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Snap unemployment insurance Videos

Brownley sharing how cutting SNAP benefits is bad for our veterans

Representative Brownley spoke on the House floor against the disastrous SNAP cuts imposed by the More Hunger, Less Opportunity Act.

Dr. Keith Ablow psychoanalyzes Obama - 'Sees himself as a victim & has extended it to this country'

Psychiatrist and Fox News Medical A-Team member Keith Ablow engaged in some psychoanalysis of President Barack Obama on Wednesday's Fox & Friends.

User Comments

Apparently ANYONE can play "psychiatrist" so I'll give it a shot myself... If I'm not mistaken, Keith Ablow is revealing -- through his shaved head -- that he himself has deeply rooted insecurity issues about loosing his hair at a young age by shaving it ALL off. He won't be victimized; he's taken control of the situation. Also, his shaved head indicates that he feels comfortable being identified by most Americans as a "skinhead." i.e., a Nazi sympathizer. See how easy that was? :D
What happened to fox news over the last ten years? If this consist of news show me the news other than that this guy don't have a leg to stand on just another Teabagger talking shit about the first black president we should be above the fray at this point in this nation. #ridiculous
Actually the only person spreading their ass cheeks are your parents ----YOU are the perfect example of ignorance and stupidity. My sympathy to your parents for having bred a jackass like yourself!! I see the family resemblance of your face whenever I glance at obuma's ass!
You are apparently related to A Lunatic Linoge; you should be locked up too. Another inmate that escaped! No wonder there is a pic of you pasted on posters stating that you escaped from the mental ward.
Actually, he sees himself as making the GOP his bitch. The weird twist of fate is rightwingers eagerly spreading their ass cheeks for Obama to consummate the GOP's bitchdom!
Wow, have you thought about visiting your shrink lately?? Please do us all a favor and tell the hospital that they discharged "YOU" way too early.
Marxo social communi progressiv liberal would be more accurate, also known as anyone in the Democrat party. Wow it sure is fun to generalize.
I have a cure for Obama sickness JAIL!
What an idiot this shrink is.

Keith Ablow Obama's Grandma 'Didn't Trust People of Color,' So He's Taking It Out on America

Courtney highlights critical SNAP benefits by taking SNAP Challenge

Last week, Congressman Courtney and his wife Audrey began the week-long SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Challenge, a program of the ...

Ed Schultz To Heartless and Cruel Republicans: Extend Unemployment Because of Cold!

U.S. Congressman Gary Peters fights to protect SNAP food assistance

At a 7/10/12 press conference outside of the U.S. Capitol, Congressman Gary Peters stood with his Democratic colleagues to oppose GOP efforts to cut SNAP ...

Rangel on GOP Hypocrisy regarding Food Stamps (SNAP), healthcare, etc

September 23, 2013 - Rep Charles B. Rangel talks on MSNBC's Ed Show about Republican opposition to government benefits like Social Security and food ...

User Comments

Congressman Rangel you're an idiot and a crook! Jesus said that you can give a man a fish and it will feed him for a day but teach a man to fish and it will feed him for a lifetime!

Reduction in 'Snap' benefits

billion dollars lost overnight.
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