@KerrangPodcast hahaha!!! That's such a BIG LIE!!!! you can't expect me to
believe that shit!! I've seen that dude in A Lot of interviews and he's
always like that ps: Steel Panther rule!!! They're one of the best (NEW,
let's say) bands out there!! And!! THE FUNNIEST!!!!
Why does everybody care so much about fucking hair?? you are a bunch of
fags, the band on the other hand are the second coming!!! steel panther
forever!!! but seriously...enough about there hair! it's on every video and
you sound like girls!
they were FUCKIN UNBELIEVABLE!!! I CRACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! part of thr
story: "its rainin....which is bad......but the pussies are already wet
so...." THEY FCKN ROCK!!! (is it pussies or pussys???? i dont know!!! )
lmaoo these guys are awesome!!!! they are like spinal tap in this interview
:L fucking awesome saw them havng interview when slash finnished, they
where hilarious tbh XD XD
These guys are like fucking add! HAHA These guys are so funny! "Theres a
plane" haha also "Dont pick your nose, theres a camera on right now", "Oh
fuck!" haha
I can see myself at the beginning! :D The one with the glow in the dark
green shirt haha..I can't wait to hear Bizkit And Crossfaith do a song
together :d