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Oakland raiders news bay area Videos

MatchBridge's "Dress for Success" with UPS and the Oakland Raiders

On May 12th, MatchBridge, a community project of United Way of the Bay Area, held a "Dress for Success" event with the help of United Way Ambassador ...

Central Coast Reacts To Sports Fans Violence

Two men who were shot and wounded following a San Francisco 49ers-Oakland Raiders preseason game, adding to violence plaguing Bay Area sports teams.

Michigan Reportedly Offers Jim Harbaugh Six-Year, $48 Million Contract

With the San Francisco 49ers officially eliminated from the playoffs, reports indicating head coach Jim Harbaugh's forthcoming demise have already begun to ...

User Comments

it's a sad day in 49erville....i just hope they can find someone as good as him to replace....sad to see him go....but that is business i guess......49ers better not screw up on hiring a new coach.....
Niners would be a fool to let jim harbaugh go as their coach. 
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