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11th doctor uxbridge Videos

Steam On The Met 150 Harrow On The Hill To Uxbridge 8 12 2013

User Comments

Brilliant stuff. I lived in Ruislip 1963-92 - good to see the station again.
Superb footage of a now popular event. Well captured

Boris is back! Johnson returns to the Commons after seven years as rumors swirl around London Mayor

WNT Sports - October 20th, 2015

Kevin Shea has highlights from Nashoba-Shepherd Hill, Westboro-Groton Dustable Boys Soccer, Holy Name-NDA Girls Soccer, MIAA Vote and a look at ...

David Cameron: Ruling out third term 'sensible'

David Cameron has hit back at claims he made a strategic blunder by telling the BBC he would not serve a third term as prime minister if he is re-elected.

BBC NEWS 12 November 2013 Leon Briggs

Luton - Death in custody of Leon Briggs - Public meeting 11/11/13 An inquiry into the police custody death of a man is "fully independent", Bedfordshire's chief ...

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hi note your birth certificate is your boarding card on to this vessel of society they call, so someone with a valid birth certificate enters on to their vessel and then you are vulnerable as you are on board .....any ridiculing must be bounced back with logic.we are humans when we claim our rights back, you have to do it same as a gold prospector, staking claim to a piece of land, you are staking claim to your human soul , NOTICE OF UNDERSTANDING AND CLAIM OF RIGHT (your soul flag you have to do this )

Charlotte Leslie holds Bristol North West seat in 2015 General Election

Chemtrails: Crop Dusting the People of Canada; Lillooet BC, March 5 2010.wmv

five passing jets laid spreading trails of Chemicals over Lillooet today as observed in the south-ward skies over the Stein and Fraser river Valleys north-east of ...

