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Why korean Videos

외국인에겐 한국말 어려운 이유 6가지! 6 Reasons Why Korean is HARD!

아마 한국 사람들이 잘 모를텐데 이 영상에 외국인에겐 한국말이 어려운 이유를 설명합니다! Finally able to express things that have been confusing me for...

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은/ 는, 이/가 차이는 앞 단어에 받침이 들어가냐, 들어가지 않느냐에 따라 다릅니다. 휘트니씨는 휘트니 중 '니' 라는 단어에 받침이 들어가지 않으니 '는'과 '가'를 사용하면 되고 받침이 들어가는 단어는 '은'과 '이'가 들어갑니다. ex) 은, 이 혜월명이 혜월명은 ex) 는, 가 초아는 초아가 또는 받침이 있는 이름이라도 는, 가를 사용할때가 있습니다. 성을 빼두고 이름만 부를때 '혜월이는', '월명이는', '혜월이가', '월명이가' 이름 뒤에 '이' 라는 단어가 들어가서 받침이 없어 '는', '가'를 사용합니다! 이런식으로 :) 한국어 사랑해주셔서 정말 감사해요 :) 모든 외국인에게는 정말 어려운 언어일텐데 발음이 어리숙하고 어렵게 느껴지는 것은 당연합니다 :)! 저도 영어 못하고 어려워하는걸요! 앞으로 많은 영상 올려주시길 바라요! 감사합니다 :)
계속 추가적으로 말씀드려서 죄송한데. 영상을 보다가 계속해서 생각이 나네요.영상 속에서 휘트니씨는 '친구들이'와 '친구들은'을 헷갈려 하셨는데. 둘 다 맞는 표현이긴 하지만 더 가까운 표현을 따지자면 영상 속에서 친구분들께서 휘트니씨의 발음을 고쳐주었다고 말할때는'친구들이 나의 발음을 고쳐주었다.'가 더 가까운 표현입니다.여기서 '이'가 아닌 '은'을 넣게 되면'친구들은 나의 발음을 고쳐주었다.'가 되어버리는데물론 이상하다는 것은 아닙니다. 하지만 한국인이 듣기에는 좀 약간 어색하고 이해를 할 수 없을 수 있어요. 대부분 다 이해는 하지만... 그래도 이해를 하지 못하는 분들이 있기에 '은' 이라는 표현보다는 '이' 라는 표현이 저 상황에서는 옳다고 표현할 수 있겠네요.휘트니씨의 시점에서 말씀하신 것으로는 '친구들은 제 발음을 고쳐주었어요.' 라고 하셨는데, 틀린 표현도 아닙니다 :)한국어는 어떻게 말하든 한국인에게는 대부분 다 똑같은 말로 들리거든요!
추가적으로 더 말씀드리자면 한국어 발음은 계속 사용하다보면 시간이 지나면서 달라지게 되어있습니다.제 친구 중 필리핀 혼혈과 독일인이 있는데 한국에 약 4년 이상 살면서 한국어 연습을 계속 하다보니 실력이 늘었습니다 :)!
ERRR Korean is the easiest Asian language to learn. Afrikaans is the easiest to learn for Native English speakers, same with Dutch I heard.
+Kimberly Adams Chinese is the hardest, then Japanese then other SE Asian langues then its Korean, Im going into my second year of Korean and its a fact among everyone else who is multicultural in my class that it has been the easiest for us to learn. The hardest for English speakers I heard has been Pygmy or other African languages and nordic white langues such as Russian, German etc. My references are actual people who I've taken linguistics classes with. There are educational articles all around the internet saying Korean is the easiest Asian language for anyone..
+Aly Cat I read in several places that Korean is one of the hardest languages for English speakers to learn. As I found in a n article using information and a helpful infographic from a good source, the top five are (in no particular order) Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, and Korean. Supposedly, Japanese is the hardest, and Arabic and Chinese have about the same difficulty level.
I am a Japanese. I watched your video for the first time and I will tell you something about Japanese language. there is some kinships between Japanese and Korean languages, in Korean,there are kind of system like 가/이 and in Japanese we say "が【Ga】", which is the same meaning with Korean's 가/이. In Japanese methods of saying are abound too. We can say like ので which is polite way of BECAUSE, から which is kind of Korean's banmal(?. And mention about Japanese dialects방언 they say(rural people) like けぇ けん やけん じゃけん じゃけぇ. This (방언)is differ in each places of Japan. We also have a lot of onomatopoeia (you mentioned about onomatopoeia, right?) as many as korean. For example, "Kira kira" which describes shining stuff " Bata bata" which means hectic "Kuru kuru" which describes that something is turning(around) "Korokoro" which means that kind of roller is turning "jii jii" which means machines' weird noise. I am sorry that my English is bad.
既に日本語に関して話してた?みたいですねこのコメントは無視してもらって大丈夫です。You can ignore this comment. You had already had knowledge about Japanese. When you learn Sino-Korean【한자어】, you should know vocabularies' Chinese characters' version.
+daisuki Chrome 한자는 중학교 때부터 쭉배웠었어요ㅎㅎ
+daisuki Chrome 제2외국어 중학교때 하긴 하는데 한자 빼면 맛보기 수준이에요.
+daisuki Chrome 한국어 잘하시네요 한자도배워요
한국어의 한자어(한자를 쓰는 법)는 안 배우군요하지만 중학교때부터 제2 위국어를 배우는 것을 들고 한국은 일본 보다 대단한다고 생각했어요
+daisuki Chrome 초등학교때는 영어를 배우고 중학교때는 제2의외국어 (중국어, 혹은 일본어 등 ) 을 배웁니다. (안배우는학교도 있음)
저는일본인인데 한국어가 가장 바슷하죠지금 한국 초등학생들은 한자를 배우는 거에요?
진짜 공감이요.... 한국어 배운지 2년 됐는데 은/는 이/가 차이 뭔지 아직도 몰라요.... 그리고 줄임말 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
지금도 충분히 잘하시네요
사랑옵다는 사랑스럽다의 줄임말같네요~^^ 근데 하도 줄임말이 많아서 한국사람도 모르는말많아요ㅋㅋ
사랑옵다는 순우리말입니다^^

