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Bell canada investor relations Videos

AGORACOM Small Cap Stock TV - March 3, 2010

Canadian Investor Relations Institute (CIRI), opens Toronto Stock Exchange October 26, 2010.

Canadian Investor Relations Institute opens Toronto Stock Exchange, November 29, 2012.

Yvette Lokker, Vice President, Communications & Professional Development, Canadian Investor Relations Institute (CIRI) will join Loui Anastasopoulos, Vice ...

AGORACOM Small Cap Stock TV - December 10, 2012

AGORACOM Small Cap Stock TV - August 20, 2010

IBM Visits the NYSE with West Point Cadets to Highlight IBM Finance Intern Program

On Monday, July 7, 2014, IBM will visit the NYSE with West Point Cadets participating in IBM's finance intern program. In hono r of the occasion, Patricia Murphy, ...

User Comments

Every Westpoint cadet will be commissioned in a combat arm. They´re first months as a commissioned officer will be spent in their branch basic officer's course, Ranger School and perhaps jump school. Then they're off to their first assignment. When they make captain at about 7 years, they will then choose a secondary specialty that could include logistics, foreign área officer, finance (budget), etc. What in the hell are they doing going to an intern program for stock brokers when they should be learning their trade as combat officers? There is NO military specialty that includes investments.

AGORACOM Small Cap Stock TV - July 23, 2014

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