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Tackling UK benefits culture... in Merthyr, part1/2 (07Sept10)

Part 1 of 2: A special report looking at "A Town Like Merthyr" and the benefits culture vs job prospects in an area. Recorded from Sky News, 07 September 2010.

User Comments

see racism works both ways its so sad
+Marty Boy whites are useless living off the state us indians are doctors etc they need us not redneck smelly fucks like you
I wondered how long it would of been before race came into it oh well always have to blame somebody else but them selves
bullshit Merthyr been made to look bad . its rong
I lived in South Wales for over a year from Liverpool and I never seen it this bad that's why I believe this guy is talking out his arse most of the time he is coming across like a snotty cunt nothing nice to say.i wonder what it will be like if he was in Liverpool
Yep ur right
+cery hopkins do you mean wrong?
The government has taught these people how to be helpless. I'm reminded of all the blacks, sitting on their asses, during the New Orleans floods, screaming "Yall came help us!"
What have black people in New Orleans got to do do with this programme you thick racist cunt go and get a job
the girl is on income support [rolls royce of benefit] could get her teeth done for free she could have lovely teeth there good looking ppl. just need a little makeover :) xx
mind you you probably know all about cos your trailer trash and poor.
no i just live in the 21st century there teeth remind me of the inbred's in deliverance,ugh.squeal piggy squeal.
+jayne1xx1 You must be a yank because the are obsessed with teeth.
What puzzles me is that the government claims they want to get people off benefits and into work, but at the same time, they are cutting off lifelines such as the future jobs fund, perpetuating the very thing they supposedly want to put a stop to. I feel so sorry for that young guy being put out of work because of government cuts - how is he supposed to support a young family when they refuse to invest in new jobs and give people their dignity back? Sadly, I can only see the situation in Merthyr getting much worse, as the government removes benefits without taking responsibility for getting people back into work, and forcing them onto the streets and most likely turning to crime as a means of survival.
It seems the government don't care about human life I just can't understand why the government is so cruel.

UK Roma fear proposed migration legislation

Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Laurence Lee reports from Derby, where Roma campaigners ...

