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Unemployment insurance yield Videos

Geoffrey Qhena - CEO, IDC - Bond Sale

(www.abndigital.com) The Industrial Developmental Corporation has raised 2 billion rand through a bond sale to the Unemployment Insurance Fund which will ...

Fiscal Policy - Bonds and Yield Curves

Fiscal Policy - Bonds and Yield Curves - An understanding of why bonds and yield curves are important for an economy and for a government when enacting ...

User Comments

Hi. Can you please advise why there are 2 playlists for Macro AS/IB and Macro A2/IB? Thanks. Great videos. They are helping a lot for my MBA eco exams.
hi there, nice videos. Please can you tell me, How inflation/deflation can affect capital and money market?
Thank you so much ! This helps a lot!

Rep. McGovern: Days away from tax increase on 160 million middle-income Americans & GOP says no vote

Last night, the Rules Committee -- at the direction of the Republican leadership -- voted out a martial law rule that will deny the House of Representatives an ...

User Comments

You should not run again Jim. You are too honest and compassionate for your colleagues. Get out before the Oligarchy pulls you down. Help those who care figure out how to stop it from happening.
@uniquehrg His honesty is why we need him in office. I do not wish to have a sellout for my congressman. That is why I like Jim. He is not soldout.
We need more people going out and talking about this. Great post.

PCPE 2009 / Hans-Hermann Hoppe: "The Yield from Money Held" Reconsidered / English

Prague Conference on Political Economy 2009 Hans-Hermann Hoppe: "The Yield from Money Held" Reconsidered (Cuhel Memorial Lecture) "Prague ...

User Comments

Hoppe starts around 16:30

Stamenkovic Says 10-Year Treasury Yields May Reach 3%

Aug. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Nicholas Stamenkovic, a fixed income strategist at RIA Capital Markets Ltd., talks about the outlook for Treasury yields ahead of Federal ...

ILO: Transition to green economy could yield up to 60m jobs

Pelosi Outlines Democrats' Campaign Vision

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told Judy Woodruff in an interview Thursday that the deal forged on Capitol Hill to extend a payroll tax cut and continue ...

Disturbios callejeros en Madrid entre manifestantes y policía.

Only a month after being lionized for staring down European officials and avoiding budgetary dictates from Brussels, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy unveiled ...
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