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Bell canada internet Videos

More Trouble With Bell Canada Crappy Internet Service

Bell Canada Internet Service Isn't Very Reliable

User Comments

Amen to this sadly i am on bell and i am really really really thinking of switching to rogers
Shaw is better

Bell Canada Internet Sucks Worse Than This Song

From November 30 2008 Show (Show 96) Dave and Chuck Show Sundays 12:00-2:00pm EST daveandchuckshow.com Tell All Your Friends.

User Comments

Bell internet sucks ass...!!! If you have bell internet and home phone and someone uses the phone, while anothe rperson is on the computer, the internet stops working. Then when you fix it, and the person hangs up the phone, the internet stops working again, MAN I HATE BELL! ROGERS FTW!
Bell internet is the worst of anything it just went down for 30 mins and does it almost every week now Its slow like hell also
Bell is a bunch of fucking fags. If they all had a heart attack at the same time the world would be a better place.
Bell mobility sucks they hanged on me ! So I canceled my contract to vergin mobility
Bell should fuck off and die.... UBB is a scam by bell the con-artists...
couldent even load this fucking video

automatically fix slow cutting off Internet connection bell canada acanac teksavy

this tutorial will show you how to fix modem crash, fix disconnecting internet problems, fix cutting off internet, fix slow internet problems and fix modem issues.

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