Why Korean Men and Women Marry Foreigners (Matchmaking Poll)

Website: //www.reddragondiaries.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeoulTee Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeoulTee Choosing Recruiters and ...

User Comments

Damn! Ali Mahmoudi? That's rude, you could have just gave him a
+msairmaiden he is basically selling korean women. That's why. And think about it? All those poor girls can't afford to get something so ya
your videos really make me throw up!
+Red Dragon Diaries Thanks for the reply. 
+Nico Pendragon less and less people want to get married in Korea these days, including women. This tends to be a trend as a nation becomes more wealthy and both genders have more options.
+Ali Mahmoudi Why does his videos make you throw up?
+Red Dragon Diaries I would like to ask if you think that Asian men are interested in marriage ? I have been traveling Asia for 3years now and generally the the men are just not interested in marriage and on the other hand Asian woman really want to get married...a Lot of my Asian male friends would say they are to young or to old to get married .
+Red Dragon Diaries ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+Ali Mahmoudi tell me how you really feel
all north americans knows(born and raised,caucasians and native,original canadians!) about asian women, beware of the filipina,thailand,, in the sense that they have huge plans in their minds that she won't necessary share with you in one big shot, it will come step by step but still hit you like a brick everytime,, also will try everything to get divorce to own half of your ownings and move to the states,where they always wanted to go in first place but canada,specially vancouver is just an open door to anything,,lol and second beware of the korean women as they are very smart,double personality, liars,hypocrite,,,sad,, but almost a generality chinese,japanese,vietnamese,taiwanese are number one, down to earth,one personality only,trusty and always in good mood. its not a personal opinion its very wide shared opinion,,
we never talked in general baby
I disagree,, filipino women arent like that maybe some but not in general...
foriegn brides r more submissive? r u fucking kidding me? im korean man n im engaged to russian girl n she n her friends r not submissive asshole. number one reason korean girl want to date white men is language,they just use u fore language skill or sex n dump u, ofcourse ugly korean girls who are unattractive marry to american men. pple like u flew from u,s to teach english are rich?
+Alisher Goatamovich I'm fine with Korean Russian mixes (look at Viktor Tsoi).Koreans and Russians are cool people man b.c theres more similarity in culture than with Americans.
And ugly Russians and whites marry Koreans
+Sanemi Kera yes. Well thats subjective i guess but a lot of women over there are very self conscious about their looks
Do ugly korean womans exist ??
Is Korean-Filipino common in Korea?
Theres a Filipina Congress woman in Korea, so you've been proven wrong.
+NewtypeDestroyer very few marry Filipino
May be you also practiced TaeKwonDo ? did you?
I see. You are from NYC or LA?
She was actually a teacher who was teaching Korean in the US.  She messaged me telling me she would like to hang out and talk to me more.
You have a korean female friend? I did not dare to approach korean girls while I was there. I am somewhat shy, foreigners who can date Korean girls are very lucky. i did not have this honour. It prouves that korean people are welcoming. Hope you enjoyed your stayed in Japan.
One of my friends who is native to Korea is pretty nice.  She even offered to let me stay at her house when I come visit in between my trip to Japan.
+Yoshimitsu Sandro I'm not American, Australian or British, so I don't fall into "that category of whites" (I know what you meant......)Were you an English teacher in SK? Because I'm not sure why you felt the need to "teach" me their history or their customs like I didn't have a clue about it.If you were 100% Japanese, I wonder if you would've say the same nice things about Koreans? :DAnd thank you for "sending" me to Philippines, but now I'm in Europe - where is my home. Good bye Yoshimitsu Sandro
South-Korea is one of the best country where I have been, Korean people are at home, they built up their own country, being tan is not considered as a norm, In south-Korea every south-koreantry to follow the norm. who does not follow the norm is an outcast.Me I am not south-korean, I was born in Taiwan from a japanese mother and portuguese-chinese father from macao, during my first month communication was difficult I could not have korean acquaintance , only chinese and south-east asian friend, then I finally understood how they feel with foreigners, I had to come closer their own culture showing to them I was able to eat spicy food, drinking coffee,  instead of tea at the office, going once a week to the karaoké singing korean song alone.   You must understand that blacks, whites and other foreigners nun-koreans either adoptive south-korean whom grown out of south-korea  shall never be treat and consider like a native south-korean because they had an other education, and when korean people were starved, korean children  crying in the countryside nobody helped them,  korean  youngmen were also sold by their own government during the Vietnam war and the golf war for strengthening the US devils but they forgave everything . In Australia and the USA  I could feel the true racisme and worst anger, racial anger toward the other race white hate black, hispanics like asians, mixed people are utterly  rejected. South-Koreans are good fella, friendly and outgoing and very westernized. Sometimes I miss my koreans friend, we used to play baseball, fishing, trekking ect... If you don't like south-korea go the philippines there they love white caucasians and they speak english too. Good bye Dani D  
+Yoshimitsu Sandro Yeah, thank u for the advice, but I DID LIVE in S. Korea for more than a year, therefore I know exactly what I'm talking about... I think I'm more aware than you are about their culture, traditions, mentality and...racism. The (light) color of the skin it's almost the most important thing to them, and I guess you know that very well. They will first judge you and treat you in base on that! That's available for foreigners as much as for their own people. Even though I'm white, I know for a fact how much they despise the brown or black people. Come on now... Do I really need to tell you all these?:))
You are wrong. Koreans are not bad people, they are honest, they don't care about your skins' colour,  they just want to preserve their own culture. Foreigners unmarried with koreans citizens whom does not work , study or live in South-Korea are considered as outlanders or tourists, Us soldiers are tolerated because of the conflicting relationship between the north and the south. I truly  d'like to go back one day, but not anymore in Seoul or Busan too crowdely. I advice you to go one day To South-Korea in Seok Cho or Dae Jeon or Dae Gu visit the temples and enjoy the landscapes. May be you will change your mind. 
+Yoshimitsu Sandro'Korean people are not racist'?? Really?:)) If you are not one of them, they will "dissect" you to the core. If you are white, they will admire/envy/hate you, all in the same time. If you're black or brown it's much worse.
If I may answer your question I lived one whole year in south-korea. Christians korean men only used to marry pinay from Cebu or Visayas. but as a second marriage as far I know my neighbours were a korean-filippino couple he 's 45 years old she 's 27 years old. apparently Young koreans still love others koreans until the military service. After a journey abroad they suddenly change their mind but not all  of them.  Koreans people are not racists they treated me very well even I am mixed Japanese mixed european. they are heart warmed joyful but they drink to much that's why I have never accepted to  join them for a party or a birthday. 
there are brokers who set up marriage for some old korean guys (40~50s) who missed the change of marriage and poor Filipino girls (mostly 20s). and the numbers have increased since it became harder for korean men to get married. 
Wow, I wonder why that is.
the numbers are growing, but most of them are children.

