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Bell canada iot Videos

Canadian Internet of Things Leader

Honoured to receive the 2015 Canadian Cellular M2M & IoT Market Leadership Award, Rogers is the leader in Canadian IoT market share, estimated at 60% by ...

TELUS/IDC Internet of Things Study 2014: The Connected Canadian Business

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) presents a massive opportunity that Canadian businesses have yet to capitalize upon, according to a recently released ...

User Comments

I love this but I am bias... ;-)

TELUS Tech Tip: What is the Internet Of Things?

If you're looking to better understand what IoT is, and how a business can use this technology, you've come to the right spot. The Internet of Things is not ...

User Comments

whats the point with TELUS they still block port 80 I can not reach my residential thermostat over a public ip address without changing ports.. blocking port 80 is so 2004. Telus said they are worried about the IIS windows 2000 servers that are not patched...

IoT Stockholm: Building New Business -- Joacim Westlund, Shortcut Labs

Talk by Joacim Westlund recorded at IoT Stockholm's meetup February 19th 2014. More information here: ...

User Comments

Great product, good luck with it and with standing out //www.indiegogo.com/projects/wisebutton
buttons everywhere :) //dimple.io/

Skype Video Interview: Intel® Gateway Solutions for the IoT | Intel

Intel Gateway Solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) is a family of platforms that enables companies to seamlessly interconnect industrial infrastructure devices ...
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