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Iphone 5s fingerprint police Videos

How A Detective Uses Fingerprints!

Lisa Landis and the Kids Cookie Break get a lesson from the Lancaster Police Department's Detective Hickey on how they use find and use fingerprints!

User Comments

fucking pigs
+TheOplele what

Know Your Rights When the Police Want to Take Your Fingerprints

If the police suspect that you were involved in a crime, they might want to take physical evidence from you. Physical evidence might include your fingerprints, ...

Samsung police scanner

Pioneer place opening for iPhone 5S and 5c.

User Comments

Pioneer place opening for iPhone 5S and 5c.
Lol I live in Portland.

Suspect arrested in 2001 bank robbery in Blanchester

LIVE Apple iPhone 5S / 5C

User Comments

ma se scrivo qui mi leggi live?
Non ti leggevo! :(

Why the iPhone 5S is GREAT!

User Comments

Iphone 5S is a great phone. IMO the Note 3 is the best Smartphone made to date. It has it all. The S-Pen features are just sick. The phone is fast as lightning. Always great videos, I agree with 95% of your comments and choices. Nexus 5 on sale, they just keep coming, Love it. Vinny
I really like this look into what makes this phone great. & this vid is from an Android user that doesn't let an affinity for another platform drive his view of another... Just awesome!!! I hope you're reviewing the iPad Air as I'm interested in it & would like your views on it
I have the iPhone 5 with iOS 7 and the battery sucks. It drains faster than a hiccup. The phone is not as smooth as when it was on iOS 6. I like the camera and video recording, but the OS needs a lot of work to be as smooth as it's predecessor.
I got the iphone 5 on t-mobile and I'm thinking of gettin this but idk. I said my next phone would be note 3 but I like iOS. Lol tuff call.
@timbay Get the Note 3. I'm working a video like this for the Note 3 as well, should be ready soon. Thanks.
I'm sure if I will yet, right now working on the iPad Air video. Thanks.
How are you getting the iPad air tomorrow if it doesn't come out yet?
I'm getting the ipad air tomorrow woohoo!! Still rocking the 5c
The iPhone 5s is a great phone but certainly not the best.
No keyboard is better than the Swype keyboard.period.
It is good to see an real review not just a fanboy
Nice vid but i will always stick to Apple
Yo j will you the be getting the nexus 5?
Nice video again

Taking Back Gallery Row- Police Visibility

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