I'm kidding dude. It's totally safe. Just make sure you download this file, and not click some ad banner or something. lol. Pulled it straight out of an XP install. Just run it and play. I recommend putting it somewhere in Programs folder. and making a shortcut. I haven't tested this in 10 though, or 8.1. Just a heads up.
Of course there are. Even most cheap-ish motherboards will support up to that amount. Pretty sure mine does too, may be 16. If you use some AMD CPU's, you can buy AMD ECC RAM. It's super cheap. Can probably get a few stick upto 32 for around $100 from eBay. Same with older Xeon's. Precision T5400's can work wonders. As far as DDR3/4 memory, it's up there in price. Not near as out of reach as it used to be though.
2 great with XP? Dude 512 MB at one time was classified as starter hardware.. But old OSes like XP were pretty light, and most general software was lenient too. You would never see a web browser eat down gigs of memory or anything like that. I actually used to use like 3 GB with XP back in 2009. It wasn't cheap either, as I recall. My dad got me all this stuff on Christmas 08 at the time. Had a Celeron lol. HP desk. Black and silver, the 2008 style of course. Miss those days really. I personally thought 2007-2010 was the best software era.Run Vista SP2 on this puppy. Love it compared to 7 or 10. Me and my unorthodox ways, still at it.
+11RyanC You just spoke about my everyday life. Only 2GB of RAM is the WORST thing when you have a computer! Maybe it was great back when XP just came out but times have changed.
Well I used to be in K12, so I got free computer equipment for that time. It was an HP Compaq 6005 Pro. Ironically, made this video with it. Not too bad really. 2 gigs of RAM crushed me though lol. Have a built setup now. Quad core CPU, 8 gigs, decent GPU. It works.Trying to get into college now. Time flies.....
+11RyanC I know a thing or two about computers so I'd know what I'm doing. The problem with that would have been that it's a school computer.But it doesn't happen again since I had to restart my computer. (Don't try running Pinball in Full Screen. xD).
It's probably just User Account Control regulating permissions. Disabling may help. But I wouldn't advise doing so if you aren't well versed with what you're doing.+2008WindowsVista
+11RyanC I know, but I had issues like this before. Usually it won't ask you anymore but this time when I unchecked the box the continue had an admin thing and even if I clicked it it STILL asks me if I want to run it every time.
+Jake1702 CP Yes, that's normal behavior. Look for a checkbox on the dialogue to bypass said check. Should say something like, "Always Ask Before Opening", or something like that. Self explanatory enough.
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