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NewsLife: WEATHER FORECAST for December 6-7, 2014 (Weekends); Update on Typhoon 'Ruby'

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Cute weather girl.

Super Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby) Update | December 4, 2014

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I hope people get out of the way this time. 
lord please protect us

4MIN News December 30, 2013: Volcano Paper, Spaceweather

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Thanks man. You woke me up two years ago and I cannot thank you enough for that. You share your wisdom with us and encourage us to dig deeper, to continue to turn the pages and to not have contempt prior to investigation. You do us all a great service.
Sounds about right. This one is a Meade 8" LS with CDC finder camera and GPS and all the bells and whistles, and tech support I need To call if I ever get a day off. it was 2200.00
Did it seem darker longer this morning. It was strange here in NW Pennsylvania?? Or am I just being silly?
oh my goodness....I am so glad to see your remark....I looked outside at what should have been dawn and thought, "how strange-it should NOT be dark now" I'm in Northeast Philadelphia...anyone else notice this?
Re: that article discussing the Phosphorous cycle, check out bokashi "composting" (it's fermenting food/human-waste that is easy to implement on the small scale.) It closes up the NPK loops, and by culturing an entire community of symbiotic microorganisms, it makes it harder for any pathogenic species to become dominant.
YES! YES! YES!!!!Wonderful contributions today!!! Humanure to the rescue!! Using our fresh water supplies to whisk away our waste products is the WORST thing we could be doing because water is the PERFECT ENVIRONMENT for the deadly bacteria to grow in. The recent world-wide declaration by the UN that everyone should be 'celebrating the toilet' this year should clue people in that there is something WRONG with this practice. Do people even realize that the solids from waste treatment plants are SOLD to farmers for fertilizer? That may not sound so bad until you realize all the other 'stuff' that gets mixed in like medications and other chemicals that get flushed, and the treatment KILLS all beneficial bacteria that would otherwise clue farm produce into what it's supposed to be feeding.An IMMEDIATE thermophilic reaction occurs when fecal matter meets organic matter and the heat KILLS deadly bacteria and allows the beneficial SHARED bacteria between plants and consumers to be the genetic messagers that keep the loop closed. Tiny remnants that remain behind in the toilet when you flush breed RAMPANTLY and can go airborne much much easier spreading illness.If the subject sounds 'icky' to you, it's because the PROPANGANDA is doing it's job.
Hello Every0ne! Hope you are all cozy and well! Hot today and we had no rain/storm... Was quite amazed with all the lightning strikes yesterday on the news, with people being killed... Oi... Sorry... Otherwise, thank you for the update and keep going strong! Warmest wishes to all, raine and pierre :-} PS Don't know if I mentioned that yesterday was really cold here... :-}
+Lilith LeAmas It is quite sad and bizarre...  I think you may be able to do a search:  "struck by lightning, 29 Dec 2013"...  Just checked the results, and those that I read are on the first page...  Glad to have your comment to know you're okay, as well...  Best wishes :-}
I hadn't heard about the lightning-related deaths. So sad. Glad you are both safe & well! Best wishes! <3
+Suspicious0bservers Regarding your fertilizer article. The 'by-product' of processing the ore into Phosphorous fertilizer is fluoride which is toxic. They put this toxic fluoride in your water. True story //www.london.ca/residents/Water/Water-System/Pages/Water-Fluoridation-FAQ%27s.aspx Poo is a much better option, it needs no processing other than time itself and the raw material is a free natural byproduct of living! It can also be produced locally
+Dreadragon FlameHmm im not sure how it works on small scale breakdown, however i know if you 'hot heap' which is basically getting LOADS of compostable material in one big pile; the heat given from the 'hot heap' is due to so many living bacteria and the heat given off from them all 'metabolizing' or 'living'
Indeed! But doodoo try to keep your peepee seperate from you poopoo if you want it to work safely,  wet sawdust or other organic material does not heat up as well =DBeen thinking about this process lately, and knowing how the smelly bad bacteria thrives in moisture, I wonder if the heat that is generated is (at least) partially due to the moisture being absorbed out into the sawdust/grass/leaves? Perhaps the movement of liquid from one medium to another generates a tiny bit of friction? I've never really studied it thoroughly and just repeat the term 'thermophilic reaction'.

Super Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby) Latest Update, December 4, 2014

Be prepared for calamities and natural disasters. Get free survival tips and gadgets here: //bit.ly/1w3MPko In a remarkable period of intensification, Hagupit ...

Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby) Evening Update | December 5, 2014

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Thank you!!

Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby) Update | December 8, 2014

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