User Comments

Oh, so now you are admitting that it "could happen". You are a dunce, look up, yeah, up there at the sky...see all those trails from planes? Yeah, those ones, they are spreading from horizon to horizon and you think its not geo-engineering? How stupid can one group of people be? And you knobs have the gall to call those who see it "idiots"? Maybe a few years ago you might of had an argument, not with today's skies, ALL OVER THE WORLD. People aren't that stupid. Time for a new "CT" to debunk....
ITS TIME TO START KICKING OUT THE FREEMASON LUCIFERIAN HOMOS! i'm from van and have been documenting the plant damages, i think our so-called representatives need to be physically removed!!!! via citizens arrest or something, even self defense is valid here!!! i hope people understand that this is a valid reason NOT TO PAY TAXES! 95% of taxes goes to pay compound interest on a FAKE DEBT! see BankofBC*com at the website i listed is a list of all the MLA's and you will see the majority R freemasn
This is global, this is happening World Wide. Only a few can break their brainwashing, this is why most people think that these trails are a hoax. They can't break the box that society has put them in, they can't see obvious spraying of the skies. Imagine the hold that their mind's must have over their spirit. They can't even understand obvious atrocities against ALL PEOPLES. Their minds so programmed from a daily onslaught of propaganda and mind melting garbage. Keep putting out your message.
You moron, something has to be in the spray for moisture to cling to, hence the formation of clouds. The moisture has to be able to cling to dust or whatever to create clouds. If what the planes are spraying is just water vapor, it then has to cling to something in the air to form clouds. If the sky is clear, this means there isn't particles for the moisture to cling to, thus a clear sky. You claim to know science, yet, you can't even understand the basics of cloud formation. SIT DOWN, TROLL.
@Chembuster43 hi from van! i will tell you the who, what and why: AGENDA 21 ALL PLANTS IN VAN ARE MUTATED DEAD AND DYING! look up a monument in georgia usa called the georgia guide stones [aka tombstones of humanity] the guide stones of agriculture, the FIRST directive is to rduce the world populatipon top 500,000,000 this is carved in 8 languages in granite stone! fjCTuxqQ9xk [noobs put code in google] after you see me show whole foods selling gmo corn as organic, watch 4MfyNKBcEiU
@QueueBionique , don't be a dk. These trails can be sprayed 3 at a time and the whole sky will be covered with a petrol haze. These trails aren't what they were back then. Watch the trails, see how they spread and just block out the sun almost EVERY DAY. The real clouds break and you see the trails behind. See the planes smatter a new front as it comes in. Either you don't even watch them being sprayed and progress, or you just are a disinfo fool. If you can't see it, poor you.
Chemtrails are ultimately a soft kill method(over a long period of time) for the purpose of human depopulation via the complete annihelation of the ecology and agriculture ( famine,disease and all that good stuff) isnt that the white mans way rape,pilage and plunder except this time they have the technology and the means to do it on a global scale ! They bought this magnificent land from the original keepers (natives) with beads, trinkets and lies.Thats the irrefutable truth !
Yes it is happening right now. 10 years...pffft. Just have to look at the muck skies, a layer of flat, oily skies, with real clouds floating underneath it. Stop with the disinfo, if you want to do people a favor, give up the goods. Trying to keep them misinformed is a horrible thing. People need to be told and now. Money interests should not dictate what the truth is and using it for an excuse is sickening. Maybe you should check yourself on that, there will be a price to pay.
@faith, be nice! It was a polite invite. I did check the link you sent (in the spirit of scientific exploration). A picture of a truck driving in -40 weather does not make me believe that what I see in my skies is normal. After 40ish years in the south of Canada, I know what the skies used to look like, and what jets left overhead in terms of exhaust. Unlike others, I don't propose grandiose depopulation agendas as the basis. I just want to know Who, What and Why.
It's exhaust from a jet. Regularly scheduled flights will bring trails made daily at around the same time. You really should look up the flight patterns over your airspace. You also need to research where you get your information that these are poison. What tests were done? Where? By who? It matters. All so-called "poison" tests are easy to discredit. All well done tests show only exhaust. Samples are taken all the time, nothing like what you claim is ever found.
faithinscience....needs to pull head out of his ass, guys that write with such contempt are lacking the ability too think out side of the box..may i remind people that narrow mindedness is a sure sign of stupidity. The aerosol campaign is a ongoing thing in alberta, its a fact ,hail supression has been going on for a while now and is here to stay.. re wings magazine...fire and ice...Weather Modification Inc.....north dakota..
Yup, the socalled "debunkers" are really dumb. If you look at the skies and see the OBVIOUS geo-engineering, it cannot be denied. But, for some reason, the same ole posters troll these vids and say " there are pictures from military planes from 1940". They are BUFFOONS, they either get a kick out of arguing or they are trying to deflect the fact that this is happening. They should be ignored, they are FALSE.
@blite13 As a professional skywatcher I know about what is going on up in the skies. There are no chemtrails, those are fictions coming from delusional minds that try to explain how sucky their lives are by invoking fairy stories about silly things they can't explain. Paranoid delusional syndrome. Good thing your health system will be overhauled, you guys are in dire need of some professional help
@faithinscience You are cointelpro buddy. As your boss Cass Sunstein said: Among the beliefs Sunstein would ban is advocating that the theory of global warming is a deliberate fraud. Sunstein also recommended the government send agents to infiltrate websites where "extremists who supply conspiracy theories" to disrupt the efforts of the "extremists" to propagate their theories.
You'll find out soon enough. The innocence of youth, it's so charming. Let me give you a hint...see the nutty professors? They are feeding you BS. Your mind is being programmed, the "reality" they are giving you, isn't real. As you grow older, it will come apparent to you that this is true. Always question what you are being fed, don't take their word for it...good luck.
There is not enough "soot" to create huge clouds, don't be such a dik. If there was that much "soot" from each flight, we would be DEAD. You think engineers can't build a "clean" engine for planes? What about cars, they must be spewing as much soot, why isn't there clouds forming from my car? You are a complete fool, or, you are just a kid trying to stir up shit.
@rowgun500 i second what you said! and a BIG THUMBS UP! it is the less than 10% that ruins it for us all, the TV watching vaccinated, fluoride eating splenda drinking coke zero rejects who have no clue about anything, these incompetent mobs vote in the losers and a minority de facto government shits on them and they LOVE IT! I DOCUMENT THE MUTATED PLANTS!!!!
@rampmonkeyyyj It is happening now in alberta they seed hail clouds.Insurance co.save 5mil a year on crop insurance and the co. comes from north dakota. Geoengineering is being deployed on us and you dont hear the weather man/woman broadcasting that planes spraying silver oxide are taking care of things do you?oh by the way i got this from flight magizine..
Below is for the kid faithinscience who will not accept reality and the fact the Moscow mayor announced spraying cement powder to stop snow short of Moscow, Thailand seeding all the time, China blasting clouds with chemicals. You are so lost faith you should get help with the Stars guy. LOL! novice debunkers at best.
YOU have very little footage of the operation just a bunch of childish uploads a 8th grader could do better at. Your lost and stalk videos concerning peoples observations which is most likely an illness so I feel sorry for you. Sad but continue if it helps ease the lack of understanding you have.
LOL! resort to ridicule you contrail conspiracy nuts are funny and completely ignorant of basic atmospheric science and published treaties and examples of many countries spraying crap to augment the weather or whatever. Keep posting any attention is good attention in getting answers.
@blite13 Can't take truth huh? Well since you decided the be blind to the facts and data I don't know how you can ever hope of seeing truth. Especially damning for a truther feasting on youtube as a prime source of information. May I say I find that absolutely laughable?
@faith.........you are cordially invited to the big country north of you so you may drive around for yourself at -40C. As you may observe, no amount of driving will generate a "persistent trail", be it barium oxide, ice or paranoid imaginings.
@faith...check out the link on the page you sent for the Life magazine photos. They all seem to be broken. Maybe just an oversight? I'm sure they exist somewhere on the Life site. No one would ever use Photoshop for that sort of thing.
Good vid! I am encouraged at how many comments from the trolls are becoming more agitated. They are dedicated to a loosing battle. We are getting the word out. It's not crop dusting, it's metal oxides and other interesting components.
Not you again, trolling all the vids, are you? Tell us, why are these trails blocking out the sun? You claim there is science backing your claims, why don't you share it with us? How many different accounts do you have?
Good work friend.. I've subbed up.. and sent you a couple of videos for your consideration.. thanks for spreading the word.. please feel free to re-upload any of my videos... your sacrifice is appreciated.
Should i be a proud Canadian every time my fellow man turns his back i see a yellow streak down his back. were turning into a nation of milksops and cowards who stand by and watch like helpless cattle.
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