We have a tall patio heater, bought from Amazon one year ago, that simply stopped lighting. The sparker worked, the gas can was full but the unit would simply ...
Ford TransitConnect -09 1.8TDCi cold start without heater on -30°c"
At first, it's now so called ex-car so I can't do any videos of that van anymore. But, Webasto is broken and I'll try to get to work again with Ford Duratorq 1.8 TDCi ...
+David Lowe You need a stronger battery. There is no other way around. After you bought one, premium diesel may also help, but that really can hurt your wallet, so only refuel that when it's REALLY cold out there.
+KozloEbban вот догреватель у меня наелся, и зимой прогревается только на ходу, стоит остановится и температура падает. Вчера скачал книжку по ремонту торнео со схемами, но, чувствую это мне не поможет, придется ехать к дилеру, хотя не уверен в их квалификации.
+KozloEbban Именно в свечах и проблема, у меня на 4 зиму тоже в -15 не завелся, но после замены свечей двигатель запустился с пол оборота. На 7 зиму тоже пришлось менять, т.к. ставил не оригиналы.
+nickan кстати, с тех пор многое изменилось. Из четырех свечей накала не работала ни одна. Видимо, в них заложен примерно одинаковый ресурс. Этой зимой надеемся на более успешные запуски.В прошлом приходилось транзит загонять на ночь в тёплый бокс даже в -5-7 или топить сперва долго вебастой... До прошлой зимы это чудище стояло постоянно в тёплом боксе и я не могу оценить, до скольки оно заводится.. По идее, если всё исправно и соляра не кисель, отчего ему не завестись?
+KozloEbban или соляра гавно или что-то неисправно, у меня первые три года до пробега 100 тысяч до -32 вообще проблем не было с запуском, всегда с первого раза, даже соседи по стоянке офигевали на бензинах. Щас 7 лет и 265 тысяч. Прошлой зимой проблемы с запуско мтолько если холоднее -25, но у меня никаких вебасто нет, хотя желание поставить возникает, когда под -40 жахает, а ехать надо.
Am I laughing? If I did, it was because of that funny situation and maybe a bit personal opinion that I'm not very keen to diesels and these new plastic filled -cars that never warms up when it's -20°c. Besides, that Ford was CAR compared to my current car on work.
Off, I turned lights off at 0:46. They are ON right after I turn the key in first position and that's not good thing for start-up as I said. On that switch first turn is parking lights and second one is for manual lights and dash lights.
Because lights turns automatically on before engine when I turn the key and two 55W halogens takes much more energy on start-up than parking lights which I actually just switched on in that video. Every energy is needed in cold cold start and what u would need would be some behaving-filter in your mouth.
Kenlowe Hotstart HS4 2.7Kw 230v Engine Pre-Heater
Bought 2nd hand I thought it would be a good idea to test before fitting to my car. It heats up to about 88c and doesn't cut back in till 45c which I think is a bit low, ...
@snoopdogzify Yes fitted December 2010 to a 1.7CDTi Corsa, its been really
nice on those cold icy mornings. I switch it on from indoors about 40
minutes before I leave for work.The only problem is the 5 litres of cold
oil in the sump will bring the engine from 90 down to about 60 when I drive
off. There's not much I can do unless I fit a sump heater.When its really
cold I like to switch on the heater fan to pre-warm the inside. I would
like a Webasto Thermo Top, they are 5kw and work anywhere..
Hi did you have to prime the pump first before doing the test? Im asking
because I have the very same unit and it heats up and I can hear the motor,
but no water is being pumped out when I do the same test!! Cheers
I'm not sure what the flow rate is but as you can see its pretty good...
Survival Basics - Emergency Heat
How do you heat your house in an emergency? If you live in a house with a fireplace or wood stove, then your set. On the other hand if your like us and live in a ...