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Japan typhoon weather update Videos

Typhoon Jelawat / Lawin and Severe Weather In Japan

Severe weather is found in all places across the western pacific today, a Tornado was seen in Northern Japan due to strong storms on Tuesday ( See our article ...

User Comments

Looks like it won't be to big a deal in Taiwan.
1.03 to 1.11........nice one Rob! :D
Cool tornados in Japan!

Typhoon Mawar will pass south of Japan through midweek

Jennifer Delgado gives an update on the track of Typhoon Mawar and quiet weather conditions for China.

User Comments

Why is CNN showing a live shot of China and doing a China weather report?
Radioactive Typhoon , No People , it's not a movie !

Japanese Typhoon Leaves 1 U.S. Airman Dead, 2 Missing

Two U.S. airmen are missing at sea and one is dead after they were washed away by waves from Typhoon Phanfone in Japan. Follow Jasmine Bailey: ...

Typhoon Neoguri to turn towards Japan tomorrow morning

Typhoon Neoguri is passing through Korea's Jeju island... but relief may be in sight. We have Kim Bo-gyung joining us from the weather center. Bo-gyung, it ...

Super Typhoon Neoguri Hits Japan!!

Super Typhoon Neoguri to brush past Japanese island of Okinawa. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1N85MiTQ-N0gsI3XBCCYbw?sub_confirmation=1 ...

User Comments

no sea of japan real name is east sea ! OK?

Typhoon smashes into Japan

A powerful typhoon smashed into Japan on Wednesday and headed for the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, where workers raced to protect buildings and ...

User Comments

Well done HAARP (which ever arrays where included in this).Is this why the p;us 6 quakes have dropped for a while. Well done to aim this at all those exposed rods that have melted down. Well done US Air Force, Navy Ratheon etc.Well done Japan in having MOX. Well done world innot using Thorium instead of uranium (uranium make the weapons plutonium , thorium does not). Not all of us are fooled and I put my real name to it as I fear you not for your time is short.Amen
Umbrella in Typhoon bad. Time to make and market bubble boy suits in Japan for such occasions.
Umbrella in Typhoo bad. Time to make and market bubble boy suits in Japan for such occasions.
poor japan :( come on nature, pick someone else's country...
typhoon trolling japonese
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