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Unemployment insurance sf ca Videos

APA National Planning Awards 2012 - Candlestick Point-Hunters Point Shipyard Phase II EIR

National Planning Achievement Award for a Hard-Won Victory Candlestick Point-Hunters Point Shipyard Phase II EIR California The Bayview Hunters Point ...

California Workers Compensation Serious and Willful Misconduct Labor Code 4553.1

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Thanks for all your informative posts!

BA031811 California Unemployment

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California is a boom or bust state but unfortunately the booms are gone and will never come back.

CA sold us out to Bank of America

Corporations have too much control, and our government is giving that control away. This time it's a contract with Bank Of America to disperse unemployment ...

User Comments

never heard so much crap in my life....I hate big corp, state control and so on too, but the visa is the best thing to happen in calif in 10years...we are almost,almost in the 21th century along with other states....other states DON'T for the most part, mail checks....it's done thru direct deposit or creditcard such as visa....with all the idiots [like you] in the work, place we can no longer rely on the mail service to perform correctly without losing crap, ie chks...or identity theft...grow up
the reply above was meant for maryvannotes...this one is for you...get your facts straight...no fees, no crap, dont have to have a BoA acct...call # on back of card and get balance, take to your bank and make the deposit....just like a ck...the only fees, would be the same as any other debit card if you gettin cash from a bank other than yours....facts,FACTS,FACTS...get the facts and wake up cause thats how bush got elected and the reason the country is rapidly becoming a 3rd world cesspool..
@maryvannotes Oh my Lord. Let me tell you something. When my 16 dollar an hour a job got lost, I got two jobs making 8. When I got a job making 20 and lost it, I got two more making 10. You can't tell me that you can't find a job -- you can only tell me that you can't find a job you want. I have 0 respect for people who'd rather sit and collect checks because it's better than flipping burgers. I'm sorry. It isn't about having a heart, I feel for your rough times. Not for how you handled them.
Marry I feel for you I was once unemployed for 9, almost 10, months so i know how that feels. it's not easy for people who have jobs to understand what that's like. Especially since we don't know your circumstances. There could be factors that no one knows about and for people to assume that everyone who is unemployed is lazy is incredibly arrogant and rude of them. Sure it's great when you can work more than once job (i currently have 2 myself) but it's no one's place to judge you for not.
I've enjoyed this. I transfer all my funds to my banking account(No fees at all for that) and am content. I do the transfer myself incase there is something odd to note but I could as easily set it up to transfer the funds as they are deposited. It took a whopping horrid, 5 min max to setup and then was easy. Heck, with this and online claim submission it takes a day for funds to be available and it lets me find out sooner if the state felt there was an issue that needs to be addressed.
Look at you, Mary...You look great...You go, girl... I've been unemployed, this time around, for eight months. This is the worst it's been. Before that, I've been sporadically employed for over three years. I'd work somewhere for a few months & then get laid off, then be out of work a few months, then get something. Every time a new claim starts they keep lowering my benefit amount because I haven't been working. CalFresh payments are on similar cards that are accepted at McDonald's.
@maryvannotes I'm sorry, I just have no patience for this unemployment thing. I really do apologize, but I find the video infuriating because I have no skills at all and am still able to find a job or two to support myself. I may be sweeping floors and doing remedial work, but I chose that over sitting at home. I can't understand people who don't do the same -- I just can't. I have a heart, but I'm not gullible enough to believe that I'm the only person who can find jobs.
FURTHERMORE. I just want to say that it takes a lot of courage to part from the rat race, follow your dreams and just go for it. In that respect, I admire you. In a perfect world I would pursue acting but instead I'm working a couple of jobs I hate and I go in every day knowing I'm not following my passion. As are many, many people. Maybe someone out there wishes they could play their tuba for a living, idk. So. ignore everyone, all those naysayers, and just keep at it.
The only thing in this video I found sad was that my taxes went to you in the form of an unemployment check for so damn long while you have time to make youtube videos. Let me say that I am so sorry that you had to go through hassle to get your free money that you didn't do a damn thing to earn. I'm sorry, but for someone that works full time to pay to go to school full time, your indignancy makes me absolutely sick.
You complain because the government gives you money when you are not even making that money yourself? Makes no sense! Look at some other countries, in Mexico if you do not have a job, the government is not going. To give it to you just because, WORK FOR IT PEOPLE! Just because you think your country is the best does not mean that you deserve to be treated as royalty., that is why south america hates you! Congrats.
To painful to watch. Only got thru half. Wine wine wine. Oh where is that glass? Being out of work must be terribly stressful. You managed to spend time producing a video instead of looking for a job. Every EDD WORKER IN the state has probably seen this video by now. Diqualified? No ! Not you! You really should appeal. Its proably illegal to stop you benefits because your stupid? 
@veggie530 Also, I made this video once my unemployment ran out. If you looked at my video list you'd notice I haven't made videos for pretty much the whole time I've been unemployed. It's sad that you are so heartless to not care for others. Maybe you'll feel how I feel when you graduate from school and there's no jobs for you. Good luck with that.
You know what is scary? You leech off the system, and then gripe when you don't get it exactly the way you want.... Unfortunatly your spewing your misinformation out there with absolutely no forethought and 0 understanding of the literature you have been provided.... Thank you for reminding us all to not drink or do drugs while we are pregnant....
My housemates have the TV on in the other room and I just overheard a commercial that made me think of this. It was a customer saying "One of the greatest things about being a Bank of America customer is that we're almost EVERYWHERE!" Apparently this is literally quite true, as they're even invading our government!

Solving California's Growing Prosperity Gap

At the 2013 California Economic Summit, two topics kept reappearing: California's growing prosperity gap and how advancing a triple bottom line--equity, ...
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