man! I hope you find $20 on the floor today.
I am so sorry you lost your cat. It's hard with pets because they give us unconditional love. I am happy that you know that he will always be with you.
Why you have this bruise...? :(
Don't know haha
I'm so sorry about your cat
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