His affliction was so severe that it left me speechless. So many - it was rather hard to dig them out! But we do not stop. We work until the victim has been freed ...
+Lendell Fana Hi Lendell, there is much information on our website about jiggers and if you are new to our channel, it will be helpful to you. Just go to //www.killthejigger.org/blog/ We use a lidocaine product (Alocane) which is a topical anesthetic which numbs the skin before doing a procedure; this helps a lot! There may be discomfort if it is a severe case, but not intolerable. The hydrogen peroxide we use at the end causes more pain than removing the jiggers. Little children, however, will cry even if there is no pain as they don't like to be restrained and they are afraid. Fear often causes the crying.
Thank you Wanda Stevensxx.. For some reason I get EMAILS EVERY TIME THIS
CERTAIN PERSON COMMENTS.So hey there are hundreads of us protecting Jim an
rise up. Yahh we are doing an awsome job. Love you all.
+Libby Brown Also sometimes when Lesley and her differant names start with their abuse on any posts I post I deleate my own comments as this stops her in her tracks quickly. As I don't think it is apropriate for this behaviour on A site that only helps people. She has also tried on facebook to harass me. She has sent so many different names as friend requests but I rejected them all so facebook has now said they have to declare who they are. I wish utube was so easy.xxx Thank you again.
+megi shanava Hi Megi, this is caused by a sand flea which jumps onto a victim's skin as they walk or as they sleep at night. The areas are full of these fleas and the homes as well. Here is some general information:Jiggers are a sand flea known as a Chigoe Flea. They are the smallest flea on the planet. This flea only lives in tropical and sub-tropical regions surrounding the globe. The female flea burrows into the skin with only it's back end at the surface. The female, head first into the skin constantly suckles the blood from its human host. She excretes an enzyme that creates the thick, dark coloured crusts called "scales" that protect the jigger from being dug out by the human host and only have a hole at the surface to defecate and lay eggs. The male jigger then comes and fertilizes the female jigger and the eggs ripen within her abdomen. At this point she continues to suckle blood to feed herself and ripen the eggs in her abdomen which grows in size. That is the white gooky critter that gets dug out (the abdomen and eggs). If the female is able to lay her eggs before being dug out, she lays them to the outside of the person's skin and the eggs fall to the ground to hatch into baby fleas which go through stages (larvae, pupae) until adult and the whole life cycle starts over again. IF she is successful in laying her eggs without being dug out, she dies inside the skin where her decaying body can potentially cause infection and pain. The Chigoe Flea's entire life-cycle from egg to larvae1, larvae2, pupae, adult and death is approximately 30 days plus or minus. It is these multiple cycles of the sand flea's life cycle that eventually erode away the fingers and toes if left untreated.You can find more information on our website which will help clear things up for you: //www.killthejigger.org/blog Thanks for viewing. We hope you will join us in the battle against the Jigger. Keep watching the videos. Blessings!
Meu Deus, como pode existir uma enfermidade desse tipo? Eu nunca tinha
visto em toda minha vida. Isso deve ser um sofrimento total.... como isso
acontece? Estou chocada.
Deus que nos livre desse PARASITA....mas eu descobri que, esse verme chupa o sangue, deposita seus ovos e, prolifera geral muito rápido. A saúde pública pela África é caótica....por isso tantas doenças vem 1o por lá.
+Yahaya Sad The flea and egg sac that are black and have a black liquid coming out are at the end of their life cycle and decaying in the skin. Or it is a very large egg sac with line of black that would be their innards.
here is my thought. cut them all open. just keep going straight across and
take the tops off all the jigger sore. then go back and dig them out, too
much time wasted picking and wiping. just go straight across,open them all
up,then dig em out. im a nurse,just trying to help, im sure its harder than
it looks,but I think my idea wiil help to go faster.
I have been thinking the same thing, obviously there are jiggers being passed by. I think that if it looks like a dozen in one place, it's would be better to cut larger pieces of the dead skin off. Also clean out all of the jiggers better. I wish the gauze wouldn't be used for more than four jiggers. I love the female volunteer, she can see unseen jiggers, she only cuts if need be. She also does an amazing clean up job of getting all of the jiggers out, wiping them all out. She is delicate but very precise. Sometimes the guys seem in a rush and you see more blood. I wish I could volunteer, I would love to do this, but I'm sure he heat and the smell is overwhelming. I don't understand why more doctors aren't helping more. Also do they use any type of bug spray for the flea/jigger infestation in the homes, schools and surrounding areas? I love this mission and the videos, keep on doing God's work and stay Blessed!
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