User Comments

Roma are sub-humans
+clarky clarky That was what Hitler said. He said the same to other people he discriminated against.
The unemployed and homeless people of Derby will be delighted to see immigrants lessening the amount of jobs and housing
And would you do a crappy job for low pay?  Or are you one of the middle~class lefties who thinks he/she is too good for the low paid work?  Are you also a well~to~do middle class person who is not affected by the housing shortage so really does not care about poor folk who cannot find homes?  Are you an employer who likes paying low wages and immigrants fit that bill quite nicely.  Also, I know that a lot of immigrants only do their mandatory four years of work before claiming benefits.  I also know that a lot of immigrant women conveniently become pregnant while in the UK, thus allowing them to claim another shed load of benefits.  But you will not be interested in that.  You are only bothered when it is poor white English people claiming benefits
If Roma people, that are barely able to speak English and or are educated, can find work then so can the unemployed British citizens. Romas occupy one house per 13 members of their families when the British would complain when 4 people live in a house of the same size.Bottom line is that the British society is lazy. They don't take jobs because they feel they are too good for them, unless someone is serving it on a silver platter with all expenses paid. Ever watched Benefit Street? It a great place to start so next time you can think before you type :)
We have unskilled unemployed British people - yet they ship in new labour for this factory... Kind of says everything that is wrong with our immigration policies.
+infinitecanadianI can understand your sentiment, I also like to have a safe workplace and society, but we will not lose it through foreigners, but our own lack of understanding how the global world works these days.How do you expect them to have a safe income for their hard work if we, as the customers of the companies who pay them, doesn't like to pay a fair price and create laws which forbid the exploiting of foreign countries? We created these situations with them together.The actual war zone around Syria and the Iran/Iraq which creates these huge ammounts of refugees (which are mostly in Turkey and other countries surounding the area, and Italy, NOT the UK) is result of colonial politics of the last century and religious differences between them, which hopefull will be solved into new countries after the conflict. Some see similarities to the 30 years war, and I agree.The Sinti and Roma are a similiar group, because they can't live savely in their own countries, which is the fault of the governments there. Because Romania (eg) is a part of the EU, they can move freely to look for a safer life. Of course this creates problems, but neither the UK not the rest of the EU can look away and keep them out because we are too lazy to solve the problems there.But, what I really hate about the workplace statement is, that we had another historic guy in Europe who spoke similiar about Jews and other minorties, and for whatever reason, people seems to think it is okay to do it again.To blame minorties for our governmental and sytematical flaws doesn't solve them, a change in the system will, how we treat our minorties, and how the are treated by big companies and politicans who doesn't create laws for the good of all people.
+diegovskiIt's funny because if infinitecanadian's username is to be believed, Canada and the Harper government loves immigrants way more than the UK.
+infinitecanadian Yes! They should do what the British always did: stay in their own country and build it, instead of going around the world multiplying and destroying the livelihood of local populations!Oh, wait, the British colonised half the world, including Canada. I'm confused now.
+Christian MüllerIf they want a better life, they should make one in their own country, working hard and cooperating.  The U.K. is not a charity, and doesn't need all these freeloaders coming in.
+neverfearchrisishere The world need to change things in this matter, if all people get more wages. But the EU doesn't lower them, and I'm sick of british guys arguing about the EU laws without being a full member of the EU anyway.I tell you something, if the EU is so bad, as you trying me to tell, and your government can do anything better without them, then go. And we will see how the mighty british 'empire' will crumble in this new global world.
+Christian Müller Yes, if you could magically make the world wealthy enough to pay everyone western wages....  Which is just not going to happen.. so all the EU is achieving is to reduce the lowest pay rates towards the global average wage (which is sickeningly low) - The politicians in Brussels are clever enough to work that out...  while selling you the spin your repeating.
+neverfearchrisishereYes, the laws are the problem which allow greedy companies to hire someone for such a low pay. I think the EU could be the most important part in fighting against it, if there would be a union-wide minium wage law.Foreigner will come anyway, as long as our own economy doesn't really help their own countries to have a better live.I suppose that, if the UK would leave the union and try to prevent new foreigners it would lose much jobs due companies which transfer their facilities elsewere because they don't want to pay more wages. The same counts for every other country of the EU. We are in a globalised world, if the europan people wan to have a fair loan and good life, they need to think globally, not in nations. And if the whole EU would make a way for decent wages and employment laws, it would be much harder for companies just to leave. Some would do it anyway though.
+Christian Müller I don't disagree with the people exploiting the law, I disagree with the law.  Without these people the factory would raise pay so they can attract local people to the job.  Pay for this type of job used to be far higher than it is now.... They are able to pay people less because of the EU, so they do, raising their profits at the expense of the rest of the economy that now has to pay to help these under payed people.
they are not get shipped in by your government, nor the EU or something. They come because they can and want to have a better life, they can't get in their own countries because companies like these chicken facility don't pay proper wages.The citiziens of the EU need to stop to blame these people, the system of our economy to exploit everything they can and don't get stopped by laws is.
Most biased report by Al Jazzera ever. How about a report on migrants lives in Qatar please?
Your completely missing the point and having a paddy because I've pointed this out. I am talking about this report in relation to AlJazzeras record on home treporting. They hardly ever do honest home reporting and regularly make incorrect comments about the situation in the west, in fact they are almost on par with RT on that one. Yes they have done a few reports on home, but only since other media agencies bring the WC situation in Qatar to limelight have they even begun.They regularly slate ther UK with no real backbone to their comment. My comment was that this is extremely biased reporting and as a respected news source they must sort it out.Don't NEW FLASH me like a prententious school boy. There are some facts here. This is a biased report, your upset I pointed this out. You are uoset that there is no way around the comments in this report are wrong and that Al J could report more and the seriously bad situiations at home and around them.As for where I get news from well BBC, S4C, ITV, Independent, Gaurdian, NY Times, Daily Post. Real News Network, TYT, Macedonia News, Balkan Insight, The Balkanist, RT, Channel 5 News, The Western Mail, South Wales Echo, Reuters, ВЕСТ, Република Македонија.... to just name a few, there are many more. I suggest we leave this as we will never agree. 
+Dan Carter Right, unfounded and ridiculous...you complained about no reports on Qatari migrants when there was a report two months ago (sure they can report more but like I previously stated, there are more pressing matters at hand). And I apologize for saying you were bitching and moaning, that was clearly uncalled for but still doesn't change the point. If AJ isn't reporting on a some topics you would like them to, why not switch and just leave it at that? Secondly, who are you quoting when saying "something you won't find in British media" ? No one said that yet here you are correcting somebody. And of course it's going to be a little biased, because NEWS FLASH! Every media source is. Including BBC, BBC having a long long history of biased news reporting, so much so that there is a website dedicated to it. And if it doesn't bother you, what other media do you get your news from? 
I watch it with a variety of other media to try to get an unbiased and varied view of world events. Therefore I have ability to tell when something is completely biased, flase (1. "something you won't find in British media" - you will. 2. "England" its called the UK not England). Was there a bitch or a moan? No there was a critique on how this journalist in particular is biased and makes Al Jazzzera look bad considering there home Journalists are never really investigating there own affairs. Its my free right to critise a biased report as well and critque you unfounded and somewhat ridiculous replies.
If you are so opposed to Al "Jazzera" why are you watching these videos? So you can bitch and moan when a subject that you are fond of isn't reported on? Believe it or not, there are more pressing matters at hand than immigration policies concerning Romas. Again, if you think Al "Jazzera" is so biased, leave. And don't look back. If you stay it's on you. 
And the British media has never cover said subject? Never have the Guardian or BBC mentioned the Roma immigration situation... This is why its biased you twat, because they have. Al jazzera is the worst for critising their own backyard they do it once in a blue moon so pillocks like you can be like well they mentioned it once. 
+Dan Carter Right, implying that they didn't interview a man named Aakash on Qatars human rights record barely 2 months ago...
The fact is they never talk about such things in Qatar you pillock.
Look at the name of this video and tell me how it's biased. You idiot they are talking about the Uk not Qatar.
that would be a good one, Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and generally the UAE
Yea Laurence Lee always gives Ireland and the UK a roasting when it comes to migrants,  despite the fact that both places treat foreigners with relatively high degrees of dignity. As you said, why not look at how Indians are treated in the Gulf States, or Filipinos in Hong Kong?!
lmao. that's how the media works. it's shows the faults of others but never their own. only time they point the camera at themselves is to brag and try to fool us into believing that they are doing  right thing. 