Why Korean StarCraft Players are the Best in the World - Esports Weekly with Coca-Cola

Korean players have been dedicated to StarCraft for almost 20 years in optimal practice conditions. Watch more Esports Weekly here: ...

User Comments

Well.... gaming is a "sport" now.... k
+kobyashi no, its an esport.
Koreans are Asian and Asian has always been the most intelligent race through history. Gun powder? invented by Asians most refined blades? invented by Asians best cars? Asians ( Toyota dominates in car sales) Most intelligent person on the planet? Asian (Korean IQ 210) So yea is normal for them to kick ass in Starcraft and video games in general
But they also have a large amount of racist in them too. Therefore they are inferior
The Amish are the best in the world.
+Matthew Forth Only at Call of Duty
Because they see everything from a wider perspective.
+Zaid Mousa Hahahahahah killed me
+Zaid Mousa Hahahahahah killed me
You need your eyes check
+Zaid Mousa well done.
OMG really lmao
High five, mate! I'm Korean and I'm proud to hear that.
esports weekly is too serious they need to lighten up. it's games not politics
+Mystical Cosmic I said "lighten up" not, "bring out cartoon puppets and have them teach us the abc's"
too long didnt read it +MrImOriginal 
+Mystical Cosmic Just because something is popular doesn't mean it should be taken seriously. Look at the Nazi party for example. It was taken seriously by its followers and it really shouldn't have... Yes I just compared esports to the Nazi regime
maybe its not something u shud take lightly to... people earn millions. or these are made for mature gamers not 12 year olds
if only anime club was this serious

Why Korean Students Can't Speak English

This is an edit of the video linked below with only the Korean speakers. This is being used in an English class in a Korean public school for educational ...
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