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Iphone 5s fingerprint malfunction Videos

iPhone 5 screen malfunction

User Comments

Exact same problem here. It has happened 3-4 times since I got it. Actually, the first one I received at the local Verizon store and after 3 hours of setting it up, the entire screen had about ten vertical bars from top to bottom. I went to the Apple store and they replaced the phone without hassle, but now I'm having the same glitch you see in this video...
Mine does this intermittently. Have you found a way to make this happen on command? When I try to show the Sprint/Apple people, it never happens.
that happened to me, i took my phone to the store and then nothing happens

malfunction replacement screen - iphone 5

Apple iphone 4s 5s review malfunction - Beware! - Avoid Apple iphones

Brand new Apple iPhone 4s malfunction. Complained (ref. no. Case Nos. 579848680 and 587599408) several times (25 REMINDERS) to Apple India customer ...

Iphone screen malfunction (iphone malfunction.)

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Where have you been?

iphone 6 touch malfunction before I reseat flexes

iphone 6 touch malfunction before I reseat flexes.
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