Unemployment. Awful in Britain, catastrophic in Spain

Godfrey points out that allthough today's unemployment figures are bad for the UK, they are far worse in the Eurozone, particularly in Spain. Being outside the ...

User Comments

@chiggy79 it's a free job market where the best gets the job, in the UK most doctors, biologists and IT specialists in the most difficult jobs are Indian, it's impossible to replace those overnight, moreover it did cost many millions to educate these people in their home countries and Britain gets them free of that cost. In the low pay job sectors it is UK companies that prefer low wage workers to local people, such as the flight meal preparation workers at Heathrow.
If Britain shuts the doors to foreign workers, that instantly means foreign students too, but most universities in the UK will go out of business without the unfairly high fees those foreign students pay. It is Britain that needs foreigners, not the other way around, except of course some lazy immigrants that come to abuse the welfare benefits system.
Just forbid the kerchief those muslima's wear. Make it very uncomfortable for them. Our unemploymentrate is 5% here in Holland. And we also got a lot of problems with immigration from non-western countries. We should close our borders for non-western countries. The diffrences within the EU are big enough. Turkey should stay the fuck out.
Well.. their culture has not invented anything... let's say in more than a 1000 years. Look around you..telephone.. ages ago. Our culture invented it.. toilet..pc.. radio.. microscope.. Ipod.. your heat. Normal roads.. trains... cars.. airplains... even the back of the horse. What culture do they bring? Nothing. We don't go there.
It's pathetic to compare the UK to countries like Spain or Greece. What's next? Comparing UK with Iraq or AFghanistan and say how well your off compared to them? Why not compare with Germany/France/Benelux/Scandinavia. I wonder if you will still have your rose tinted glasses on.
don't worry, spaniards will not take your jobs away, we are not mexicans... we are also full of southamerican/subsaharian/easterneuropean immigrants, and immigrants keep invading us... despite our unemployment
I think this is a problem to all EU countries. here in Greece we have up to 1 mil foreigner workers (near 10% of the population) and most of them are from NON EU countries. makes me wonder why.
Who cares what is going on in other countries,when our country is being ethnically cleansed through the back door.In 50 years time our white culture will be just a memory !!
the Uk is broke , yes the have control of their monetary policy, still they're like everyone in europe, banks are broke too, soon it will all melt down. Sorry
The UK is the worst dumpster in Europe at the moment. People in spain and greece may not have money, but at least they have the sun and lifestyle.
Globalist Bankers are running this show,hoping to herald in the NWO with the approval of the World population.Remember Problem,Reaction,Solution.

Daily Market Bite 11th November, 2015: UK Unemployment Falls to 1.75 Million

UK Unemployment Falls to 1.75 Million, Veterans Day Public Holiday in the US Today.
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