Jante originale BMW import Germania pentru Seria 3 E36 E46 E90 E91 E92 Seria 5 E39 E60 E61 F10 F11 Seria 6 E63 E64 F12 F13 Seria 7 E65 F01 F02 Seria ...
Jante BMW 17 style 44 Chrom Polished (sunt de vanzare :))
what is this bumper called. lol i bought my e36 and im pretty sure this is
the bumper on it ( i know this is e46). anyway my friend crashed his e36 m3
and wants my bumper now
Astuce d'installation , sur jantes larges, de pneus flans tendus.wmv
Ma page Facebook : //facebook.com/Moinele76 Les grandes enseignes de réparations de pneus n'ont pas réussi à m'installer mes pneus en 205/55r16 sur ...
ha oui, c'est une belle astuce, domage que tu n' ai jamais vu ce que l'
éclatement ou le déjantage d'un pneu peu faire. Il y a déjà eu dès morts
suite à l' éclatement de pneu au montage. je trouve ça complètement nul ta
vidéo. il existe des pattes de gonflage sans danger que l'on trouve chez de
VRAI spécialiste du pneu.
+Frag Nach der wagen hatte damals kein xenon beim kauf der Rest hat halt gepasst. man musste halt drauf verzichten. erzhäl mir bitte nicht was es gibt und was nicht :)
There are three words I think of having watched this video: pathetic,
ridiculous, cheap. A visual catastrophe. What's more E60 is the worst
looking 5 series ever. It's still a BMW but thank god there's a new one!
+Branislav Boba you serious? the e60 was the last true 5 series :S (the newer F10 5 series shares the same chassis as the 7 series). It was one of the most visually distinctive and ahead of its time.. even today, the car doesn't look dated, the yellow eyebrows, bonnet flare, aggressive stance.. with the m-sport aerodynamics pack it was beautiful... the new 5 series is pretty meh...
+SS W ai zis Golf si ma uitam dupa BMW,..daca ma gandesc bine am vazut numere d-astea prin zona pe la mine si pot sa le asociez cocalarilor avand in vedere propietarii masinilor cu pricina, salut.
Pai in pula mea, daca apreciez video-ul dau like, rubrica asta de aici e pentru comentarii. Pe langa faptul ca nu am zis nimic de marimea placutelor, pentru ca toate au aceeasi marime, de unde rezulta ca nu am nicio treaba cu masinile daca nu suport cocalarismele? Ai macar varsta de permis, bai baiatule? Citeste asta si dupa impusca-te linistit in cap: //www.4tuning.ro/bloguri/ganduri-octanice/2013/05/15/secretul-placutelor-de-inmatriculare-cu-litere-despartite-cu-spatiu/ !
+adagioforstrings007 Daca ai ce sa iti bagi... Cu video-ul nu e nimic in neregula, stim cu totii ce profesionist e Santos. Ma refer la placutele de inmatriculare ale Golfului. Dupa cum vezi, in cazul in care nu esti chior, are literele spatiate la maxim, chestie pe care o observi la toti cocalarii. Chestia asta o faceau de mult politistii ca sa nu se recunoasca in trafic, dar probabil al 15 ani...
@punannymaster ....first of all the 7 series bmw is boss. second of all you
probably think its a waste of money because u can't affford one. third of
all, i drive an 09 benz, bitches love the ride- pun intended, im no young
grass hopper. p.s. the bmw m3 is a rediculously sexy car- you can't hate
@BETTERthanUare sorry i have no graduation how to handle mentally disabled
people therefore i think we cannot comunicate. so if you don't mind I would
stop talking to you. thanks.