Omoide wa Okusenman (Limitless Memories) - English translation/subs by DarknessSavior
This song's most popular English translation has always bugged me. It's barely comprehensible. I always told myself that one day I would re-translate it for all to ...
@ZuillianWillian Bem, é que tem uns errinhos ai e eu pensava que voce tava
tentando traduzir direto do JP para PT. Um erro é ''como estivesse sendo
perseguido por algo'' e nao ''como se alguem tivesse me seguindo'', ''Cento
e dez bilhoes'' ao inves de ''Cento e dez MILHOES'' e outros erros porem
boa iniciativa
Okkusenman Kusomiso - Piano Cover (Link to MP3, MIDI and xps in desc.)
Listen with headphones or earbuds for better volume ! This is my piano cover of the (wonderful) song "Okkusenman Kusomiso" written by Tateishi Takashi & "Aoi ...
Hey! Thanks for making this. The downloads are also greatly appreciated.
Although, being honest, the recorded song is a bit flat. You're dead on, no
mistakes, but it would definitely benefit from a little bit of jazzing up.
Sorry. Just trying to help you out :)
+XDranzer000 Yeah man! Hope I could be of some help. I don't have any piano skills anymore but, maybe my dad or one of my brothers could.Sorry for the harsh words, though. In my experience not pointing out short comings never helps anyone :P
+tarrker Well, this is just an attempt to make a piano cover of the song :D I have a big problem when attempting to make piano cover is that I pay attention only to the vocals including the background, which I put on the right hand, and the instrumentation, which I put on the left hand and also sometimes the right hand. That explains why my piano covers always lack something (check my noteflight account), it's because I always want to respect the structure of a song that is not meant for piano :D thx for the remarks though, I'd be interested if you could record a "jazzed up " remix to this cover, might be very interesing :)
Good for you, but your comment and post comments since are pointless. You just said some ignorant things and then said "Derp i will say what I want" sure.. If you want to look like an idiot then g ahead, but seems like your logic is.... Not great =)
+Zoe Kinsky That's moot, that isn't you singing in this 10 year old video which you said the singer wasn't "great". Who cares? If you don't like the video then just don't watch it. No one cares if YOU try to be perfect, we came for the song not you.